Could a U.N. resolution banning/taxing/regulating firearms in the US succeed?

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Dec 25, 2002
I read an article in America's First Freedom about the U.N. plan to go after firearms in America, in addition to the article quoting chirac as wanting to tax small arms transactions.

Seriously: does any legislation of the sort stand ANY chance of succeeding in the US?

I guess I am prone to "sky-is-falling" syndrome.....:(
To me this is why Kerry or Hillary are so dangerous - they would let UN crap like that in. We know that Bush doesn't really care what the UN thinks and I don't think it would get far under him.

If guys in blue helmets show up for my guns we'll have a big problem...
Uuuummm - no. They simply have no authority over any US jurisdiction. I love it when people get so concerned about the UN becomng too powerful. If you could only see just what they can really accomplish - pretty much nothing. I encourage you to study the raw, unchecked power of the UN peacekeepers in the Bosnia.

Just what is the mechanism by which the UN would enforce any edict regarding firearms? You think the Norwegians and Peruvians are going to show up in blue helmets and half-tracks demanding their 2 cents a cartridge?

The UN passes symbolic resolutions all the time that have ZERO meaning in the real world - check out all the resolutions re: Israel. The UN can't even pay its own bills, let alone send out revenuers to chase down bootleggers bringing white-lightning ammunition in from the hills of West Virginia.
If guys in blue helmets show up for my guns we'll have a big problem

I think you have that backwards Valkman :D

I'm wondering if my 45/70 with a 500 grain solid would go through both sides of a blue helmet. :evil:
I guess there's also the fact that America IS the UN; we provide most of the money and just about ALL of the military might.

Without us, the UN basically wouldn't exist....right?
A UN resolution in practice is only effective when imposed on a "weaker" nation that cannot resist by force. The United States is one of the nations that will have the power to resist until someone bigger comes around with enough clout to enforce a resolution by threat of military action. Also, UN membership and participation is also voluntary, so we can back out whenever we want.

I don't see this happening as long as we are the "Big Boy" on the block.

Good Shooting
Do you think that the US Senators and Representitives are going to turn over taxation privliges to someone else? Or, would you want to be the congresscritter woh sold US's soverginty out to the UN?
I guess there's also the fact that America IS the UN; we provide most of the money and just about ALL of the military might.

Without us, the UN basically wouldn't exist....right?

Nope. It's a pleasant thought, but nope. Most of the UN personnel are from third world countries most people couldn't find on a map. The UN motor pool guy I knew was from Togo. Snow was an interesting problem for him. Percentage wise, the US pays a lot to the UN. But it's not the overwhelming majority or even close to it.

As for UN troops, nope again.

The answer is no. The UN will not be invading the US. They won't show up late at night for your guns. No, they won't ban or tax all of the guns in the US. They don't want to either.
If Sen. Kerry is elected president, it would have a good chance. No matter what he says now, he said in New Hampshire that he would never order American forces to fight without prior permission from the U.N. He seems to feel that the U.N. is a super government, whose "laws" supercede the laws and constitutions of member states, a view held by almost all "liberals".

I suggest voting against the candidate who is supported by such good and perfect nations as Iran, North Korea, China, Cuba, Russia, France, and Sudan.

UN treaties won't stand up here.

IIRC, the President may enter into treaties, with the advice and consent of the Senate, with other soverign nations. The UN ain't a soverign nation, so in order for the US to enter into a binding treaty with it would require a Constitutions amendment, which, IMNSHO, isn't likely anytime soon.:fire:
Who is talking about treaties? President Kerry can simply create an "emergency", then announce that he is suspending the constitution, dissolving Congress, and placing the nation under the protection of the United Nations. Meanwhile, as commander-in-chief, he is ordering the armed forces to arrest all registered Republicans, potential "subversives", and members of "terrorist organizations" like the NRA.

The people will cheer this bold and courageous action to save the nation, and Michael Moore will make a movie about the heroic action of the president.

Wasn't the first American Revolution fought because of a little 'tax dispute' too?

I say we throw john kerry, hitlery klinton, ted kennedy, mcfatty moore, george 'i'm a god' soros and all the other pawns of the UN into Boston Harbor.

Probably wouldn't work on ted kennedy though, he has practice swimming to land fully clothed while people claw at him for help.
President Kerry can simply create an "emergency", then announce that he is suspending the constitution, dissolving Congress, and placing the nation under the protection of the United Nations. Meanwhile, as commander-in-chief, he is ordering the armed forces to arrest all registered Republicans, potential "subversives", and members of "terrorist organizations" like the NRA.

Second word needs to be changed to Hillary & I could certainly envision it :( .
There's not a chance in hell that it would happen. However, if it DID (which it's not going to, at least any time soon), I can tell you - there would be some pissed off people. With guns. We Americans have a high tolerance for being screwed over by our own government. Other governments, on the other hand... :uhoh:
If they can get us to follow Kyoto they can sure as heck get a tax placed on firearms manufactured in this country it would just be included in the cost of the firearm to you. This was first brough up under Clinton. The UN has been looking at this for years along with many NGO groups. During the first year Bush was in he told them NO something along the lines that it would violate our 2nd amendment. They plan another conference in 2006. Look up Isana at the UN web site. The woman Wayne is debating in England (where Isana headquarters is) is the number one activist that got Australia to pass their firearm laws. This is no joke it is one that no one will pay attention too until too late. Believe me they are serious about this.They are also pushing countries to register all private firearm owners. The NRA is also a NGO at the UN. This just happened a few years ago. The vatican also is pushing this. And I usually have no complaints aganist Catholics. They are going to use the tax to get this-------fight global poverty.:what:
At one time I thought political free speech was beyond the reach of the president, congress and the courts. Boy howdy was I wrong.

If the ruling class can limit political free speech (AKA Campaign Finance Control) other BoR items can be violated.

Call me skeptical, paranoid, suspicious, and right.
No kidding

I refuse to think there can be someone so naif to believe that can works. If there are, geez Houston we have a problem.

Jim Keenan

Who is talking about treaties? President Kerry can simply create an "emergency", then announce that he is suspending the constitution, dissolving Congress, and placing the nation under the protection of the United Nations. Meanwhile, as commander-in-chief, he is ordering the armed forces to arrest all registered Republicans, potential "subversives", and members of "terrorist organizations" like the NRA.

What makes folks think the US military and US law enforcement troops are going to go along with kerry or anyone like him handing the country over to the UN or trying some BS like trying to suspend the Constitution?

The Officers and Enlisted Personnel are also US citizens that took an oath to uphold the Constitution.

Having spent 13 years in the military I know if I were at the controls of a helicopter gun ship, the guns would be protecting the Constitution not someone that tried to suspend it.
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