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Do you have pro-gun bumper or window stickers?

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Not to hi-jack this thread, but I keep seeing a particular bumper sticker in my travels that is just a simple yellow = ("equals" sign) on a deep blue back ground...what does it mean?
Creature, so would I...

A hippy gal at the office has one on her car, and since she is about as left as you can get, it probably relates to some Commie plot.

I also saw a vehicle with a rainbow and the equals sign. Maybe that gives us an idea...???
TimboKhan said:
Weed is currently illegal. Guns are not.
Advocating for legalization of pot is not illegal. Amendment #1.

M2 Carbine said:
I hope the day never comes that I allow what some punk criminal may or may not do dictates what I do in my life.
Do you lock your doors? Do you avoid certain neighborhoods at night because of reputation? If not, you should consider dialing down the bravado and giving it a try. It'll probably reduce the odds of having to use your weapon.

M2Pilot said:
Be careful HuntAndFish. Some bg may follow you home & steal all your ducks. (Sorry I couldn't resist)
You laugh, but I was robbed (specifically, my car was broken into) because I advertised what was in it of value. That's why my car was chosen over the cars on each side of it. I had a stereo system worth several hundred dollars, and I often "boomed" it all the way to wherever I parked.

I usually don't have lots of stickers on my car - just my alma mater, and in election years I'll usually throw up a sticker or two for various candidates I support (which I remove after the election, win or lose). I can appreciate funny stickers (even of a political nature), but I always avoid advertising that I may have things of value to be taken. It's just common sense, and it makes you a less attractive target. I doubt someone is likely to see a sticker on your car and follow you home on a whim - but I have little doubt that a "This home protected by Smith & Wesson" sticker will be attractive to thieves looking for juicy targets. It could be the difference between someone robbing your unoccupied house verses someone else's. Because thieves look for easy targets with good hauls, and what's better than an unoccupied house with guns in it? Especially since they probably aren't properly secured?

Creature said:
Not to hi-jack this thread, but I keep seeing a particular bumper sticker in my travels that is just a simple yellow = ("equals" sign) on a deep blue back ground...what does it mean?
Human Rights Campaign.
The only reason that i don't is because it seems to say " hey i got a gun in my car come and steal it!"
bottom corner of rear window: small (like 4" diameter) NRA sticker and OFF (Oregon Firearms Federation) stickers.
bottom corner of front window: DOD vehicle sticker, NASWI flightline sticker.
As for someone stealing a gun out of my car, good luck, if theres one in there, its on me.In OR, the only place I have to disarm before entering is a jail, a prison, or a courtroom, and if I need to visit one of those, the local LEO's are likely already safeguarding my ccw for me, like it or not! :D

Guy I see driving in and out of the place I work has NRA 4EVR as a license plate.VERY cool IMHO.Too bad I have no idea who he is, as he parks in the lot for contractors/vendors/facilities, etc.Nice Looking truck, too.
Just an NRA sticker in the back window of my pickup.

I used to have a "If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns," front plate, but took it off in the interest of business professionalism after getting hassled by a client that I serviced. What can you say to rebuke a client and not lose their highly valued business?!?!

I used to work in a retail store in a VERY liberal "enlightened" part of town. A co-worker had his vehicle vandalized for sporting either a Bush-Cheney '04 and/or FN-FAL sticker. Since then, I don't do political or "picture of gun" stickers.

I had a sticker from Makarov.com that said "Driver carries less than 20 Rubles worth of ammunition" on this old, beater van I used to have. I got quite a few positive comments on that one, but won't do it again for reasons stated above.
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M2 Carbine said:
I hope the day never comes that I allow what some punk criminal may or may not do dictates what I do in my life.
Do you lock your doors? Do you avoid certain neighborhoods at night because of reputation? If not, you should consider dialing down the bravado and giving it a try. It'll probably reduce the odds of having to use your weapon.
Y'know, I'm gonna cut M2 [post=3419798]all the slack he wants[/post]. If any man has earned a little "bravado" that would be your guy.



By the way, M2, does your chopper even have a bumper? Wouldn't you have to stick them to the skids?
And where would someone have to be standing to even read those?
ArfinGreebly said:
Y'know, I'm gonna cut M2 all the slack he wants. If any man has earned a little "bravado" that would be your guy.
I'm certainly not intending to disparage the man or his service - just point out that the "I'm never going to let a criminal influence my behavior" statement is a little silly - we all do it every day when we lock our doors or avoid driving thru rough 'hoods. Avoiding advertising the goodies you have in your home to be stolen is just good OpSec.

ArfinGreebly said:
And where would someone have to be standing to even read those?
I'm guessing hanging from the skids!
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