depressing :(

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If you don't like the current ammo situation then stop buying ammo.

People still finding ammo at their local stores and then selling it online for twice the price are the real issue.
Anyone noticed most of the ammo showing up on gunbot is foreign made, while most of the U.S. ammo is showing up on gunbroker?
We have all made decisions/choices that we would change if we could go back in time. The important thing is going forward, and correcting mistakes.

However, it is slightly annoying that every single time anyone makes a comment about ammo availability/scarcity that someone chimes in self righteously about how they should have stockpiled years in advance and that it is sooo easy to do.

I have a feeling that some posters, and this isn't directed at anyone in particular, have forgotten what is like to be young and broke.

By now, we all get the point, there is no need to endlessly lord it over everyone else about how shortsighted/unprepared/unwise some people were. It has in some cases come across more as bragging and self congratulating.

Just remember that not everyone is in the same situation as you, and sometimes, people have financial situations that didn't allow them to stockpile without undue hardship. And don't forget that young people, who are without a lifetime of experience, are allowed to make a few mistakes once in a while.
Like I tried to say, I was 28 once and have been in your spot. Sorry for the anoyance and I don't mean to lord anything over anyone but the anoyance does cut both ways. I can't get over the sense of entitlement that I see when things get scarce and prices go up. There is ample evidence of high prices but also of no increase at all but it's a matter of maybe standing in line to wait or seeking shops that you maybe don't frequent. We have become an entitlement culture and in that sense I guess I am a counter culture warrior no different than the hippies of old just fighting against different things. My opinion is free and anyone can skip over it.
It is a vicious, cyclic chain where people are buying to hoard thinking it is not going to be available. It is getting ridiculous. When the ammo comes back in supply, which it will, the people who paid hundreds for bricks of 22 will be embarrassed.
have forgotten what is like to be young and broke.

naw, when I was young and broke a 99 cent box of Wildcats was a big purchase and we only would have at most one box around (buy two shoot one) but there was always stock on the shelves it was the money I was lacking.

These times are different sure one could pay 10 times retail and get some but todays markets are all driven by the greater fool theory and I don't fault anyone for not wanting to play that game.

I just think the days of endless plinking with cheap ammo are over, we're getting back to a time when just on box of wildcats are precious, it's not about us forgetting it's about some finally facing reality.
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