D.C. Police Take Over All FFL Transfers On Mayor’s Order

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I wonder how many transfers were actually done to ordinary citizens in 2019 in DC?
Most guns in D.C. bypass the legalities entirely. People that really want guns -- even non-criminals -- find it easier to just buy them off the street rather than jump through the legal hoops. This undoubtedly was one of the things that led to Mr. Sykes' frustration.

In regard to guns, D.C. follows the European prototype: the legal framework bears almost no relation to the reality on the ground.
Most guns in D.C. bypass the legalities entirely. People that really want guns -- even non-criminals -- find it easier to just buy them off the street rather than jump through the legal hoops. This undoubtedly was one of the things that led to Mr. Sykes' frustration.

In regard to guns, D.C. follows the European prototype: the legal framework bears almost no relation to the reality on the ground.
Well technically, if they choose to skip the "legal hoops", they are no longer "non-criminals" . . . .
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I don’t see anything that would take more than 2 minutes for the seller to complete on your link. The process would be a giant pain for the purchaser, but most of the additional hoops are related to the MPD and not the FFL.
Well, here's your chance to make a fortune.
Dangerous precident if the ATF allows it to stand. Lets the inmates run the institution
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