Comments wanted on a new poster (NSFW?)

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Not to be a wet blanket, but this one leaves me stone cold. I don't like the asociation, and I agree with kungfuhippie, that the pairing sounds more like something an anti would say.

Not my thing at all, no.


Edited to add: I think all the sex toy shops around here would be very surprised to find out they're being felons. There's places all over Houston that sell "sex aids". I'll check the law, but I think you may be incorrect in your presumption regarding Texas.
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Excellent poster; the juxtaposition of the revolver and vibrator increases the impact of each. I like the first rendition best, it got the point across immediately because it's straight and to the point. The second one is too wordy; it's a poster, not a dissertation.
Bwahhhahahahahahahaha! <Gasping for air> Hahahaha HE HE HE hahahaha!!!


I actually busted out in a full fledged guffaw at work and had to hide the page before my co-workers saw it.





p.s. the sad truth is that it'll probably be easier to legalize the sale of "marital aids" in TX than it will be to legalize handguns in Chicago (Parker v. D.C. nothwithstanding).
Not to hijack the thread, but here's the law you were probably thinking of:

43.23. OBSCENITY. (a) A person commits an offense if,
knowing its content and character, he wholesale promotes or
possesses with intent to wholesale promote any obscene material or
obscene device.
(b) Except as provided by Subsection (h), an offense under
Subsection (a) is a state jail felony.
(c) A person commits an offense if, knowing its content and
character, he:
(1) promotes or possesses with intent to promote any
obscene material or obscene device; or
(2) produces, presents, or directs an obscene
performance or participates in a portion thereof that is obscene or
that contributes to its obscenity.
(d) Except as provided by Subsection (h), an offense under
Subsection (c) is a Class A misdemeanor.
(e) A person who promotes or wholesale promotes obscene
material or an obscene device or possesses the same with intent to
promote or wholesale promote it in the course of his business is
presumed to do so with knowledge of its content and character.
(f) A person who possesses six or more obscene devices or
identical or similar obscene articles is presumed to possess them
with intent to promote the same.
(g) It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under this
section that the person who possesses or promotes material or a
device proscribed by this section does so for a bona fide medical,
psychiatric, judicial, legislative, or law enforcement purpose.
(h) The punishment for an offense under Subsection (a) is
increased to the punishment for a felony of the third degree and the
punishment for an offense under Subsection (c) is increased to the
punishment for a state jail felony if it is shown on the trial of the
offense that obscene material that is the subject of the offense
visually depicts activities described by Section 43.21(a)(1)(B)
engaged in by:
(1) a child younger than 18 years of age at the time
the image of the child was made;
(2) an image that to a reasonable person would be
virtually indistinguishable from the image of a child younger than
18 years of age; or
(3) an image created, adapted, or modified to be the
image of an identifiable child.
(i) In this section, "identifiable child" means a person,
recognizable as an actual person by the person's face, likeness, or
other distinguishing characteristic, such as a unique birthmark or
other recognizable feature:
(1) who was younger than 18 years of age at the time
the visual depiction was created, adapted, or modified; or
(2) whose image as a person younger than 18 years of
age was used in creating, adapting, or modifying the visual
(j) An attorney representing the state who seeks an increase
in punishment under Subsection (h)(3) is not required to prove the
actual identity of an identifiable child.

Acts 1973, 63rd Leg., p. 883, ch. 399, § 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1974.
Amended by Acts 1979, 66th Leg., p. 1975, ch. 778, § 2, eff.
Sept. 1, 1979; Acts 1993, 73rd Leg., ch. 900, § 1.01, eff. Sept.
1, 1994; Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. 1005, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 2003.

I can tell you from the number of "Cindie's" shops around town, this is the most totally unenforced law on the books, which sort of weakens the argument a bit.

OK. Back to your regularly scheduled vibrators now....

An email from the hand model:
Your site was down most of yesterday...but here's a nice response for Springmom...

There was a lady in TX not long ago who was arrested for carrying on "fun parties." That is, parties where sex toys are sold. She fought that one in court. It made CNN, MSNBC, etc. You should be able to Google it and find that bit of news.

And as for her assertion that these laws are not enforced, she'd be wrong. The sex shop in Jackson MS was shut down by the mayor not that long ago and MS passed such a law prohibiting sex toys like 2 years's still relatively new.

And please let everyone know I picked that thumb ring up because my rings had been laying on the floor. To most, it means nothing, but to Rob, well, different story. He has this "thing" about Left-hand thumb rings.

I think the target audience isn't necessarily pro-RKBA...they don't have to be. I want them to think twice about giving their government -- on any level -- the power to ban things.
I like it.

1) Makes you think.

2) Isn't for the right wing thumpin' crowd, half of whom would faint when they see it, anyway.

Sheesh... It's not even anatomically correct. Aren't they supposed to be bigger?
In Texas, all "Aides" are sold as "novelty" Items. This 1) avoids the law and 2) stops "dissatisfied customer complaints". Didn't work? Sorry... It's a Novelty.

As to the poster. I don't like it. I don't like the comparison. I don't like the association with sex. I also don't think Vibrators are in the bill of rights. Sorry, I guess I'm just not Libertarian enough to see all things as being equal.

I don't think this does much for gun ownership but cheapen it to a lowest common denominator and relegates it to "things people need when they are not satisfied, not fulfilled, or compensating."

And no... I see no reason why a couple could not have "aides" around the house. I just don't think getting off has the same weight as the right of self defense.

And (at the risk of being black balled from the high road) a local community DOES have the right to regulate S.O.B’s and obscenity. While it plays well as a Federal Powers poster to Thinking Americans (a rare and dieing breed) and as a blanket statement about powers to Libertarians and Open Minded Liberals (all 10 of them, most of which come to THR anyway), I don’t think it does much for the unconverted. It however DOES give ammo to the antis.

I just see all types of wrong with this one. Wrong argument. Wrong comparison. Wrong sentiment. With lots of unintended baggage.

P.S. Thread should have had an *Adult Content* warning. Being from Texas, I do not think it’s polite to let a lady click on this link without some warning. If she does click after the warning? Fine. Says nothin’ ill about the lady. But our distaff citizens should be respected, even though, more often than not, they can kick our tails in all manner of areas.
I'm not real sure why, but I don't really care for it and would probably be offended if I saw it posted at my old university. I would just think to myself "What kinda asshat puts that crap up?"
The traditional 'Freudian' pairing works to make the gun seem a fetish object like the 'Big Pappa Smurf' (which is a fetish object in form and function). I get the message, but I'm in the group that is made uncomfortable by ***** and not put off by the revolver. How would someone more 'offended' by the sight of the revolver de-code the message?

Or I'm just too much of a prude.
As to the poster. I don't like it. I don't like the comparison. I don't like the association with sex. I also don't think Vibrators are in the bill of rights
Au contraire. Possession of a vibrator is most assuredly protected by the 4th Amendment. Also, (I'm sorry if y'all don't like this, but) it's humorous how some of you are 'offended' by the sight of an inanimate object, just like gungrabbers are 'offended' at the sight of a handgun. :scrutiny:
I gotta chime in here... I like this one. Both versions. It's incredible the things that threaten and invoke fear in some people. As a side note, I do find it odd that a sex toy would be illegal in my state; especially considering there were sex shops displaying such items (and other far more creative deveices) all over my hometown of Austin. I suppose it's all in a name - referring to them as "novely items" and "personal massagers".
Just because something is unenforced does not mean a darned thing. At some points in our history, white guys wouldn't be bothered by laws prohibiting the RKBA.

I really like the idea, but think that the text should be before the image. The image is distracting.

My suggestion:
Some Governments are uncomfortable with
the idea that you can handle things yourself.


Felony in........................Felony in
Just thinking out loud.
I get what you are trying to convey. No problem.
And yes it's offensive to some. Some are offended by guns, others I guess are offended at the mere representation of something they already have, or see on some sort of regular basis.

But the point needs to be made somehow (which you are trying to do)
That people should be aware that when one group is allowed to vote away another's like of something it opens the door for others to vote away something they like.

A better element needs to be found for the "facial massager".
Something that a great number of people like, but is somewhat controversial to others. I don't know, maybe a big fat greasy cheeseburger, or golf clubs, or a big humvee.

Let them vote this away today, and maybe tomorrow they will vote that away.
I don't know. Just food for thought.
Wow. This has gotten feisty.

Also, (I'm sorry if y'all don't like this, but) it's humorous how some of you are 'offended' by the sight of an inanimate object, just like gungrabbers are 'offended' at the sight of a handgun

This is a false comparison. A handgun is not embarrassing. A handgun is not something I would hide from the view of my child (only control access and use). A handgun is not obscene. Lots of folks would say that all that is true of the vibrator too. But lots would NOT, and as we, in general, avoid stuff that would embarass people on this list (I believe the general rule is, if you could say it/show it in your living room to a mixed audience, it's okay here) this particular poster doesn't measure up to that standard. It's Oleg's list and he can do what he wants, but the fact is, it doesn't measure up to the usual standards of the High Road.

Then there's the model's response to me (not sure why she didn't email me directly, but whatever)

There was a lady in TX not long ago who was arrested for carrying on "fun parties." That is, parties where sex toys are sold. She fought that one in court. It made CNN, MSNBC, etc. You should be able to Google it and find that bit of news.

And as for her assertion that these laws are not enforced, she'd be wrong. The sex shop in Jackson MS was shut down by the mayor not that long ago and MS passed such a law prohibiting sex toys like 2 years's still relatively new.

I do recall that case, although not the disposition of it. I would also point out that ONE arrest in a state of this size and population is hardly repression of the sex toy/novelty trade.

Second, I was speaking of TEXAS, not Jackson, Mississippi. If you want to change the wording of the poster to refer to Mississippi, go ahead. But novelty sales are not repressed here, at least not in the cities I've ever lived in. They just aren't.

Look, I'm offended by the poster. I was embarrassed by it. This isn't my thing at all. Sorry. But it's your list, and I'll just skip your posters so I can avoid further stuff like this.:uhoh:

The marital aid is too small... :D

Seriously, though, I like the poster, but it will be lost on a great many folks.

A rolled up nudie mag might be better.
Possession of a vibrator is most assuredly protected by the 4th Amendment.

Not illegal to POSSESS THEM in Texas. And even if it was, if PC exists, you can be searched. Moot point.

it's humorous how some of you are 'offended' by the sight of an inanimate object, just like gungrabbers are 'offended' at the sight of a handgun

I find it humorous how Libertine individuals think that because someone disagrees with the message an image of an object juxtaposed with a firearm sends that they are somehow offend by the juxtaposed image. I don't believe anywhere in my post I said I was offended by a vibrator? Wait.. let me reread it...

As to the poster. I don't like it. I don't like the comparison. I don't like the association with sex. ...

...lowest common denominator ...relegates it to " ...compensating."

And no... I see no reason why a couple could not have "aides" around the house.
...don't think ...same weight ...self defense. balled ...local community DOES have the right
...Federal Powers poster
...powers to Libertarians and Open Minded Liberals
...I don’t think it does much for the unconverted.
...DOES give ammo to the antis.

...Wrong argument.
...Wrong comparison.
...Wrong sentiment.
...unintended baggage.

..our distaff citizens should be respected,
...kick our tails

Nope. No where did I say I was offended by the image of the vibrator.

The Vibrator causes no feelings in me what so ever. ... not when it's... Never mind. A message that, however inadvertently, plays into the anti view of firearms as just glorified sex toys for those with "short comings" does offend me. A message that equates sex toys with self defense does concern me. But the Vibrator itself, does nothing for me other than casue concerned that this poster is simply for shock value.

Edited to add... The Vibrator also causes GREAT CONCERN that many will be turned off. It's no different that the "pro-lifers" who think it's OK to shove pictures of aborted fetuses in people’s faces. It's not charitable. It's not good marketing. If you have so little concern for your audience that you will berate them with images like this when you KNOW many will be offended, they you are saying, "You must be 100% with us or you are against us." Again... the RKBA community is its own worst enemy. Please don't confuse support for the 2nd amendment with a de facto support for everything under the sun.

I think the target audience isn't necessarily pro-RKBA...they don't have to be. I want them to think twice about giving their government -- on any level -- the power to ban things

Sorry, but then it belongs in L&P or APS.
So THAT'S where that went.

Could you wash that real well before you send it back to me?

LOL. Seriously, OV, been a fan of your work for years and I once saw a pic of Lee (the mortar guy) that you did and I exclaimed "Damn, Oleg made you look sexy, I bet he could make me almost attractive!"

I'm truly amazed at the number of people who find a photo of a vibrator offensive.

I think the target audience isn't necessarily pro-RKBA...they don't have to be. I want them to think twice about giving their government -- on any level -- the power to ban things.


I think that your poster will bear some fruit toward its intended audience. A lot of the anti-RKBA people I know tend to resent government involvement in, for instance, their sex lives of the sort that the Texas statute represents. This poster advances an argument that will make them stop and think about their gut-level reaction to firearms -- exactly what it should do.

As an aside, I am constantly surprised at how many people find human sexuality to be "obscene" and "embarassing".

It also amazes me how people tolerate regulation in other areas of their private life that they would find completely intolerable if it were applied to firearm ownership. Would anyone NOT find it "repressive" if only one owner of a handgun was arrested for possession of a firearm if some state or municipality outlawed handgun ownership?
I had to go out and water my garden to think about this (I do my best thinking in my garden, don't laugh).

What I'd do is go for a different comparison, and one that hits harder. How about a comparison with the old miscegenation laws? Showing an interracial couple being "busted", and comparing that with gun ownership? There was a time when marrying outside your race was illegal in many states, and the comparison between "the government shouldn't tell you who to marry" and "the government shouldn't tell you you can't own guns" is stronger and probably will evoke a more uniformly visceral reaction in the intended direction.

Not sure how I'd word it, though I'd leave out a reference to any specific state. The issue is not what Texas does or doesn't do, for example, it's governmental interference in our private lives. Something that drives that point home, without being too wordy, would make a strong poster.

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