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CS, CN, or OC spray?

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Dec 21, 2005
Sachse, Texas
My fianceé is waiting for her CHL. For the time being, she's looking for a chemical spray that she can carry, and i'm wondering which is best.

I'm of the mindset that OC (pepper) spray is best, because it should be able to affect drugged out and drunk people, unlike CS or CN (tear gas)

Any other factors I should think about?
And yes, it is legal for her to carry all three according to law.
CS is not nearly as effective as GOOD OC - I have been exposed to both of them in training. We use CS and OC in the prison system I work in, and GOOD OC will work on most people. It is possible to build up a tolerance to CS - it is not possible to build up a tolerance to OC.
Do NOT buy Sabre Red - this is the garbage we are currently issued, and it works poorly. Buy Fox Labs product, or Bodyguard LE10. These can be accessed by law abiding civlians occaisionally. Cone spray is better than stream, or foam, IMHO.
We write in our use of force reports, "1 to 2 second burst". With Sabre Red it is a one to two CAN burst to be effective....
"I'm of the mindset that OC (pepper) spray is best, because it should be able to affect drugged out and drunk people, unlike CS or CN (tear gas)"


I've seen plenty of reports of OC not working on very drugged up people so we should be careful in assuming that any single product/technique/weapon will always work as desired.

That said, FoxLabs products have an outstanding reputation.
Why not get both in one package?
I use a CS/OC combo. From what I understand from some close friends who have used this on a professional basis that the two are more effective in combination than either alone.
I was "sprayed" with cs many times in the Marines. Hurt bad the first time, then it didn't bother me anymore. Good for training, but I wouldn't bet my life on it.
I guess OC is better than screaming for help. It doesn't work against motivated violent people very well. If she's only planning on using it against unmotivated nonviolent attackers it would probably be a good choice. CN and CS aren't as good.
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