Distinctive Handgun features?

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Oct 29, 2003
I'm kinda curious about viewpoints here. Maybe I'm strange but I like my special personal property to be distinctive. I don't want my stuff looking just like everyone elses stuff.

My car a factory car but I did alot of little things to make it "my" car. It's lowered a tad, big custom wheels, super-dark tinted, nice stereo, etc. Even if the factory made 10,000 of my car, nobody elses is just like mine.

I want my handgun to be the same. I don't want my handgun to look like anyone elses even if the factory makes 10,000 of them. I don't want it to look "factory".

Anyways, there are a few things that I can think of that can make a handgun distinctive but I'd like to know what else is availalble and maybe see pictures of what has been done.

Here's a list of what i've seen:
unmarked slides (no roll-marks etc)
custom engraving
custom millwork (front strap, serrations, etc)
damascus slides
various upgraded small parts

I'll post a few pics of nice things that I've found. I apologize if they belong to anyone on the forum here. I'm collecting pics of distinctive handguns.


Clean slide and custom front strap


Damascus 2

Polished/unmarked slide

Polished/unmarked slide 2

Custom Millwork

Slide & Millwork

Just a Slide

I'd like additional suggestions and pics of other distinctive handguns. Lastly, I want distinctive but not guady, so no gold plating.
mr_dove, I am the same way. I don't have the money to do everything that I wish but I do change out things to make it "mine".

My biggest thing are the grips. I get mine hand made by Hakan and even if he makes another set for another person with the same gun, they are never alike.

I love what you've done, and that slide looks so cool. Does it hinder the weight ratio of the gun? Putting more weight on the back and such? Does it hinder the movement of the slide? Just asking.

I have an FM that I'm thinking of having hard chromed and polished with no markings (except the s/n, fed law you know :( ). I plan on putting on a pair of pearl grips, but with NO gold what so ever.


*ps, did the same with my car also :D
Here's a list of what i've seen:
unmarked slides (no roll-marks etc)
custom engraving
custom millwork (front strap, serrations, etc)
damascus slides
various upgraded small parts

Some of it's very nice, but the milled slide with the holes makes me go "Euuuu".

Somebody a while back posted a picture of a 1911 with a custom slide, stepped like a Browning hi-power. Very nice looking (reminded me of my P90 :) ).
Well those "portholes" in the slide are going to change the mass and therefore will change the timing of the pistol. Maybe not a good idea.

If you want your gun to LOOK different then here's the place for you.

Some are kinda "out there" but some are actually cool.

Just remember that Beauty is in the eyes of the beerholder. :what:
I don't own a hand gun that hasn't been customized to one degree or another. Sometimes it's as simple as an action job and custom stocks; sometimes it's much more elaborate. One of the reasons I don't have a plastic pistol is that you can't do much to them.
Standing Wolf, actually, I'm in negotiations(sp) on getting my "evil black frame" repainted to be a metallic blue (USP .45). It will be guranteed for the life of me or the gun, and the gun will outlast me by far.

It will match my car (geez, what gun owners will do, pitiful isn't it).

getting my "evil black frame" repainted to be a metallic blue (USP .45). It will be guranteed for the life of me or the gun,

What paint or dye is used that permanently adheres to polymer and not wear off with handling?
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