cylinder to barrel clearance

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Dec 4, 2010
This is my first time communicating on this forum. The question I have is concerning cylinder end play. I have a model 67 S&W, I believe 1973 manufacture date. I bought this revolver used. With hammer cocked, trigger pulled back and hammer released I have 0.004 tight clearance. But in this position I can push hard on the cylinder rearward and get 0.006 clearance. Which method is correct for checking end play of the cylinder? Thanks for your consideration.
Pushed fully to the rear checks Gap.
Thats where the cylinder goes when the cartridge fires and recoil / case grip slams it to the rear.

Pushed fully to the front and subtracting that measurement from the other measurement checks End Shake.
Thats where it goes when the hand pushes it foreward to turn it, and again when recoil slams it back forward again.

In any case, your gun sounds like it is well within spec.

So Fuggedaboutit.

rcmodel, Thanks for your response. Your information is helpful to me. This forum is a great place for gun related issues. Thanks again.
JJJ, Lewiston, Idaho
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