Do you prefer the guns or the shooting?

Do you prefer the guns or the shooting?

  • I prefer the guns

    Votes: 138 48.9%
  • I prefer the shooting

    Votes: 140 49.6%
  • I do not like to shoot

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I do not like guns

    Votes: 4 1.4%

  • Total voters
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I have to say shooting. I do have more guns than I need but I'll probably buy more over time. They will have some shooting function that guns I already own can't perform. There's nothing like putting a really tight group right where you wanted it. A gun that doesn't get shot is, let's face it, a paperweight.
Personally, I like them both, I love to take a gun out shooting and hunting, but taking one apart and seeing what makes them work is great to. I can't pick one over the other because they to me are just two different types of amusment that are both great, but in different ways.
Wow, I can't believe how neck 'n neck this poll is...I guess its because I live in a town where violent crime is basically nonexistent, so guns to me is much more of a recreation than self-protection(not that its not a plus).

I absolutely love my guns, even just staring at them:D but nothing beats going to the range with a couple of my buddies and spending a few hours poppin off some rds and sharing our toys.
I think I prefer the shooting and would really love to shoot more often. I don't have access to a place to shoot in a way that close or affordable so I'm doing a little more collecting than shooting right now. I do like well made machinery though and am interested in the history behind alot of the guns....
I wish I could just pick one.

But when I love Guns and Shooting so much that when I go shoot I hate that I have a hard time picking which gun I want to shoot LOL.
This is a good question. Because when it comes down to it I like the guns better than shooting (sounds weird).

The question should be framed like this.

For the next year, you can have your guns in your house to handle, clean, admire, and enjoy (but not shoot).... OR you can only have access to them at the range when you go to shoot. Which would you choose? :confused:

Bottom line: I could go 12 months without shooting... I couldn't go 12 months without having my guns around in my house.
While I love to shoot, and am shooting a LOT these days as I am trying to get beyond "ok" marksmanship, it has to take a backseat to the machines.

I love the guns, I love the engineering behind them, the solutions, some complex, some simple an elegant, to the problems that have arisen in development over the years. I love a carefully machined chunk of stainless steel, finished like glass, with no marks, nothing extraneous, just pure purpose.

To me there's few things as enjoyable as looking at a brilliant and practical engineering solution that makes you say "well hell, how did no one else think of that?".
Old thread, but kind of a timeless one.

I'd have to say shooting. There's something about the smell of burnt gunpowder, and the 'pop' noise, the recoil of the pistol in one's hand. Shooting is all about the feel, and enjoyment of the senses.

Guns are definitely a close second, but I don't have a single one that I wouldn't shoot given ammo. Guns are like pants for me, it's all about which one I feel like that day.
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