Do I need help??

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Aug 6, 2007
I have had a couple of friends tell me that I'm kind of crazy. (maybe I am) because I always have a gun with me don't matter where I go.
If I'm going to Dallas which is like 3 hours away from me or I'm going to the store in the corner I have a gun with me.

So I decide to ask my fellow gun owners and members of THR what they think

Am I paranoid like one of them said or I'm just aware of my surroundings like I think? (psst hey I really hope you guys are with me in this one, LOL) :D
Ummmm, no. Perhaps your friend missed the story of the DPD officer and civilians that were killed in cold-blood while responding to an accident. Or the recent rash of fast-food robberies. Don't forget the the bracelet bandit - lady with the rosary bracelet tattooed on her arm.

IMO, you're smart, not crazy. I'm in the same boat, if I'm out and can carry, I do.
Someone famous (cant remember who) said: "Only the insane never doubt their sanity"

Also there is nothing wrong with a case of defensive paranoia.

If said paranoia makes it where you cant leave the house and you hide in bed all day, then by all means seek help.

If said paranoia has kept you and yours safe during your lifetime then continue to do so.

I get accused of the same things because I like to keep plenty of ammo, mags, perishable resistant food, water.......... you get the point, on hand.
That's my motto Charles. And I'll keep carrying no matter what. I rather be prepared, just in case. I don't think 6'1" and 212 pounds is enough.

6'1" with a 357 mag, perfect :D Have fun and happy hunt
yeah, you're in the wrong place if you want people to tell you you're crazy for leaving the house armed. most of us carry to the bathroom in the middle of the night.:D
^^^^^ jajajajajaja I couldn't stop laughing :D but yes I'll carry anywhere i knew I'm good :p I'm not crazy well maybe a little, lol Have fun and happy hunt
IF they own a fire extinguisher -

IF they have their cell phones set on speed dial to 911 -

IF they lock their front doors -

IF they lock their cars when parked on the street -

IF they have considered the possibility of being attacked -

then they are also paranoid for taking precautions. You are simply taking further precautions. No you are not paranoid.

I guess it depends. Do you carry a gun because you are constantly in fear for your life? If so, then yeah, you probably either need help or to move. If you carry one because it evens out the wallet and cell phone on the other side of your belt, probably not so much.
I get the same thing from people all the time - especially one person in my family. Just because you're prepared for the worst case scenario does not mean that you are crazy. It means that you recognize that life is unpredictable and you take responsibility for your own well-being and safety. Instead of being labeled you should be congratulated for being self-reliant - one less helpless victim to rely on the gummint.
Actually, it's quite wise to carry a gun everywhere you can. A LOT of folks wait until something truly tragic happens to them or a loved one before they gear-up, get-trained & get-serious. Serial killers have said in interviews that the most consistant response they get from their victims is a look of COMPLETE disbelief that it's happening. And it stays there until it's already happened. BE SAFE!!!
For me, it's about risk assessment. Am I likely to have a problem going around the corner to buy a newspaper?...probably not. Am I going to have a problem walking at night in Philadelphia?..that's a different scenario. I agree that life is unpredictable but I let the circumstances dictate the need.
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