Do you ever get silly requests from non-gun owners?

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An aquaintance and a few of his friends were attending an event in what he considered to be a bad part of a bad town. He asked if I would come along and bring my "heater". I told him that I was going to pass, that I'm not a bodyguard, and that if he felt unsafe, he should either not go, or arm himself. He was a bit put off by this, and said that if I had asked him to do it for me, that he would.

The proper reply is, "In that case, I'll go with you -- but you bring the gun and protect the rest of us."
You should have sold him a second hand Glock with part of a bicycles handlebars stuck on the end.

That reminded of the quote from Doctor Emmit Brown 'The Libyans wanted me to build them a nuclear weapon, so I gave them a bomb casing stuffed with used pinball machine parts!'
I forgot to add, that after my incident with my ex-roomie, I saw those "Zebra" plastic Walther PPK look-alikes that shoot those little plastic balls in the kiddie trap at the local indie mom-n-pop supermarket.

It kind of wowed me as I hadn't seen such un-PC toys in the candy/kiddy trap asile since I was a boy.

So I bought a pair just in case anyone asks me to borrow a gun again, I'm going to give them the Zebra...

Not so silly a request maybe, but my wife who owns no firearms herself, every now and then asks me to go out and shoot a deer. She couldn't bear to shoot one herself but she's VERY fond of venison. Also the dog has allergy problems and is on a venison diet.
My wife is the only one who knows I carry - I try to casually dodge the question if I'm asked directly "do you carry". Works so far - even if someone suspects, they haven't gotten it from me :)
Not so silly a request maybe, but my wife who owns no firearms herself, every now and then asks me to go out and shoot a deer. She couldn't bear to shoot one herself but she's VERY fond of venison.

Way back when I was a boy living on the ranch, my mother would buy hundreds of aluminium foil "TV dinner" trays. When harvest time came, we'd go to pick-it-yourself neighbors and pick corn, beans, and so on. And she'd say, "Boys, I need a deer," and we go out to shoot and butcher one for her.

Then she'd go on a week-long cooking orgy. We had a freezer the size of the Queen Mary, and she'd fill it with TV dinners.

Then in the evenings she'd say, "Are you boys hungry?"

"Yes, Ma'am, we are."

"Well, you know where the freezer is.":D
flying squirrels ?

A co-worker, who has always been vocally anti-gun, once asked me to come to his house and shoot the flying squirrels that were driving him crazy by getting into the walls of his bedroom and making noise all night long. I declined, telling him that I didn't want to shoot up his house, and that "Rocky & Bullwinkle" was my favorite cartoon.
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Being the gun guy and the computer guy makes me give these kind of looks a lot
That's nothing. Add in being able to fix cars, build fences, and train dogs, and your phone never stops ringing. This is all compounded by the fact that I'm dashing, handsome, and charming. Life is tough.

I don't think I've ever been asked to pull bodyguard duty just because I'm armed. I won't escort someone to a bad part of town unless they have a good reason to be there, but if they do, that's what friends are for. I have been asked to do it a couple of times (typically spending a night or two on the couch) because of unstable ex-boyfriends or exceptionally undesirable elements in the neighborhood causing trouble. In most of those cases, however, the protectee (jeez, I sound like a Marshal) owned a gun of their own and was hoping that my very presence would quickly defuse the situation. In the two cases where the offending person did show up, having a couple of us big, mean-looking guys around did end the situation without violence or the threat thereof.

You do have to be careful. It's fine to want to help out your friends, but I have turned down a few such gigs because I knew the situation had a good probability of deteriorating faster than I could deal with it. In one case, someone called me when the police had already arrived. Sometimes it's okay to ride to the rescue, but when it's already going down (or is just about to), it's best left to the police.
I co-worker, who has always been vocally anti-gun, once asked me to come to his house and shoot the flying squirrels that were driving him crazy by getting into the walls of his bedroom and making noise all night long.
So basically an anti-gun liberal asked you to shoot an endangered species. That's priceless, really :D
Iv'e had requests for AK47s from Eastern Europe,from some stupid morons that I had the misfortune of knowing.I told them that I wasn't an arms dealer and that they were immature and stupid,to even ask for such weapons.Then they started to threaten me and I told them,that I knew crazy people that owned them and who were as mad as the guys at Hungerford and Dunblane.So they ran away from me and that statement put them off guns completely.

I also told them that they wear combats and sleep with them,in their beds at night.Oh boy,the things some people actually believe.:)

It was almost like watching a combination of the movie 'snatch and the kids tv programme Chucklevision.hahaha:) :) :)
I've had a couple of neighbors ask me to shoot snakes in their yards, but that's about it. It was a long time ago, I was younger. Now I'd just tell them to leave the snake alone, and it'll leave when it's ready.
I had a young, very attractive girl ask me to "come over to her place to make her feel safe," one night. Story was she went on a second or third date with a guy and she ended it early because he made her feel uncomfortable. She wanted me to come over for a while just in case he stopped back.

I stopped over.

It was a farce.

She was horny, and he turned out to be a dork of a date.
Oh Crud

I'm a computer guy AND a gun guy. I get it from all side....

The best one is....Can you come over and shoot my PC?...

Also, if someone wants you to be their bodyguard, look them straight in the eye and demand an MPK in a shoulder rig, Ammo and a Throw-down gun, like an RG 14. Also, tell him you get to keep all equipment assigned.

Then tell him the price....
I stopped over.

It was a farce.

She was horny, and he turned out to be a dork of a date.
I hate it when that happens. :D :D

Agreeing to help with protection would all depend on who it was and how good a friend they are. My family or other good friends I think I would go ahead and help out. I think some ground rules would be in order outside my family though.
The local paper had a feature in the Outdoors section on handgun hunting. I was interviewed and the writer included a photo of me shooting at the range in his article. An idiot neighbor saw it and the next time I was doing yard work came over to tell me the next time someone tried to break in (apparently something like this had happened to him) he would call me because I was closer than the police. When I realized he was serious, I told him my response time would be a lot longer, like never.
By far the most common question: "How many do you own"?

Other things I sometimes hear:

- "Don't make Joe mad - he might shoot someone" followed by
nervous laughter. One guy I use to work with told me he
dreamed I was chasing him around the office trying to shoot him.
Talk about being brainwashed by the media.

- "Hey Joe, where you going with that gun in your hand?" sung
to the Jimmy Hendrix tune.

When I first moved to CA, I kept pretty quiet about being a gun
owner. Now I don't try to hide it. However, I'm not "in your face"
about it and always offer to take folks shooting if they ask about guns.
Have taken maybe 15 first timers over the years, all had a good time,
2 bought their own guns. However if certain sheeple have bad dreams
after finding out I own guns,too bad.
I had a young, very attractive girl ask me to "come over to her place to make her feel safe," one night. Story was she went on a second or third date with a guy and she ended it early because he made her feel uncomfortable. She wanted me to come over for a while just in case he stopped back.

I stopped over.

It was a farce.

She was horny, and he turned out to be a dork of a date.

I think I read that same story in a certain magazine.... :scrutiny:
I take folks to the range and let them use ny guns - half of them don't want to buy their own ammo. They want me to not only supply the guns, bring them to the range on my membership, but go and buy and pay for their ammo too.
I always get the "Man if things ever go bad i know who to call"I usually respond with dont call me your the one that said you have no need for a gun and your not gettin mine!
i have a girl who is a friend of mine , that was recently threatened by a former friend of her's, friend. she told me about this, and I told her i would take her shooting, happeining tommorrow, and I would take her to my gunsmith to get a revolver. this , she has been waiting on with excitement, she has never even held a gun before. However, when i brought her a gift of ear plugs , and shooter glasses, she says to me, " just dont turn me into a gunnut like you!" I said , "it has nothing to do with me, you will either like them or you wont really care either way."
Following a warm burglary in the neighborhood a couple years ago, I had two neighbors ask to borrow guns. I declined but offered to take them shooting and hook them up with training (I live all of 15 minutes from the NRA range). No takers.

I've also had neighbors say that they're going to call me rather than 9-1-1 'cuz 'I'lll get there faster'. I told them I don't clear houses and please call 9-1-1, but feel free to wait at my place till the constabulary arrives
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