Couple of Events You May Want to Consider - Louisville, Ky


Jun 19, 2013
Every year about this time there are two events in Louisville at the Kentucky State Fair Grounds that may interest some folks here. Thursday thru Saturday, the Ohio Valley Military Society (OVMS) holds what is calls its Show of Shows (SOS). It consists of 2000 tables of military relics from all periods and countries. In addition to dealers from all over the US, there are dealers from Europe and Japan as well. It is about 20% firearms and accessories, most of which are military related. They also bring in veterans that have published books about their experiences and offer them for sale along with an autograph. For example, this year one of the folks there was Lt. Randall "Duke" Cunningham, the first US ace in Vietnam. Next door on Saturday and Sunday, is a gun show called "National Gun Day" (NGD) which offers about another 1500 tables of firearms, accessories and some military stuff that couldn't fit in next door or decided to move over on Sunday when the SOS is only open to dealers taking down tables. So... you have 3500 to 4000 tables of stuff to look at. Yes, it's expensive -- $12 parking, $15 for SOS and another $15 (I think) for NGD. It can't all be seen in a single day, so there is the cost of motel room too, if you really want to stop along the way and look at things. They also have those electric scooters for rent for those of us who are relics ourselves. Hope to be alive next year to attend again, and maybe see some of you there!