CZ-75BD Question

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May 14, 2004
Maryland - behind the Iron Curtain
Hey all,

It's been awhile since I've posted. You know... life happens. Anyway, I currently own a CZ-75BD. I like it. It shoots well and it's reliable. I have about 200-300 rounds through it. To make a long story short, I've heard some rumors that the CZ-75BD's sear tends to wear out faster than the regular 75b's due to the design of the decocker mechanism. Apperently, the sear will wear out faster from the abuse of decocking. Here's a link to the post that has me concerned:

Now I don't know the technical reason for this, but is there any merit to this? I did take a look at my sear as I decocked it (looking at it from the rear of the gun) and it does looks like the sear/decocker mechanism does only make contact on the right side of the sear. I believe the standar CZ-75b model has 2 contacts with the sear. The sear does a have a slight worn look to it from where the decocker part (excuse my lack of proper terminology please) does make contact on that right side. I know that the 75BD's tend to have a trigger "click" as a result of the decocker making it harder to get a crisper trigger pull, and I'm fine with that. But my main concern is with the life of the sear. I hope that this isn't an issue. I'd really be bummed. I really like this pistol and am actually considering purchasing a P-01 because it has a similar manual at arms and seems to have a great reputation. But if this is indeed an issue w/ the CZ decocker model, I may look at an alternative. Anyone have any info on this issue?? Thanks in advance.
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