Confession from a dedicated reloader.

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Dec 31, 2007
Yesterday I was sitting in church listening to the Pastor (really, I was!). I heard him say something and I automatically thought of a tool; Lee FCD for handguns. Proverbs 28:13 "People who cover over their sins will not prosper". No, not a Lee hater, but I have no use for an FDC, and my mind just drifted. I'm sure God will forgive my wandering mind and audible chuckle...:eek:

No I ain't trying to start another "conversation" about the merits, or lack thereof, of Lee FCDs, I just thought it was funny...
Lee FCD for anything is marketing. Most loads do not require a crimp of any kind. Never mind factory. Lotta stuff like that these days. Makes me wonder how we ever survived without all this stuff.
I think the term "crimp" is a misnomer when referring to the merits of using a taper crimp die or FCD. All we're doing is removing the flare, not crimping the round in.
Goodness. A FCD is just a crimp die with a post-sizing ring on it. The kind of crimp it applies depends on the cartridge. A semi-auto round FCD applies a taper crimp. A revolver round FCD applies a roll crimp. It applies as much or as little crimp as you adjust it to apply. And the post-sizing ring is a non-issue if your rounds are already within SAAMI dimensions. If for some reason you wanted to make and keep rounds that exceeded SAAMI spec sizes by a material amount, I guess the post-sizing would be bad.

Otherwise, I genuinely do not understand the objection.
Lee FCD for anything is marketing. Most loads do not require a crimp of any kind.

Well, if you expanded the mouth of the case, you probably want to take that out, right? You're going to need some kind of crimp die (even if it's incorporated into your seating die and you seat-and-crimp in a single stroke) to do that, aren't you?
I just thought it was funny...

I agree.

And it shows you were thinking about applications of the scripture in your daily life and not just within the context of religion. I would say that's praiseworthy.
In general, I'm not a Lee lover but I've found the Lee FCD so useful for some applications I've had a couple custom made.

The Lee Classic Cast press is also great. As for the rest of their stuff, I'd say in general it works but I'm not a great fan.
I've heard it said God shoots a Colt 1911 and reloads on a Dillon...
I like the FCD from Lee for some rifle cartridges like the 30-30 and 45-70 when building ammo for my leverguns. I find the rifle FCD to be very useful.
Yesterday I was sitting in church listening to the Pastor (really, I was!). I heard him say something and I automatically thought of a tool; Lee FCD for handguns. Proverbs 28:13 "People who cover over their sins will not prosper". No, not a Lee hater, but I have no use for an FDC, and my mind just drifted. I'm sure God will forgive my wandering mind and audible chuckle...:eek:

No I ain't trying to start another "conversation" about the merits, or lack thereof, of Lee FCDs, I just thought it was funny...
yeah, and "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"
or sumpin like that. You'll not get chapter and verse out of me.
yeah, and "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"
or sumpin like that. You'll not get chapter and verse out of me.
Umm, sorry, but I don't understand this. I thought my thoughts were funny. I was in church and a verse reminded me of a reloading tool that is pretty controversial. I didn't even give my opinion of the FCD for handguns , just shared a humorous occurrence...

Don't nobody got a sense of humor anymore? :confused:

Jes wondering, do you know what was happening when Jesus said those words, and what he was talking about?
I think the borderline mockery of religious belief deserves a cease fire.

God has nothing to do with blue or red the last time i checked! Unless this is a new religion called reloading.....

Wouldn't mind seeing this thing retracted, rewritten or locked up before it gets too far into silliness.

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mdi said:
... do you know what was happening when Jesus said those words
I think people were pointing out splinters in a lady when they had telephone poles stuck in theirs. :rolleyes:

Since we have been redeemed through Christ, we are sin free in the presence of God.

Likewise, you are reloading "sin free" whenever you are here on THR. :D

Go and sin no more ... <sin free since 1 AD>!!!
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Wreck-n-Crew said:
Unless this is a new religion called reloading
I like to consider myself a "non-denominational" reloader.

I am not locked into a particular brand of reloading equipment as my benches have mix of C-H/Dillon/Herters/Lee/RCBS presses and various manufacture tools.

I think the key is producing consistent loads regardless what equipment you use.
Umm, sorry, but I don't understand this. I thought my thoughts were funny. I was in church and a verse reminded me of a reloading tool that is pretty controversial. I didn't even give my opinion of the FCD for handguns , just shared a humorous occurrence...

Don't nobody got a sense of humor anymore? :confused:

Jes wondering, do you know what was happening when Jesus said those words, and what he was talking about?
If your loads are without "sin" you won't have to "cover" them with a FCD.

Yeah, I know the story behind my comment.
boy, do I ever....
At least u take god into all ur reloading not just testing the hot loads... That would be the reloading equal of a jailhouse Christian... Wouldn't it?
I think people were pointing out splinters in a lady when they had telephone poles stuck in theirs.
Wrong parable. Jesus was protecting a hooker from being stoned by men that were much more sinful than she was. Hypocrites...

I own and shoot a "Hammer of God", aka Colt 1911.
Jewish leaders were being deceitful as there was no evidence of adultery they presented.
Law of Moses ((Lev 20:10; Deut 22:22-24) speaks of stoning both man and woman but they only brought the woman to test and entrap Jesus. I believe Jesus knew the woman was guilty of adultery but not only did he protect her from the crowd but forgave her and called her to a new life.

Many reloaders (new and old) come to The HighRoad forum to learn about and share shooting/reloading experience. I for one came from other reloading forums where incorrect/dangerous reloading information were expressed often with notion that if you do not have such and such brand of pistols and color press, you possibly cannot be serious about shooting and producing consistent ammo.

I have lurked on THR for years and appreciated the "High Road" notion where members could freely share their shooting/reloading experience regardless of brand of pistols or color of press. It is a "refreshing" community among old time tradition and chest thumping forums focused on objective facts instead of subjective opinions.

mdi's OP rang a bell in me that forced me to admit that I too did many things and said things because they were of popular opinion. Now, I try to verify facts with objective testing and let measurable data and holes on target speak the truth instead of perpetuating the myth as "truth shall set you free".
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