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Colt Trooper MkIII Pawn Shop Story

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Apr 14, 2008
Yuma, AZ
Yesterday was Colombus Day, but the local Pawn Shop was open, and I was browsing the gun counter when I noticed an individual come in carrying a soft handgun case and a couple of small jewelry boxes. Now this is the same Pawn Shop I had scored a great deal on a LNIB S&W Model 29-3, 44Mag just two weeks ago.

While he was standing in line I went up and VERY politely asked him what was in the case and what his plans were. He stated he had some old jewelry and a "gun that belonged to my Father" he wanted to sell. He said his Father had died and he got the gun, but he was "not into guns". He then showed me a blued Colt Trooper Mk III w/4 inch barrel in .357Mag. The Colt was in brand new condition except for two scratches near one of the flutes on the cylinder.

I told him I was interested in buying the Colt, but he should find out what the shop would give him and then come find me at the counter and we would work out a price.

He comes over to the gun counter in a few minutes and says "They will give me $170 for it. Is that OK with you?" Well, I told him it was not OK because the gun was worth more. I offered him $200 and the deal was done.

I really didn't need another .357 but a friend of mine had told me over the weekend he was looking for a Colt .357. I called him and he jumped at the deal and now the Colt has a new home and a person who "isn't into guns" has a few dollars in his pocket.

Also the owner of the Colt handed me a box of ammo and said this came with the revolver from his Dad. The older box of ammo had exactly SIX rounds missing. Maybe that was all that was shot, but who knows.

I am editing the post to indicate the deal was completed OUTSIDE the store. Although it was initiated very discreetly inside, I would not want to offend the owner by doing business inside his store.
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Great deal

I also commend you for letting the pawn guys make their pitch first.

You handled it very well.

And scored a great gun.
Neat story. The plus is you don't get the evil eye next time you go in.

I think that even if I weren't into guns, I'd have a hard time letting something go that belonged to my father. I have quite a few things mine has passed down to me as I've grown up, probably more than a few more antiques will end up in my possession when it's his time to go. Most of the stuff is not what I would go out and look for myself, but the memories of my father are attached to them and I'll always try to impress that upon my children. It feels to me that family heirlooms have become less prevalent in the current generation.
Excellent Deal

You made at least two persons very happy; your friend, as well as the
gentleman selling the Colt Trooper MK-III. You're also right, the Colt
was worth more $$$, than the pawn shop was willing too give. Here
locally, I would imagine the Trooper MK-III would have fetch'ed 'bout
$250; but that was your deal, and a great find~! Hope your friend
enjoys it; and takes a lot of T-L-C with it. ;) :D
A Colt Trooper Mark III for $200? That was a STEAL!!! Did you have a mask on when you made that deal? :D

I know of what you speak. My Pop passed on 3 1/2 years ago, I've got his old .300 Savage rifle and a H&R 999 .22 pistol he had, the .22 might not be a National Champion blue ribbon winner, but if someone wanted to buy either of them, they'd pay the blue ribbon winner price! LOL The .300 won't be sold either!!
That is a great story, and I'm extremely jealous. Congratulations on handling the situation so smoothly, and that is one heck of a deal on a heck of a gun.
that was big of you to offer a few more bucks than the pawn shop. You are happy and the seller is happy. That's what counts. Congrats!
I wonder the same thing every time I see Antique Road Show. or Pawn Stars on TV.
As John Prine would say : "I hate old pawn shops and graveyards ...for stealing my childhood souvenirs"
From what I've seen, that Colt was worth at least $350 - $400.
Good going on the "discreet" aspect of your pitch. Most pawn shop owners would get really upset if they knew customers were outbidding them.
I once saw a gunshop owner get really mad and order a man out of his store when he offered a guy more for an S&W snubnose than the owner had just offered.
I've cringed more than a few times when I've seen some guy come in and practically give away his gun to the shopowner. I wanted to yell "I'll give you double what he's offering " but held my tongue.
I paid $425 for one just a few weeks ago and don't regret it in the slightest. Great find, sometimes things just work out that nicely.
Selling it would be my only regret. I listened to the naysayers about a Colt Trooper Mark III
.22lr, and REALLY wish I had it back;-(

Course I used it to move to a FA 83 252. Problem was, the 83 was matchgrade, and wouldn't take half the .22lr ammo I have, and, that's a LOT of ammo.
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