Concealed Carry Permit Arrived Today

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Aug 26, 2009
North Virginia
Okay, I am now able to carry concealed. I have a SmartCarry Holster and a Ruger LCR. It's fairly comfortable. Felt weird walking through my neighborhood armed, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. Husband not real comfortable with the whole idea, but since concealed is concealed I figure I don't have to announce whether I am armed or not, I just will be.

Welcome to a brave new world. ;)

Carrying in public will feel weird for a bit, then after awhile, you'll feel weird if you're not carrying...
Congrats on the new permit.
Don't forget to practice and become familiar with your carry piece. Shoot it a lot. Get some pistol handling training if needed.
Congratulations!! Yes, I agree that you must be entirely familiar with your gun. If you own alot of guns, like some of us do;), shoot your defensive/carry weapon as much as you can.

Yes, it felt weird to carry a gun at first, feeling that you might get busted. But yeah, after awhile, you'd actually feel naked not carrying it.

Please remember: The gun is for self defense to prevent imminent harm to oneself or family. It is not to "play cop" nor to pull your weight around.

Congratulations and welcome to a whole new life, and don't forget what you already know " concealed means exactly that, Concealed" . You will get over the jitters with a little time carrying.
Good luck and God speed
Lucky you. I'm waiting impatiently for mine. Congrats.

My wife will be applying for hers soon as well. She has her eyes on a Bersa .380. I wish she had eyes for the LCR, cause I would love to gets my hands on one. I still haven't gotten to try one out, but I hear such great things about the trigger and I want to see what it's all about.
Thanks sincerely, Meesh, for joining the world of citizens that are willing to prepare to defend against predators. You have my admiration.

You'll get over concealed-carrying feeling "weird" in about two weeks. It may take a little longer to gain confidence with your carry-weapon: Shoot your LCR as much as you can. Trying to make some groups of any sort on 8.5 x 11 inch paper at 7 yds, (21 ft), is a good goal for starts, IMO, but ... You may already be better than that. My wife is a better shot than I am.

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Yes you must go to Walmart and buy natchos or doritoes.

You must also post a summary of your whole trip online too. Its kinda an unspoken rule. Trips to Wally-world while armed are probably the #2 or #3 most common posts. :neener:

Congrats on getting the permit. You'll get used to the feeling of having the gun on you. It took me a little while to get used to it.
Arlington or Fairfax? How long does it take where you are from application to issue?
Meesh, my wife just got her CCW and I'm pround as a peacock of her. She isn't going to be anybody's willing victim! I got her a new hi-cap 9mm like mine because she said she liked mine and said I could get a new pistol of my choice. Well, no hand me down for Franne! She is tickled and I am too. Your husband will realize the commitment you have made and be proud too. Franne's got my back, my front too if I step outta' line! LOL Congrats to you Meesh!
Karen, thanks, still looking forward to meeting you and going to a range together.

dec41971, Fairfax, it took about a week under the 45 days they told me it would take. Very easy process too, you need two copies of everything, photo ID and proof of residency (I had my Voter ID card with me), certificate from some sort of gun safety and handling class, $50 (plus a coupla bucks for parking at the courthouse). They notarize your signature on the spot, so you don't need to go anywhere else for that.

Hmmm, I'm not a snob or anything, but I very seldom go to WallMart. Would a Costco post count? ;-)
All right, it's not exactly a trip to WalMart for Doritos, but here's my first concealed carry shopping experience:

Decided to grab something for dinner since I'm home alone tonight, so of all places to go for the first time, I picked up some sushi & few other things we needed at Whole Foods. It only felt strange if I thought about it. Six months ago I'd have thought I was probably the only one in there armed, but now I know better. If this NPR-listening, sushi-eating, former Bay State-dwelling gal is wandering the aisles of Whole Foods with a Ruger LCR down her pants she's likely not the only one exercising her 2nd amendment rights ;-)


My wife will be getting her permit soon. What can you say in regards to Smartcarry verses purse?

Congrats and welcome to our side of the trigger!
CoRoMo, I haven't been at this very long, but I think it's better to carry on your person than in a purse. It's more secure for one thing. Is she prepared to NEVER put down her purse? It's bad enough to hang your purse on your chair in a restaurant when it's your wallet and credit cards at risk, but with a weapon in it?! I think not.

I have not completely ruled out a concealment purse, especially as my weapon is a small revolver and it's not as comfortable in the SmartCarry as I'd like with snuggish jeans (but it's not awful either) . But if I was to carry in a purse MADE FOR THE PURPOSE it would be only when I was prepared to not put it down unless I was locking it in my car, for example. So it would have to be a fairly light purse with a crossbody strap to minimize a snatch attempt.

I heard once that carrying concealed is mostly a state of mind. I still remember the first time I carried. I was so aware of everything, probably looking for people to scream in horror at my shirt slipping or printing :uhoh: but it was still a different state of mind.

Now 3 years later, it's like my cell phone, keys, and wallet: I go everywhere with it... EXCEPT SCHOOL! pet peeve... sorry
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