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Combat Handguns: It Happened To Me "Moment of Truth"

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Jan 17, 2003
In the August 2003 issue of Combat Handguns article. It Happened To Me "Moment of Truth"
Anyone that has read this, Do any of you find this justified?:confused:
Once the guys was outside the store, it was a bad shoot.

That being said, I have a strong presumption most of the "It Happened to Me!" stories are about as real as the Penthouse Forum. $100 per story and dubious verification processes are a good incentive to BS.
Yep, Thats what I was thinking.;)

I have a friend that has been in Prison for the last 20yrs for shooting a fleeing offender. They called it "MURDER"
Maybe we should combine them?

"Dear Combat Handguns: So there I was, cleaning my Glock during my night shift at the Quickie-Mart, when the three blonde robbers, the infamous "Sorority Bandits", walked in..." :D
If we send in these stories, and then get the New York Times to write an article about it, then we might have something... :D

Did anyone say "dubious verification processes"? :p
Is that the one where the bad guy is turning to leave when the clerk shoots, then he fires thru the windows at the guy, then shoots him when he's 75 feet away?!?!

Once I saw the guy was leaving without shooting me, I'd have called the cops gave them a description and thanked God I was still alive. The way the letter read the guy was looking for someone to shoot. I don't think those stories are 100% either.
"Dear Combat Handguns, I always had trouble believing these stories, until what happened the other night !!":rolleyes:
Funny, you never hear anyone talking about reading Penthouse, " Just for the articles.":scrutiny:
Cool!!!!!! I live next to sorority chicks, and hang around alot of them.:D :D :D This requires more thought and planning. Do these sorority chicks attack in some sort of pattern thru the city?;) Maybe I too can aspire to the QuickeeMart, with Apu as my boss. (who's bullet holes on his chest spell 'Lucky')
The whole notion of "combat handguns" is a bit silly. How much combat has been done with handguns? IIRC, some of the "tunnel rats" used 1911's, but only because of the extremely confined spaces.
I was a little annoyed that they printed that story, true or not. It gives the wrong impression to people, that they can shoot a fleeing felon in the back from 75 feet away.


shooting in the back

My understanding of Texas law as of 1992 (when I studied it for a campaign) was that:
1. An old provision in the TX Constitution allows shooting fleeing thieves in the back to stop the crime.
2. A 1991 law made it illegal to shoot to defend your life in your own home if there was a window available and you didn't jump out (the so-called "retreat rule")

Of course this doesn't fit together to make any sort of rational system to live by, but that's how America's million+ lawyers stay busy.
While shooting a thief in the back (or just about anyone else) is a 'go-straight-to-jail' card in most states, i think it should be completely legal. If I see some guy snatch some old lady's purse, or take off with my TV, you can bet I would like to pop him one in his yellow back.
The only exception is if you have reason to believe the bad guy, that is running away, is going to immediately harm someone else. For example the bad guy has just shot a bunch of kids at a bus stop and he is now running towards the day care center. I know, I know, it's a stretch.
College level creative writing pays off in Combat Handguns and the Penthouse Forum. Make big bucks telling tall tales.

BTW, where's that sorority at?
1. An old provision in the TX Constitution allows shooting fleeing thieves in the back to stop the crime
2. A 1991 law made it illegal to shoot to defend your life in your own ome if there was a window available and you didn't jump out (the so-called "retreat rule")
1. - Sorta. At night you may use deadly force to prevent almost any crime from vandalism on up, on your property or your neighbors. You can also use deadly force almost anytime to recover stolen property from a fleeing felon if you use the force immediately (ie, during the theft) or in fresh pursuit. BTW, this is NOT in the Constitution, Texas, State of, it is in the Texas Penal Code.
2. - Not true. There is NO retreat rule in Texas. In your home you can blow them away the instant they cross the threshold if you follow all the rules (not many, actually) about proper use of force.
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