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Crap, not again... 5 shot in Chicago...

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According to the current CNN.com article on the subject:

Salvador Tapia returned to the Windy City Core Supply warehouse in which he had been fired six months ago and killed six of his former co-workers, police said Wednesday.

Tapia was found with a Walther PP .380-caliber semiautomatic pistol and at least one extra clip of ammunition.

Tapia has been arrested 12 times, Cline said. He has an arrest record dating back to 1989, ranging from counts of domestic battery to a DUI to aggravated assault.

I don't care a whole lot about arrest records, but I do wonder what the guy's been convicted of.

(Note: CNN edits their news stories "in-place", so if you go dig up the story, what I've quoted here may have changed. It's a great way to get news out fast, and then erase any mistakes later...)

The news here is stating the shooter was going to get fired or just got fired, I have heard nothing about being fired six months ago.

I hope he had his FOID card........oh wait, that's right, handguns are illegal in Chicago! Better make some new laws because of this, start banning those rifles and shotguns! :rolleyes:

This place is so messed up it's unreal. I'm sorry for the victims and their families but had just ONE person been armed perhaps they wouldn't of had to close down all businesses four blocks away (you know, mad man with a .380 SPRAYING bullets everywhere lol) and there would not be six victims! I hope Richie is happy that his gun laws work oh SO well.:banghead:
Again a criminal was protected by anti-gun laws

Tapia has been arrested 12 times, Cline said. He has an arrest record dating back to 1989, ranging from counts of domestic battery to a DUI to aggravated assault.
So then if this guy was a felon and domestic abuser, there's no way that he could have owned a legal firearm in any state. All the laws in Chicago did nothing but prevent his victims from defending themselves on even terms.
It's reason like this that I throw my CCW out the window and always comply with my jobs posted sign "no firearms or weapons allowed on premises". The sign makes me feel safe. :(

If events like this were as frequent as they are now they must have been overlooked by the media, and after observing for over a half-century I think that’s unlikely.

Yes, it is the frequent, over-sensationalizing media reports that inspire the mentally sick who suffer from rejection complexes and seek vengeance. If they are not sure how to go about it the media provides suggestions and directions. One incident inspires another as copycats see themselves getting “15 minutes of glory†and the attention they crave so much. Or if not that, then revenge for the slights, imaginary and real, that they feel they’ve suffered. It might be better for the rest of us if the mentally ill were confined for our and they’re own safety. But in today’s politically correct society that won’t happen.

Someone or something has too be to blame.

So they condemn guns - because people can no longer be held responsible for their actions.

Sam,Wolf,Carlos,DMK, others: Thanks!

Its what the socialists have been doingto us all these years. Define a term, apply spin to direct people to an opinion of it (yours of course) with an EMOTIONAL response, and you will see results.

Sure its propaganda, but it is also called fighting fire with fire. Just handing it back to them!

Emotions are what sways the average sheeperson (singular of sheeple). They vote because: I just like him. I always vote Democrat. No women president.

There are no logical reasons for these statements, but it is what the majority will base their votes on. Time totake back control of the ball and start repealing some of these laws. No more compromising. Lets try to WIN for a change!

We need a political strategist much more savvy than I, but I know that what i mentioned works- heard it directly from the (enemy) horse's mouth!
The saying "Going postal" is just too well known. Too many people losing their lives to acts of stupidity. :cuss:
News to me

Starpower, you mentioned carrying anywhere in Illinois except Chicago, I have been under the impression that this was illegal. I am reffering to off duty officers from any state. Ted Nugent was in Illinois recently and had some words directed toward our governor because off duty cops cannot carry in our state. Or is this because he is a deputy sheriff in Michigan? Also, I mean no disrespect tward you or any other LEO but I don't care for a law that allows anyone from any other state to carry while Illinois residents are denied that option. I do feel that myself, you and all law abiding citizens should have that option. Jim.
Apparently he was fired some months ago. He also had one conviction for carrying a gun illegally and numerous domestic violence arrests that never amounted to anything because his girlfriend refused to continue with the charges/investigation.
TheOtherOne has it right.

cpileri, only one question needs to be asked, over and over again and very loudly:

"Explain to me how 'No guns allowed' will ever stop this?"

Nobody can answer this question, because the premise of gun control is a fallacy.
Problem Identified

CNN has updated their coverage to include the following gem, identifying the real problem:

"The problem here is easy access to a firearm," (acting police superintendent -PH) Cline told reporters. "Here is someone who never should have had a gun that had a gun."

*sigh* So it begins again.

It appears he could have been a disgruntled employee

In almost 40 years of working, I've never been what one could call exactly, completely, comfortably, satisfyingly gruntled. Despite this state, I've never felt enough angst to shoot up a bunch of co-workers.

I'm almost gruntled now, in this present position of mine - I'm as vocationally blissful as I shall probably ever be. Things may change soon, though, cause there's a lot of ungruntled grumbling going on about personnel cuts and changes, and it tends to be infectious.
quoted from cnn article,

"The problem here is easy access to a firearm," Cline told reporters. "Here is someone who never should have had a gun that had a gun."

No no Mr. police superintendent, the problem is NOT ENOUGH EASY ACCESS TO GUNS BY LAW-ABIDING citizens. Criminals will always have easy access to guns regardless of gun control laws, how about "The problem here is mentally unstable people who decide to kill", or "The problem here is our citizens of chicago were not equipped well enough to defend themselves, and our illogical laws are preventing our citizens from doing so". Or even better, from seeing his arrest record, "The problem is the inability of the system to keep criminals behind bars so as to prevent future repeat offenders". So I guess if he had used a car to run over all the employees in the parking lot, the problem would have been "The problem here is easy access to automobiles.." or if he used a bomb, "The problem here is easy access to bombs". Address the real problem you moron, denying people the RIGHT to defend the themselves, and not escaspe goating on the tools the bad guys use.

I also got a laugh out of the quote:

"Tapia was found with a Walther PP .380-caliber semiautomatic pistol and at least one extra clip of ammunition. "

mmm, a CLIP eh?

So, how are those gun control laws holding up in chicago? Working real well? RIIIIIGGGHT.
Chicago 5 (6)

SCTMN80, Ind LEO can carry in Illinois, only because of the recip law with Ind. Michigan? Ha? My son-in-law, who has CCW in Ind, can carry in Michigan due to the recip CCW law, but I CAN"T, because there is no HR 218 (or whatever number it is now) about nationwide carry law for LEO, but in our dept we can't get a CCW because it is not required in IND. Guess they don't want us to carry out of state.
No no Mr. police superintendent, the problem is NOT ENOUGH EASY ACCESS TO GUNS BY LAW-ABIDING citizens. Criminals will always have easy access to guns regardless of gun control laws, how about "The problem here is mentally unstable people who decide to kill", or "The problem here is our citizens of chicago were not equipped well enough to defend themselves, and our illogical laws are preventing our citizens from doing so". Or even better, from seeing his arrest record, "The problem is the inability of the system to keep criminals behind bars so as to prevent future repeat offenders". So I guess if he had used a car to run over all the employees in the parking lot, the problem would have been "The problem here is easy access to automobiles.." or if he used a bomb, "The problem here is easy access to bombs". Address the real problem you moron, denying people the RIGHT to defend the themselves, and not escaspe goating on the tools the bad guys use.
Well put, xenophon.
Yeah, that "easy access" bullpoop quote made onto NPR during my drive h ome yesterday. :banghead: Man, I'd love to get a chance to confront someone offering such an utterance on air and ask what law could have prevented this tragedy. The firearm he used is not covered by the AWB '94, or even the proposed draconian replacement. My guess is that we'll soon be treated of lurid tales about where he got the PP "on the street". Sigh:rolleyes:
I guess a dead giveaway that the writer has no clue about guns is when they call a magazine a "clip." They're probably thinking it sounds scarier. :banghead:

TED NUGENT is a deputy SHERIFF in Michigan???

I will confess to taking some slight sliver of comfort in the fact that the handgun used in the Chicago shooting was *not* a Glock. Glock's have a scary enough reputation among sheeple--such a thing would no doubt send many of them clear over the edge. (My apologies to Walther owners, but I'm just being honest about how I feel. Glocks get picked on a LOT.)
"The problem here is easy access to a firearm," (acting police superintendent -PH) Cline told reporters. "Here is someone who never should have had a gun that had a gun."

THIS IS ONLY MOUTHING THE WORDS THAT THE SHEEPLE WANT TO HEAR. :fire: When will intelligence overcome emotion ?
CRIMINALS DO NOT OBEY LAWS ! The city of Chicago is the one that disarmed it's lawabiding citizens and should bear some of the responsibility.

P.S. My corporation has the 30.06 sign on all entrances. Do I obey it ? NO !
My boss knows I do not follow the rule and says it does not bother him. He stated that he finds some comfort in the fact and appreciates my willingness to disobey, But said he cannot protect me from being dismissed if I am found out by upper management. I said OK Whatever..............;)
Why doesn't the acting police superintendent practice what he's preaching? If the problem is easy access to guns, why does he even have access to one of the evil things and why did the swat team that took the guy out have to use them?

Intelligence will NEVER overcome emotion in the number of people necessary to get the majority of votes. politicians know this- the ones that hold office year after year do anyway.
About the 20% of people who DO think; they have a choice: honesty or deceit. If you honesty follow true premises to their logical conclusion adn vote that way-
lets say, for sake of this target audience, premise: People who desire to harm others exist. Weapons make your desire to harm others easier to realize. People use weapons to harm others. People also desire to be safe from harm. Weapons make your desire to defend against those who would harm you easier to realize. therefore, you should have a weapon with which to defend yourself.
- then you are honest.
But just try to use that on a group of 'average people' you'll either lose them outright, or they'll lose interest before you're finished. You'll never convince them.

The deceitful thinker knows the truth, but chooses to deceive others for the perceived advantage it gives them over others. Our many anti-gun politicians fall into this category. They know EXACTLY what they're doing- so you don't have to convince them; and they'll never admit the truth. So don't waste your time.

But even the less-than-average intellect can understand, "The police ain't everywhere at once. If that guy was trying to kill me, I'd get him first!"
Or, "he shot your daddy. You gonna stand for that?!?!"

You get the idea. We need to try to convince the 60% of people we CAN reach.

BTW: notice I said 20% of people DO think. More like 40-50% of people are intelligent enough to do so, but they are swayed by emotions (i.e. propaganda).

And they can sway back just as well!

Does anyone else understand what i am trying to get us to do, here?

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