Cost of CCW training??

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Dec 26, 2002
I would like to ask of members in right to carry states:
What is the average cost of CCW training in your areas?

Missouri just rammed CCW right down our governor's throat, so it looks like we'll be able to carry within a few months.

The law takes effect in 30 days, and out of state CCW holders will be able to carry here on their state's card.

The law states that the license will cost $100.00 plus the fee for a new Driver's License with a CCW stamp. This fee will be the same as for the cost of replacing a lost driver's license. Renewal is every three years for a fee of $50.00.

Everything is up in the air right now, especially about who's going to provide the 8 hours training. The State Conservation agency is awash in money, and there's talk that they would be a good group to do it.

I was wondering what the average cost for the training is in other areas.
Washington has CCW but no training requirement. :) So no additional hurdle to keep you from getting a CCW when you need it.

Oregon's CCW training runs as low as $35 to $50 and only takes a few hours. No shooting is required, just a basic info seminar about the laws that apply to you as a CCW holder. Any NRA trainer can certify you for CCW.


Before 1912, when there was no 'gun control' in this nation and machine guns could be purchased through the mail, foreign visitors found America one of the most peaceful and polite nations on earth. -- Vin Suprynowicz
Oregon's CCW training runs as low as $35 to $50 and only takes a few hours. No shooting is required, just a basic info seminar about the laws that apply to you as a CCW holder. Any NRA trainer can certify you for CCW.
Life is good in Ory-gun.. :D
I find it sad that a state would issue a CCW without mandatory training. If you ever have to use your gun without having training you might find quickly what the real world is like. Without training you are far more likely to be killed , injured, arrested or sued. Get the best training you can find, it will be one of the best investments you could make.
Here in Ohio you can pay as much (or little) as you want and train until your trigger finger falls off . . . no CCW for the commoners.

Just griping . . . :banghead:
In GA, there is no training requirement and issuance is "shall issue". That doesn't mean that people shouldn't get training, it means that the State recognizes the right of law-abiding people to keep and bear arms, with or without training (although they do require you to get permission first, in the form of a CCW, which I dislike but can live with).
Can't say for all counties of NY,but it cost me $30 for an extended NRA course....the class was kind of useless as far as CCW....they just want to make sure you won't shoot your eye out.....from what I understand it's actually the 2nd half of the NRA handgun course.....but in NY you can't even handle a handgun w/ out a permit,so the safety class is just the 1st half of the NRA deal.
My Father who's in another county but about 10 min. away,needed no extra training...
Then again there arn't many unrestricted permits around here......:scrutiny:
Here in Michigan:
$105 to the county, good for 5 years, same cost to renew
$75 to $175 for an 8 hour (minimum) NRA or similar course that covers, safetly, handling storage of firearms and (very) basics of laws around self defense and home protection. Has to include range time and at least 30 rounds fired. The instructor said for them to pass you, you have to hit the 8.5" x 11" piece of paper 15 times at 5 yards (no limit on number of rounds it takes you to do that) that was tough.

Hurry up and wait anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months depending on your county and who knows what else.
I paid $100 for the training and $140 for the permit.

As for mandatory training....

There should be no conditions on exercising 2nd Amendment rights.

People should take responsibility for their own actions, education, and
personal protection.

The state has no business mandating what proper CCW training entails.
repsychler said...
In Minnesota the permit is $100/5 years, then $75/5 years to renew. The training courses are going for about $125-$150.

Youch! I paid $215 for Final Option training at Bill's Gun Shop. That's what you get for being in a hurry!

Poor but happy,

Youch! I paid $215 for Final Option training at Bill's Gun Shop. That's what you get for being in a hurry!

I trained at Bills, it was a PlusP course for $125. I took my training about 3 weeks before the law passed. It seems after passage of the MPPA, it just got more expensive to train people. :rolleyes:
In Utah CCW training runs from $35-$85, some include fingerprints, some don't, etc. License fee was ~$60, IIRC. Mine's up for renewal in a year, then I'll know what renewal costs.
I do NRA classes in Southern Minnesota and charge $100 for the class that are accepted by the state for a permit to carry.
$50 for the permit, renew every 4 years. I can't remember if it is the same price, I believe it is.

Classes are 16 hours, 2 days, range from $50 to $120. Same required course guidelines. The states issues the training requirements that the classes follow, or try to follow.
Arizona's state licensed private instructors set their own fees and it varies from $75 up. For reciprocity, most states require training equal to their own. That kinda puts the "no training needed" states out of luck.
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