Considering a Browning BLR...

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Another lefty here. During my lifetime, choices in lefthanded boltguns were extremely limited, especially in calibers like 7mm-08. So, being working-class, I settled for leverguns decades ago.
If it weren't for the trigger, the BLR would be perfect.
Of course, as somebody else has already mentioned, it is not for mere mortals to venture in among the delicate gears, cams, and thingamajigs that make these rifles run.
Thou Shalt not eateth from this tree! :evil:
By the way, I've never understood this "finger-pinching" levergun epidemic some people are claiming. Since 1978, I've fired at least a zillion rounds through my old-fashioned Marlin Golden 39A without ever pinching my trigger finger under the lever.
I worked with the takedown in .308. Slick, light & accurate.
That action isn't something you want to get into yourself, though. :)
I'm late to reply, but another big fan of the BLR here. Mine is chambered in .243 Winchester. I've been killing deer with it since 1996 when my dad got it for me as a teenager. It was used when he got it, and other than the cosmetics of all those years in the woods, it still runs like a new rifle. It is very predictable, shoot them in the heart, walk 40 yards, and there will be a dead deer. Never fails.
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