Colorado: Where to send the check?

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Good question. I hope they get their act together to overturn this law in the Court system.

Rocky Mountain Gun Owners Assn. State level no-compromise gun lobby. I have a lot of respect for this organization, as far as state level lobbies go they may be the best.

ETA: In my haste to get the info out, I forgot to say thanks. That's a very stand-up move for a non-resident to lend their financial support.
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It will take a little while to get the paperwork for any action filed. I have heard that papers have already been filed to force these laws to a referendum for the next election. If you want to send money to a group who is already producing effective videos attacking the fascistic laws that were just passed then the Independence Institute in Denver would be a prime recipient. John Caldera is a bulldog on unconstitutional or illogical issues.
Develop a long-memory. Primary them with a pro-gun Democrat and then general election them with a pro-gun Republican. A lot of first-term progessives (a/k/a extreme liberals) snuck into office on Obama's coattaile. They will vulnerable this once in the next election cycle.
Another $25 towards the cause. If I don't break a $100 a month the fiancee won't notice. I ought to see if I can draft NFA Trusts for them, will have to check with the Florida Bar, but for a $150 donation I could do a Trust a week without any money on my end. It might not be out-of-state practice if Florida law is the controlling law.
BOTH political action and legal action through the courts are necessary to overturn this crap. We need to work all avenues.
Dumping outside money to help with the fight should raise some eyebrows. Maybe motivate the locals.
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