Deer Camera Pic

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Dec 26, 2002
Although I've hunted for several years, I've only recently gotten into the game camera aspect of hunting.
After 2 or 3 attempts, I'm finally gettin my camera located where it should be and have seen several deer including 3 different young bucks. One of them, a spike, has been photographed several times. My problem is, I think he's startin to like it. He just keeps comin back, and I think he's now startin to pose for the camera. :eek:


The pic was taken with one of the cheap Wildview models from WalMart. I just decided that I'd like to know what I'm feedin all that corn to. I usually try to feed through the winter and then stop in the spring.
Course now that the price of corn just keeps goin higher and higher, I may have to start robbin the neighbors cornfields. :(

As for the freezer, if this guy is a spike again next year,( which I expect he will be) that's exactly where I'm gonna try to put him.

how do you keep the coons and skunks out of that style of feeder?

I don't.
But heck I get a kick out of seein the coons, turkeys and such almost as much as the deer. :D
I've got 3 of those feeders up. In a weeks time I'll feed around 50lbs unless it gets cold and they empty them out a little quicker. The deer can't eat out of the feeder as fast as you might think because of the size of the pipe. If you want to slow them down even more, lengthen the elbow so that it's harder for them to reach the corn. I've got holes drilled in the bottom of the elbow to drain water.
I don't want them to take up residence at the feeders. I just wanna help them through the winter.
I'm not a trophy hunter although I like to take big horns as much as the next guy. But as long as my daughter and I can fill our tags and enjoy the hunt together, I'm happy.
And before the baiting debate starts, I don't hunt over the feeders. True the feeder might draw them into the area, but I hunt outside the feeders.
Course now that the price of corn just keeps goin higher and higher,
I was shocked to learn today that over the last year corn has gone up over 77%. That's quite a rise. Nice shots, I may have to do the same in the near future. Looks like fun. :D
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