Dillon sq. Deal 380 problem

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Dec 9, 2006
I'm new here and new to reloading. Bought Dillon Sq. Deal, loaded 300 rounds 40 cal. no problem. Just purchased 380 dies from dillon, will not flare case enough to seat bullet. Magtech Brass,Rainer copper clad 95 grain bullet.
It seems that once the powder die is set up according to the manual (so that the powder bar reaches the end of it's travel as the handle bottoms out) there is very little ajustment that can be made to case flare by screwing die in, before the machine is out of ajustment too the point it wants to push powder measure off the die.
I have an E-mail in to Dillon, but when I found this forum I was hoping someone else had solved this problem? It won't load 380 with out the bullet being on an angle or some of the brass plating being pushed outside of case.
Thanks Carl
Call Dillon on the Phone -- no need to wait for email response. I've found that spam fiters have a way of intercepting you cyber message.

it seems like in the past I had this 'problem' with my 550b,and just kept adjusting the die until the flare was correct.It seems the powder bar had enough over travel allowance to allow for this.could be your sdb can do the same thing.

direcitons?? you actually read directions?????:what: :evil: :D
Thanks for the reply. I have been through what appears to be the range of adjustment ,in 1/8 turn advancement of the powder/flare die, with no luck. My understanding , which is limited, on the 550 you could slove this problem by using one of the stations for an expander die, an option not available on sd because of exclusive dies.
If the powder measure is properly clamped to the top of the powder die, it won't be pushed off when you flare the case mouth. After adjusting the powder die down until the powder bar is fully actuated, continue to adjust the powder die down in 1/4 turn increments until cases are flared about .010" or so. Be sure the powder funnel the case pushes up on is marked with a letter "F" in the groove turned into the top of the funnel.
I plan on giving Dillon help a call to try and figure this out. It is very possible to adjust the powder die down enough in the tool head, so as to cause a condition, that allows the powder funnel ,as it rises, to push the powder measure off of the die. This happens with the powder measure properly clamped. The funnel is marked with an F.
Thanks Carl
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