Disposal Questions

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Oct 7, 2005
Okay, I have a few questions about how to properly dispose of reloading "errors"

1) High Primer. If you have a high primer in a completed round, can you safely re-seat the primer? I'm guessing no, so now you take apart the round and

2) Primer. How do you get rid of them? I soak the mistakes in Kroil overnight and then dispose of them in the trash.

3) Bungled rounds. This includes bad seating, crumpled cases, flipped primers, etc. Disassemble and toss? Donate to the gun range to see how they dispose of it?

4) Powder. You spilled some powder. Now what? Don't reach for that vacuum, but what do you do with the mess? Soak it in water before chucking it in the trash?

That's it. I can't find good information on how to properly dispose of primers and powder, so I'm asking here. :)
#1, I pull the bullet reseat the primer and reassemble

#2, Shoot them. Fireing primed cases is the best way to get rid of primers you don`t want.

#3, Bury them. You can also do this with bad primers. I pick a spot in the woods where I figure no one will unwittingly dig them up.

#4, Spread it on the lawn, powder makes very good fertilizer for your grass or tomatoes.
As to the powder, it works well because it is high in nitrogon. Just make sure no one walks by and flips a cig on your lawn for awhile :fire:
Powder is biodegradeable?

So powder will naturally break down in soil? Seriously?
grummz said:
So powder will naturally break down in soil? Seriously?

Yep, I`ve been dumping it for years with no problem, dad did it with his also, and probably dumped 10# worth of my screw ups when I was at home learning to load. Never a hic-up..
1. I have seated high primers in loaded ammo, but I am NOT telling YOU to do it. I have never popped a primer other than by firing in a gun (or hitting with a hammer to see what it took.) Never in any loading tool, and I have crushed my share with pressure applied slowly. But it is my neck.
2. Put them in the trash in small numbers. I am not worried about blowing up the garbage truck, primers are fairly hard to set off other than by concentrated impact.
3. Pull the bullet, salvage the usable components, trash the rest.
4. Flush it, spread it on the garden, put it in a long narrow pile and ignite it, all work just fine.
All nitrates are soluble in water, so chucking gun powder on the lawn shouldn't be to much of a problem.

Interestingly enough, the information sheet for the powder I am using now, suggests that excess or unwanted powder be disposed of by placing it in a pile, and burning it. I'm tempted to do it with power I wan't...
Arch, since you want to light up some powder, you try lighting the charcoal with it and let us know how it worked ok? :neener:
Lupinus said:
Just make sure no one walks by and flips a cig on your lawn for awhile :fire:

Aw,come on man!
Unless you dump several tons of powder on your yard and spread it out to cover the whole yard with a layer of powder. A cigarette is not going to ignite more than a couple granules of the powder you spead out on the lawn.
Granules of smokeless powder have to be touching to ignite one another.
I spread old powder on the lawn then water it so the powder makes it into the soil. Talk about getting a reall green lawn, powder is the real high priced fertalizer.
powder isn't a big deal... a few granules, when ignited, don't do a whole lot. i've used powder in my charcoal grill, thrown it on the lawn, lit it up just to see, etc...

primers... i use a single stage press or a hand primer. if the primer is high, it is because there is something wrong w/ the case/primer. i just shoot it as a practice round. closing the bolt can be a little tough sometimes, but they always go off.

if you really have a problem w/ a high primer just disassemble the round, and fire the primered case in your gun. it is sorta loud when done in the house - a little quieter than a 22lr out of a rifle.
You mean to tell me you throw your cigarette butts in your yard???:what: Have you ever heard of a "Butt Kit":D ...JA's right. You have to throw a lot of powder in your lawn to ignite it with a cigarette...(Litter bugs):)
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