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Oct 6, 2012
New Mexico
Rumors"???? not any more. Here's the straight dope put out by NMLRA.

"On April 17th, 2013, U.S. Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) issued a press stating that he plans on proposing new legislation and attempting to amend current gun control legislation before Congress that would require the sales of black powder to be subject to a criminal background check. The entire press release can be read by clicking here. The NMLRA staff is working to monitor this proposed legislation and keep you informed as the situation develops.

According to the press release, Lautenberg will introduce the “Explosive Materials Background Check Act,” which will require a background check to purchase black powder, black powder substitute and smokeless powder in any quantity. His office has also stated that he intends to offer this is as an amendment on future legislation that is being considered by the Senate.

The NMLRA encourages you to contact your elected officials and voice your opinion on this matter. You may use the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s elected official lookup to determine who your representatives are in Congress."

When you "click here" this is what you find: http://www.lautenberg.senate.gov/newsroom/record.cfm?id=3414...
Please don't close this one Sam.
That link ref page is blank but this is something I have been expecting now. Truth is you can go to places like the grocery store and BUY materials to make the same level of explosion. I have actually had several discussions with friends about this very topic today. Doing checks on gunpowder is not going to stop a bomber or even slow them down.
Since when has any law done anything to hinder the bad guys? You name it, guns, drugs, alcohol, drunk driving, and on and on and on. Laws are for the people who don't break them anyway. They just keep adding them to the pile. When was the last time they ever repealed one? That is not in their DNA. :fire:

Look for upcoming legislation to control pressure cookers. Soon someone will propose there be limits on their size, require they have serial numbers and be registered, and require background checks when they are purchased and limit how many you can purchase in a certain time frame. :neener:

I am firmly convinced that the people we elected to run this country are morons. Plain and simple. :cuss:
About half the people elected by about half the people might be morons.

If we required 60% of the vote to hold office, nothing would ever get done, though ... the Congress might become incapable of passing a balanced budget, for instance...
proposed Explosive Materials Background Check Act

Dear Sen. Lautenberg...

With regards to your proposal, I will be brief.

This false hope you wish to present to the people of this country is a travesty, both in terms of yours and my time, as well as the victims in Boston. Stop waving the bloody shirts of the fallen as a false flag to wave for the purpose of trampling on the rights of those who had nothing to do with this act. Focus your remaining days on legislation and tasks that will punish actual criminals and not the people you work for. Do not make your remaining days as a senator be known for the impotence that the current administration has shown in dealing with the true issues of this nation and its people.

You may contact me directly if you would like to discuss how to make your legacy something more.

This has been tried time and time again over the years. One year some joker in Oregon(?) blew up an old DeSoto with black powder in front of the cameras. Nobody was impressed. Anyone familiar with black powder and the formula 3-2-1 can make black powder. I suspect the Hon Senator Lautenberg is grandstanding again.
These self loving politicians make me sick !!!!! :barf:
Yet they sit around on thier lazy good for nothing &%%#@ waiting to jump on each and every chance to try and make a name for themselves by trying to jamb thier worthless agendas down our throats.
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It's not a pr stunt.. this is how Lautenberg thinks... He's been anti-gun his whole career, which is now thankfully coming to an end since he announced he will not seek re-election..
I did ask NMLRA for some comment on this to see if it is true what they said. so far I have received NOTHING from them at all. Frankly I am grossly disappointed in the muzzle loading community when it comes to this arena, to many want to bury their heads in the sand and point to GCA which exempts black powder but refuses to see that some areas prohibits black powder in various forms.
So we will effectively be banned from fireworks, bp, and anything that is protected by the Constitution. Why is is that when a group of politicians don't like something they screw us?
So we will effectively be banned from fireworks, bp, and anything that is protected by the Constitution. Why is is that when a group of politicians don't like something they screw us?

Why is it then that we keep re-electing these bozos?:banghead: They feel confident they can do as they please and get away with it. So far they have been right.:neener:
I agree with you zimmerstutzen, but, unfortunately the lefters won't want to waste this chance to restrict our use of BP guns.
Frank's reaction is always to ban ban ban. He's one of the staunchest foes of liberty in the history of the Republic. But he won't be with us much longer.
I posted this once before, but it's relavant again. One of my favorite quote's of Mark Twain, "Imagine you are an idiot, now imagine you are a Congressman.....but wait, I repeat myself"
We need term limits on every political office, especially Congress and judges/justices.
No more career politics.
No more lifetime appointments.
No more supreme court justices having jobs until they die.
Make them all answer to us.
We pay the bills, they work for us.
They have forgotten.
Sometimes you have to remind the hen who the rooster is.

Term limits for all.
2 terms and yer out on yer arse.
No more sucking the taxpayer teat for life.
Get a job and become part of the solution, not the problem.

Anarchy looks better and better.
I posted this once before, but it's relavant again. One of my favorite quote's of Mark Twain, "Imagine you are an idiot, now imagine you are a Congressman.....but wait, I repeat myself"

That sure describes the two "Senators" from California.
I was at Wally World this AM they had a pressure cooker on the mark down rack, probably useing it as bait for a wannbe...Guess I better be getting some more grapevines charcoaled and milled..
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