Denied Ammo at Wal-Mart....

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I don't care how much someone "appreciates my business", I'm not going to pay %30-%40 more for the same thing. +1 on becoming friendly with the wal-mart guys. One of the older full-time guys at my walmart is more knowledgeable/nice/helpful than anyone at any of my local gunshops. Probably not the norm though.

blame the gov't.
I would. Anything that has or can be chambered in a rifle can be bought as rifle ammunition.

The US Court of Appeals would disagree with you.
See this case for details.

"Although there is evidence that a limited number of antiquated rifles exist on the gun show circuit that are capable of firing .25 caliber ACP ammunition, we nonetheless find that this cartridge is not 'interchangeable' because it is universally regarded and marketed as strictly handgun ammunition."

But really, how many threads whining about Wal-Mart's policies do we have to endure? The reasons behind these questions were explained here.
How many variations of this topic are we going to have?

I mean, Walmart is a store. Where they sell stuff. Why people here have this continual fascination with the place is utterly beyond me.
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