County seizes son for medical care - local report

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Apparently you didn't read that he was a paramedic in the army?

It's worth pointing out that in the first (and much more hysterical) news article, the father was stated as having worked with medics in Vietnam, not having been one. Which of course makes one a completely certified EMT qualified and capable of diagnosing all manner of injuries.

Dollars to doughnuts, the father threatened either the two deputies who showed up, the EMTs, or both. Under the circumstances, the actions of law enforcement make a certain degree of sense. If you have reason to believe that a minor may suffer severe injury or death unless medical professionals intervene, and threats are being made against said professionals, what else is there to do?
"I think I should be able to drive drunk..."

"I think I should be able to have relations with underage girls"

"I think that my rights to do whatever I want should trump all good sense and public safety"


Heard crap like the above all the time from the "customers" at my last job... They all were spending some time in "time-out" from the rest of the unfair, cruel society that says they couldn't rob- drug- steal-, etc...

Excellent. So, because he, from his experience in the military and raising 9 other children, he judged the child did not need medical care.

For that, he's the same as a convicted felon.

I see it now! Perfect!
this is an issue that should have had some tact to balance the real consern of a possibially injured child and a parents rights. basically once the paramedics checked the boy they should have let it go.
do you know how many concussions i probably sustained as a child and never went to the ER? i don't know, but probably a lot. kids get hit in the head doing stupied stuff all the time and there is not much to be done other then monitering the condition. obvouisly the family was paying attention to the injury and reacting as they felt best.
there are to many social workers out there (especially in child protective services) that are overzeoulse and forget boundries. i think i will give my mom a call and find out what she would say....

called mom.... she said that she couldn't say what the situation was based on the news report. she did say that there are other factors involved for a social worker to get involved and the reasons for a court order. she said that questions involving why the boy did what he did and history of the family is relevent, and, hopefully was addressed. she also said she was glad that wasn't on her caseload!
her point was one that here on THR we make a lot. the news papers sell papers. therefore they will take an incident and sensationalize it. we are not getting the whole story. though i must say i think busting down the door was a bit overkill....
It's worth pointing out that in the first (and much more hysterical) news article, the father was stated as having worked with medics in Vietnam, not having been one. Which of course makes one a completely certified EMT qualified and capable of diagnosing all manner of injuries.

So, you impugn the credibility of that account and yet will use it over this account because it fits with your characterization of the man as some backwoods yokel fundamentalist moron?

This account says he worked as a medic.

This account says he has raised many other children.

This account says the EMTs may have been belligerent.

And yet, it's obviously the stupid veteran who precipitated this event.
Whoops, thought I was in a GUN discussion forum.
I imagine somebody came through the door with a gun in their hand. I think the militarization of the police, and the increasing use of no knock warrants, are a legitimate topic of discussion for gun boards, provided -- here at least -- we keep the discussion civil (the high road).
Seems to be a lot of no-announce warrants

Evidently the local LEO's had a SWAT team and gosh-darn-it, they were going to use them!

In a lot of recent news cases it sounds like the LEO's are just smashing in doors without announcing their presence. Isn't that the opposite of SOP?
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