Dad's old knife


Contributing Member
Apr 28, 2009
Central New York
Got this knife from my Dad when he passed. It’s an old k-bar. Still solid. It’s incredibly sharp on one end of the blade and dull on the other. Was thinking of sharpening it tonight after dinner. I can remember him with this knife my entire life.

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This is my Dad's knife, purchased sometime in the 1950s from a local sporting goods store. He used it mainly around the yard from cutting tree branches and making kindling for the fireplace. He and his brother ran a Christmas tree lot during the holiday season and he had his knife there to cut open the bundled trees, trim off low hanging branches, and numerous other little jobs.

The knife ended up in the garage where Dad kept it to cut twine. Unfortunately he didn't take the best of care with his Marbles knife as it was in need of a bit of TLC. So I "loaned" him a new U.S.A.F. Survival Knife in exchange while I fixed up his knife. Dad was happy to make the swap as he really liked the new knife and I had the chance to clean up and sharpen the Marbles. Turned out pretty nice with the help of some Flitz on the metal parts.
Personally I would put an edge on it, do what ever you need to do to keep it clean, together, intact.....not sure on the word I am hunting for....degrading. In short I would not go off to make it look brand spanking new. I know you did not say anything to this effect, just saying how I view things that are passed down gen to gen. Make them serviceable, but don't remove a single scratch. Every mark tells a story.