Department store metal detectors

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hehehe. The company I work for manufactures some of the small magnetic strips that are used. Some posters have pretty much explained it pretty well concerning the anti-theft detectors. The little strips are checked for gauss levels before shipment to our customer. It is just a matter of deactivating them when the point of purchase. Some cashiers are just not doing it well enough or the demagnetizer is not operating at the needed level. Or you have something on you that puts out just the right frequency.
Is there a funny new mark or hard object below the skin on your hand, forehead or left buttcheek?
Where's the tinfoil smiley when we need him?

I have NEVER had one of those machines "go off" when I was carrying.

Only problem I ever had was when a friend (or maybe he wasn't so good a friend...) placed one of those "things" in my wallet.

Everywhere I went I was setting off those detectors until I figured it out. - Drove me crazy for a while. - But since I got my CCW a couple of years ago I have never "set off" any of those detectors. -Not in Kentucky and not when traveling out to the western states (where CCW was legal). I DO carry polymer guns though. Don't know if that would matter.


So let me get this straight...
This is not happening to anyone else?

I don't carry a cell phone, PDA, or any other electronic devices. My watch isn't even digital. I don't have steel toe boots. It happens regardless of what clothes I'm wearing.

Here's the kicker... It only happens when I'm packing.

Does this mean my P7 is stolen? :rolleyes:
BTW, I'ts not just a MA thing.

I do most of my shopping in NH (tax-free doncha' know).

Of course I report my purchases to pay MA sales tax when I get home. :D
I doubt it means your P7 is stolen... it's an extreme long shot, but maybe you should strip down your P7 and check for anything unusual. This is about to drift into deep 'black helicopter' territory, but maybe someone slipped a RFID chip under the grip panel or something. I'm just blue skying here so take this for what it's worth.

But if you're going to check the gun... don't forget to inspect the magazines also.
I'm always nervous going through those, though I know I shouldn't be. I'd be even more nervous if, like you, I actually set one off!!:what:
Check the holster too.

Perhaps you purchased the holster from a place that uses these or perhaps it was shipped from the factory with a strip in the bag that worked its way into the holster itself?

That is very interesting Chipperman. Be sure to check the things QBG and CGofMP said. Those were the types of things that I immediately thought of when you didn't come back and say something like, "Doh! I just found one of those strips in my Nikes!"

Does your P7 have any electronics attached? Laser, red dot, etc. Is there anything else you carry only when you carry, so to speak?

It might be an interesting test to go to one of the stores where you know the detector will be set off. Go through once while carrying to be sure the phenomenon still exists. Then leave your P7 in your car temporarily and go back to the store to see if it goes off then. If it is the gauss level the detector is checking for, maybe something in your P7 is magnetized.

You wear a security card from work?
Lots of places have these cards that you have to put up near a small sensor to activate and unlock the door. These cards will also set off these store sensors.

I'm not talking about the credit card like swipe cards... these are more passive.

Just leave your work ID card in your car. If that isn't it... you must have a tag inside your gun barrel. When was the last time you cleaned it?
Not sure what you mean by that, Nero.
This is not a joke post, I'm serious.

It's a newer problem. I used to set off alarms once in a while. Over the past several months it's been happening progressively more and more.

Yesterday it literally happened in every store, except for Stop and Shop.

Neither the gun nor the holster are new. There are no "toys" attached to the gun. Same gun, same holster, same mag, even the same ammo as several months ago.

It's happened with other guns also, but I usually carry the P7M8.
When I'm not carrying, it does not happen as often.

Anyone else have this happening in the Essex County Mass or Southern NH area? I can't believe that I'm the only person around setting off these stupid alarms. :mad:
Could you leave your P7 in the car and try going through the detector wearing your holster and gun belt?
Do you wear a different belt when you carry vs when you dont? That, or the holster would be my prime suspect.


While I do know how the RFID chips work, I've not idea just what you're doing to set things off. Note, though, that I said nothing about how the store's software works...

Still, I carry whenever I've pants on, which is all the time, for those who'd scoff, and I've had no problems anywhere, including HD, drug stores, etc.

Beyond clearly exhibiting the fact that I've a weapon on board, after 8 years in NH I've more or less gotten over the "big deal" syndrome, and would merely present the carry permit if challanged, and so wouldn't worry about screening.
'course, I'd neither buy nor return, but that's another story.

Like everybody else says, sounds like you've a tag somewhere.

As a "shall issue" state, there are many more CCW's floating around than the normal Massachusetts resident, notice the restraint exercisec here as I withold the NH abbreviation for those from the south, would suspect, and we don't seem to have any problems.
How 'bout this?

Go to one of the more "friendly" stores when they are not busy. Explain what is happening and ask if you can use their detector to figure out what it is.

Don't wear your gun or holster in. Does it still go off?
Have someone hold your wallet.
Try EVERYTHING you have.
If it is STILL going off, wear a jogging outfit with NO metal anywhere on it. Slip your shoes off.

If you STILL set it off...:scrutiny:

Otherwise, at one point it will stop. You will then know what caused it and can go from there.

That's what I would do anyway.

Good luck!


As time progresses, technology advances. The customer we supply are always looking at newer more advanced methods of providing security yet ease of deactivation. Currently, the strips being used can be defeated (deactivated) with the proper tools. We're now trying out newer materials to provide different characteristics to make unauthorized deactivation harder. On the other end, detection is getting more sensitive. It could very well be that either or both your firearms and holsters are somehow very slightly magnetized and it's setting off the more sensitive detectors. My opinion of course.
Hmmmm, Chipperman is his name? I think Chipperman has the smart chip in him hence the name and I am going to get my tin foil hat now before he transmits it through the Internet and into me. No thanks to global positioning chipper implants. :eek:
Maybe someone planted a tag in your shoes.

What's the old story about the guy with the new car with a rattle--kept taking back to dealer, complained, wrote the company. Finally ( the story goes) they take this guys car apart and between the trunk /rear seat area is a 6.5 oz. coke bottle with marbles...and a note scrawled..." Ha, see you guys finally found the rattle...signed, a retied auto worker....
I'd check the holster out, if it has any type of spring to help hold the gun in place or some screws to adjust tension, they could very likely have taken some kind of charge..... try running it over the demagnetizer and see if it helps....

I live in SE Mass and have been carrying for a cuppla years now - 4 or 5 different pieces - (not a P7) and I've never set one off. Staples, HD, Sears, and others. You got me stumped.
Could a magnetic screwdriver or driver bit have passed on a magnetic charge?
Have you had any surgical procedures recently? Things sometimes get forgotten in people.
:D :D :D
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