Dingell, NRA Working on Bill to Strengthen Background Checks

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I'm a Bit at a Loss in Your Philosophy

quoted by JohnBT:
"The NRA is your friend. They are doing everything they can to hold back the sweeping forces of those who would abolish private gun ownership in the U.S.

I understand those folks who think the way to do this to draw a line in the sand and refuse to talk to the other side as they attempt to pass the bills, limit our ability to own guns and then confiscate our guns, but I don't think that's the way to fight the battle.

You draw a line and stand there and you'll find a runaway train coming to flatten you.



Uh, you've lost me. Firstly, the NRA is no friend of mine. Perhaps you perceive them to be your ally. Good for you. The facts speak a different language, brother. Look 'em up.

The only way to maintain the Constitution & Bill of Rights is to be vigilant; something you certainly are NOT advocating.


Let's just say someone comes to rape you, your significant other and your dog. :uhoh:

What could/would you possible compromise?? What IS there to be compromised?? :barf:

It's no different, dude.
I don't really care what they give in exchange, and I don't really care if the NRA supported the bill before or after the shooting. NICS should be eliminated not worried about being made better or stronger. Someone who was thrown in the loony bin 30 years ago and is now a perfectly fine individual shouldn't be allwoed to won firearms? Someone who made a stupid mistake as a stupid kid should be restricted forever even though they are now 55 and have been an unstanding citizen ever since?

No, it is wrong pure and simple. And the lobby that is supposed to be fighting it is working to strengthin it? I call BS on them.

I may not now, but would under any 'new' definitions? I dont think the bill has changed and I am sure it could get worse/better.

Losing my right to bear arms would be one of the worst things that could happen to me. I love my Garand :(
I can see I'm in the minority here, but I don't mind the NRA endorsing this bill. Assuming the bill only gives the ability to enforce the mental heath restrictions that are already in place.
If this bill provides cover for politicians to claim they did "something", without ridiculous new restrictions like the assault weapon ban, then I think this is probably the best we could have hoped for.
slippery slope. Just another example of 'broadening' the # of people aren't eligable... and it has a high risk of being used to expand that # further and further.

i.e. ever convicted of a DUI? Denied firearm rights due to nics check.

Ever gone for voluntary alcoholism treatment? Denied fiream rights due to DUI.

Given a forced diagnosis (adhd, add, etc.) as a young person by our great public education system that just loves to medicate instead of teach? Denied firearm rights.

Et cetera.

It's just a bad idea with potential far reaching consesquences.
"Uh, you've lost me. Firstly, the NRA is no friend of mine. Perhaps you perceive them to be your ally. Good for you. The facts speak a different language, brother. Look 'em up.

The only way to maintain the Constitution & Bill of Rights is to be vigilant; something you certainly are NOT advocating."

I'm not advocating being vigilant? I suggest you back up and take a good look around. Then take your foot out of your mouth.

You make a valiant attempt to spin facts, but you fail at it.

Folks, the NRA has been on board with the NICS Improvement Bill for years.....this is not news.

Personally I think its a waste of money but I'm not going to bite off my nose to spite my face and make claims like "the NRA Sucks" because they are the only Pro Gun Group in DC that has any power and certainly the only one that the weasels in Congress fear and respect.

I will continue my support for the NRA because they are still our best vehicle for preserving RKBA in the US.
So what happens after this abomination passes and millions more are added to the list of folks who are to be denied,while a common criminal can once again repeat it without fear because he/she must only then worry how long itll take for the calvary to arrive,after the fact.

Laws apply to people who want to be law abiding,criminals DO NOT care and will use it once again to their advantage.

Nope, aint buying it,no more encroachments.If something positive is to come from this, it should be changing the concealed carry laws to be more of a deterrant to future wannabes murderers and enforcing the laws already on the books,if not removing most of the needless ones entirely.
GM, don't get me wrong I oppose the bill, have written letters to NRA and Reps to that effect but it does not stop me from renewing my membership for all of the good NRA does.
It seems your comment is analogous to the idea that you pay a thief $50 and he doesn't steal your TV. See? It's win/win. He gets the fifty and you get to keep your TV. After all, it's only the smart way to prevent theft.

Sage, actually the analogy here is the you gave the thief $50 in monopoly money and convinced him that is the same thing as the real money. He leaves the house happy and you chuckle behind. The other alternative is: " I am not gonna give you anything not even a monopoly money you scum bag!" This results in him emptying the whole house and not only getting the TV, but the jewelry, money, the whole thing.

The point I was trying to make is when the cards are stacked against, you play the game one way. When you have the Royal Flush then you press ahead full steam.

It is politics folks, whether we like it or not. Washington has rules and if you do not play by those rules you do not sit on the table. Believe me, we want somebody who defends RKBA to sit on that table, not to yell from outside "No compromise, no compomise" Rest assured, there will be no compromise, you are not even a player!

I read some place that the reason Britain and Australia lost their gun rights is they did not have the NRA in those countries which resulted in a definite no compromise, the antis just ran them over. The NRA is not a perfect organization and they screw up here and there. However, the good they do for the RKBA is invaluable!
Why should it be another gun bill. The laws about the mentally ill are already on the books. It should be a MEDICAL bill that forces that lobby to open their books and allow the already existing gun law to be effective.
No more.

The AWB passed and sunsetted because it too was another feel good measure that had no effect on anyone but law abiding people,back then it was because the police were outgunned by the gang bangers,drug dealers and other criminals.It didnt solve anything but restrict legal gun ownership while the violent criminals remained and made criminals out of others.

A criminal isnt going to bother with a background check,the only thing that would concern them is whether or not their victim would fight back or if they might be disturbed in the process.Nothing stopped most of the the 9/11 hijackers with box cutters but maybe a armed marshal would have,Those people had nowhere to escape.

If the NRA doesnt see it,my money will go elsewhere also.

This is not about criminal who obtained guns illegally. This is about a person who was mentally ill and bought his guns just like you and me. The analogy with 9/11 is not appropriate here, since this could have been stopped with enforcement of provisions for persons who have been adjudicated as mentally ill.

How is this hurting the law-abiding citizens? Moreover, the law has this provision already, it just seems it is not enforced. Question 11f states:
Have you ever been adjucated mentally defective(which includes having been adjudicated incompetent to manage your own affairs) or have been committed to a mental institution?
So what happens if someones been diagnosed bipolar? They can no longer obtain a gun?

EXACTLY! My fear with this is, WHERE will they draw the line on what is "mentally ill?"

We give "them" (the antis) an inch and they'll take four miles...

Didn't I hear about the VA forcing veterans who suffered post-traumatic stress disorder to get rid of all their guns if they want treatment from the VA????

VERY glad I couldn't justify (financially) becoming an NRA life member before.
You can be an absolutist and a purist and have someone else's solution imposed on you. Or, you can be part of the process where everybody gains something of what they want.

There are more people who don't care about your gun rights than do. Alienate enough of them to make it *their* single issue and you'll lose more in the long run.

everybody gains something of what they want.

Yeah, SHORT run everybody gains face.

So whadda we do when "they" decide to re-write "mentally ill" for the purposes of denying someone the right to own a firearm?
Why is John Dingel not dead to the NRA after his vote for the '94 "assault weapon" ban?

Anyway, put me in the "appeasment" camp" It's "compromise" when you get something in return for something else. We're not getting anything here, it's all give. And when you give some, in return for not having to give more, that's "appeasement" in a nutshell.

And the worst part, is we don't need to appease anybody this time!

Look at the polls: I was listening to NPR yesterday, spinning them like a turbine, and they couldn't find a way to say that this shooting had produced a groundswell in favor of more gun control.

Poll: Nation split on gun control

Though Monday's horrific killings of 32 students and teachers — plus the gunman — were fresh in people's minds, there was scant movement in their attitude toward gun laws. Forty-seven percent said firearm controls should be tightened, 38 percent said they should remain unchanged and 11 percent said they should be loosened — about the same as in a January survey.

Six in 10 women think gun laws should be toughened, nearly double the proportion for men. Fifty-five percent of minorities favor stricter legal requirements, compared with 44 percent of whites.

Public opinion has barely twitched as a result of this!

Folks, the NRA has been on board with the NICS Improvement Bill for years.....this is not news.

Exactly: The NRA has wanted this. And now the NRA thinks they've got the excuse THEY need, to make the membership willing to swallow it.
it's all give

It is already given, read form 4473. It is about enforcing it. Are we now for not enforcing existing laws even the good ones. By the same token let's disregard the whole penal law and let everyone run wild on the streets. Why bother?
Dingell, it should be noted, referred to agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms as "jack-booted thugs" long before NRA vice chairman Wayne LaPierre used such controversial rhetoric in a fund-raising letter.
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