Dang it Tom! You busted my cooler!

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No worms in Tequila. Worms are in Mescal. Think Tequila to the power of 10. :eek:

I have heard Odessa referred to as "the ugliest city in Texas". I would never say such a thing ( I might think it ) but it is in the top 10.

Got family in Midland. Friends in Monahans. Odessa is a necessity. Fortunately the interstate is way on the south side and you don't actually have to go through the town, just skirt the edge a little. It is enough.

West Texas folks are by and large really great folks. I hold up Art as an example (although Art is really South Texas folk but close enough) But as with people everywhere there are a few …ummm….interesting types around. They get exaggerated out there. Maybe the sand, or the wind, or the lack of rain, or the sand, or the smell, or the sand; but something makes a few folks plumb crazy.


Then someone needs to tell the Eagles. Because it sure looked and felt like a "Tequila Sunrise" to me. I thought that keg would never float, and I was making sure it stayed that way...

That or Mescal doesn't rhythm well in a song. :D
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