Cops in New Orleans: "Give up your guns -- we need them!"

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I've been to NO many times for week-long conferences in the Quarter. I'm no LEO basher (served 2 yrs as a reserve LEO), but I consider the NOPD to be a joke...barely worthy of a 3rd World country.

Actually, I've always thought of NO in general as barely above 3rd World status. Now it's actually less than 3rd World status!

I heartily agree with all above about handing over my weapons to the NOPD!
In an emergency, if it's legal (disclaimer), I'd loan guns to people. But I'd want them to understand that they agree to use it how I specify, in the manner I say, and the guns don't leave my supervision or that of someone I trust. I would still feel responsible for everything that happens with or because of those guns, so if I let an idiot hold them, I'm responsible for what that idiot does.

I don't think it would be right to discriminate based on occupation, even if it was the very guy who gave me a huge ticket for turning right a a right-turn that had an obscured sign that said you can't turn right during certain hours. That's the past.

But it would be necessary to discriminate based on allegiance. If you're with this group of survivors you're with us, if not go on your way. I'm not saying "you're with us or you're against us", but if you're not willing to swear loyalty to our group, then you're not with us. You're probably not against us either, but we aren't going to help you, we can't afford to, because you are incompatible.
Uh no. PDs can get guns at hugely discounted prices compared to us civilians as it is. They should take the budget up with the bureaucrat critters rather than confiscating from the public.

Ths is what happens when you waste all your money on sensitivity training and other PC nonsense instead of using it on necessities.
Unreal. As I read it, this is a *very* thinly veiled attempt at disarming the populace without coercion... the times, they are a-changin'.
Lucky said:
I don't think it would be right to discriminate based on occupation
If an individual cop asked me for a gun in a crisis, it wouldn't bother me, and I might even consider loaning him one (depends on the circumstances) ... however if a police department officially requests that citizens turn their guns in because the police "need" them I say Molon Labe :mad:
Remember folks, when applying for a CCW (in states you have to), remember to also apply for an extra firearm as your "SHTF police lender".

To those that say they should be armed better: Remember your taxes PAY for that arsenal.

My second thought: My youngest bro. is LEO, and I'd sure hope to hell someone would loan him one if he needed it. As for give it to any officer for discrestionary use? Nope. Either I know you personally, or I go with the gun, period.

Yeah they knew, but dang, that is a HUGE mess, no "police" dept could handle that on thier own.

General moral of the story: Good old B.S.A. has it right.

Sidenote: Utah- That "big one" we're 100 years overdue for? Hmmmm....
Demolished buildings, no passible roads, no power, no gas, no potable water, and severly damaged buildings. Law enforcement outnubered 1000 or more to 1. Something to think on.
You guys bought fifteen Bryco .25 ACP pistols and a Hi-point 9mm carbine from me at your "buy-back" a couple months ago. Now you want more? What'd you do with the ones you already bought?

Bwwaaaaaaahahaha! :D

I agree. I'd loan them out IF I thought I'd get them back. I wouldn't, so I wouldn't. That's probably exactly what would happen, as kreighund describes: "So, PD, it's been 3 months, can I have my guns back which you borrowed in your time of need?" "Ermm, what guns? Who is this?" "Well, here's this claim ticket I was given." "That's just some scribbles on a piece of paper; not on an official form; sorry, can't help ya.".
maybe it is just me, but if a guy needed food during the flood id have given him some even though he could have prepared himself.

Unfortunately, the individual officer standing out there in the water wasn't the guy who decides what steps in preperation the department will take. Plus i got to give him kudos on taking a low paying job where he puts life and limb at risk to protect and serve. While i may have a beef with the chief of police and a lot of other bull???? in NO, i would not take it out on a police officer in need of extra firepower, even if that means the gun stands a good chance of not getting back to me.

of course, as you said, if there was an available friend or family member unarmed they would get first dole, but then they would be carrying it around, not me. Again, even if i knew there was a distinct chance that that neighbor and i may part paths and relocate after the disaster and not get my gun back, at least not in working order, i'd still help h im out. My concern wouldn;'t actually be the return of the firearm, it would be the chances of the firearm working its way through many hands and end up being used in a crime later on.

If anything, my main reason for not giving a spare arm to someone in need isn't because i am taking out the poor decision of the chief of police on an individual officer, it is because a 12 guage and a box of shells is a great thing to barter with. As said on another topic, that diamond ring you looted isn't going to get you a loaf of bread, but bartering a spare shotgun for a 10 gallon can of gas, that's reasonable.
I wouldn't have any problem loaning out a $180 spare shotgun to a cop.

But what about a $9000 M16 or $2000 Les Baer? Hell no.

I don't have any inexpensive guns in my collection right now to loan out in SHTF, I'll probably try to remedy that at the next gunfunshow however. And pick up a case of MREs while I'm at it. :D
Not only would I not "loan" any of my firearms to the NOPD in this situation because I'd be afraid I'd never see them again, I'd be leery of giving a gun to someone who probably isn't adequately trained to use it.

Let's face it, most cops aren't gunnies. If you give them a weapon significantly different from whatever they're issued, the odds of them being able to employ it effectively and safely are slim.
Police officers were asking residents to give up any guns they had before they boarded buses and trucks because police desperately needed the firepower

No sir, not on your life. I will not give any guns to any organization. I would however, lend out very limited numbers of service style guns that I have with no collector value to individual LEOs who I trust and who understand that I'm holding them personally responsible for the property they are being loaned. I want it back and functional. Only stipulations I'd attach.

Notice they say give up. That usually means you lose it forever. They're not giving them back. The other issue is I'm sure the Federal government has lots of small arms in storage that can be readily tapped as well as supplies. If the CLEO formally asked the Feds in public, I doubt they'd be refused (would look very bad polititcally and PR).
I'm with you guys on loaning guns. To an individual LEO known and trusted by me, yes. I would even feel obligated. To an agency request I'd have to apologize since my complete confidence in them prompted me to get rid of my guns many years ago. :neener:
I would probably lend a gun to a cop if he were a personal friend ( I have lent ammo to same already), but I don't think I know any cops who aren't adequately armed already. As a general rule, a person who doesn't own a gun may be reasonably presumed not to know how to use that gun, with perhaps occasional exceptions for revolvers. All of the people that I know who know how to use guns already have them.

In the case of NOPD, I would have no interest in arming potential looters. Of course, I would have no interest in being anywhere near NO, either.
I don't think it's a good idea to let your firearm out of your control, no matter how well you know someone, no matter how dire the situation.

I'd try to explain to the officer that this is triage, he or she can't save or help or protect everyone here and that if he tries then everyone will die, but I'm with 70 people over there and he or she would be a great assistance to us maybe even save our lives by coming along, and if he or she helped us get out he'd be doing his duty fine. And if he comes with us he can carry my 30-30.
Molon Labe

Dang! Some one said that allready!

My brother is a cop & I would lend my cop friends guns, but they all have more guns then I do anyway.
Every police officer had the same opportunity to buy a shotgun and battle rifle and ammo as I did. I have my personal weapons. Where are theirs? The police department would not get my guns. I'm glad I live far, far away from New Orleans right now. :cuss:
I've seen a lot of responses here, most of them "no way," but I haven't noticed anybody who is (or claims to be) a police officer.

Coronach, Jeff White, LawDog, others? I'm sure you and the other officers on this board aren't likely to be undergunned (to say the least), but what would you do if you were vacation in New Orleans or something (off-duty), and were asked to give up your carry gun(s) by J. Random Officer?
Flyboy as an ex officer I can say NO -- remember the simple fact you are responsible for your safety and there is no way I would give up my only self protection.
Yes officer I've got a gun you can borrow. Here is my SUPER SOAKER. Careful now it's filled to the top already. :evil: :evil: :evil:

Sorry I couldn't resist. Seriously though, I do have enough firepower to equip a small squad of men. But no freaking way would I lend my gun out except to family or friends and only in a Hell on Earth situation.

I don't understand where all the money the citizens of Louisana paid in taxes went. Did it not go to properly equip the officers? Don't tell me they don't even have shotguns....

I'm even more distrubed by the amount of ill will to the LE community I see on this board. Guess the LE's finally got what they wanted. A "us versus them" mentality. Shame.
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