Dallas federal building shooter used AR.

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Trey Veston

I would say a very amazing, right place at the wrong time kind of photo!
We were lucky on this one, that he only hit the side of a building before being killed.

We need to hurry and ban proscription glasses though as next time we might not be so lucky.

Looks like an AR in the photo above to me. He did have some odd balls according to this less than factual article.


Sorry for his friends and family but happy they got him before he could hurt anyone.
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I lurked around his Facebook page before it was removed and concluded that the shooting was not principally motivated by politics or religion and that the guy was simply bat-poop crazy. Definitely leaned towards the left and dabbled in some New Age/Reptilians/Conspiracy crap.

Took a snippet of one of his last posts, which was an anti's wet dream...

And he didn’t hit anyone, crazy. And fortuitous.

And that cameraman is hella lucky.
Wow. Another photo online shows a perfect center mass shot that brought the gunman down. Text book shot placement.
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