Do you use the slide stop lever or slingshot method to return the slide to battery?

Do you prefer using the slide stop / slide release lever or the slingshot method?

  • I prefer using the slide release lever

    Votes: 124 47.9%
  • I prefer using the slingshot method

    Votes: 135 52.1%

  • Total voters
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Jun 19, 2004
Im just wondering which one you prefer. Im sure many of you practice both, but which is your most preferred method?

EDIT: To keep thinks simple, lets consider any manual racking of the slide, or variation of the slingshot method to be one in the same. I should have named the thread differently, but I cant change a poll and I tend to call any manual racking of the slide slingshotting, which technically is incorrect I suppose.
I use the slide stop mostly. When I am practicing quick relaods, I have the next mag in my weak hand, thus I hit the slide stop right after the mag goes in.

However, I have heard that in stressful situations, you lose the ability to utilize fine motor skills(which is what you use when hitting the slide stop). I was also told that it is wiser to just pull back on the slide, since that uses more basic hand motions.

Personally, I think that if you practice something enough, you can do it in a stressful situation.
Neither. I use overhand most of the time.


I consider that a type of slingshot...I guess its not....

ok well since I cant change a poll lets consider the slingshot method any manual racking of the slide.
On most of my guns I use the slide lock. I have a few where the slide lock is a bit out of reach so I use the sling shot or use my off hand to release the slide lock. It all depends on which gun Im shooting and what mood Im in.
I use the slingshot method. The main reason for doing it that way is the fact that i'm left handed and the slide release is hard to reach and properly work. All the other reasons why people reccomend the slingshot method is just iceing on the cake. I did just buy a P2000 which has slide release on both sides but i have the slingshot method drilled into my mind through training i will continue to use that method.
Well, I have only two pistols: a Baby Browning and a Vektor CP1.
Slide stops? I don't need no steeeenking slide stops :neener:
I use the slide stop. I don't even think about it, just happens every time I put a magazine in. The way I figure its just a half second or so quicker to use the stop than to use the sling shot. My thumb is already there. Its not tati-cool I'm just don't like waiting :p Maybe one day I will break a slide stop and then I'll consider changing to the slingshot. I'll buy a new slide stop and tell myself I have been using the slide stop way to long to change my ways.
JLStorm ~

For purposes of the poll, sure. :) But (just for information, not to argue with you), "slingshot" describes a particular manner of grasping the slide in order to rack it manually. I'm not terrifically fond of the slingshot grasp because it just isn't that strong for me. Photos of both overhand and slingshot methods here.

I like the manual method rather than using the slide lock lever for several reasons:

  • I can always easily and quickly yank the slide on every gun I've ever handled, but I can't always easily or quickly find the slide lock lever with my thumb on an unfamiliar gun without both looking and thinking about it.
  • My thumb isn't always long enough to reach the lever and some levers are uncomfortably small to depress.
  • Sometimes, in some guns (especially when dirty), the manual methods feed the gun more reliably than the slide lock method.
  • Commonality of motion with clearing a jam allows my hands to function to load and clear jams without interference from my slow-thinking brain.
i use both....but slide stop for reloads

i prefer to slingshot for initial loading (as opposed to locking the slide to the rear, then using the slide stop to load the first round). i just feel it is faster, as i can push the slide stop down with my thumb after locking the fresh mag in the well nearly simultaniously instead of adjusting by moving my weak hand to the rear of the slide.
However, I have heard that in stressful situations, you lose the ability to utilize fine motor skills(which is what you use when hitting the slide stop). I was also told that it is wiser to just pull back on the slide, since that uses more basic hand motions.
I've also heard people say that but to be honest I'm not sure how accurate they are. It seems to me if you have motor skills fine enough to work a trigger, and even press a magazine release, that using a slide stop lever should be at the least no harder.
I use the slingshot method.

It's called a slide STOP after all, not a slide RELEASE.

Well, some manufacturers may call it a release lever, but most manuals I've seen refer to it as a stop lever.
Most manuals I have read say to use it as a release. Of course I dont read all the manuals but like I said the ones I have call it a release. I was raised with my Dad calling it a slide "LOCK" because like a lock it has 2 uses or positions so to speak. It can be locked and unlocked. So when the slide is locked open you can depress it or unlock it to load a round.
If it's not a slide release, why do most of them put grip serrations on it, like it's meant to be manipulate by the user? Or why not just make it internal?

It is meant to be manipulated by the user, I use it to manually lock the slide open when clearing the weapon. However, there is no reason you can't use it to release the slide if you choose. I used to do it myself until I found out that using the slingshot method was more reliable in some pistols. I have had some pistols that wouldn't fully chamber a round out of a full mag when you just hit the slide stop lever, but they had no problem chambering that top round when using the slingshot method. Other pistols don't seem to care one way or the other, but I choose to just use the slingshot method exclusively for consistency, all that built up muscle memory comes into play to. Now I don't even have to think about it, I just automatically slingshot the slide when doing a reload

Some pistols do have internal slide stops with no lever. A couple examples are the Walther PP/PPK and the Kel-Tec P-32. With these pistols you have no choice but to slingshot the slide, yet another reason why I do it with all auto pistols.

Most manuals I have read say to use it as a release. Of course I dont read all the manuals but like I said the ones I have call it a release. I was raised with my Dad calling it a slide "LOCK" because like a lock it has 2 uses or positions so to speak. It can be locked and unlocked. So when the slide is locked open you can depress it or unlock it to load a round.

FYI, Browning, Colt, S&W, Glock, Ruger, Walther, and SIG all refer to it as a slide stop/catch in their manuals. The only ones I've seen that refer to it as a slide release is H&K and Kahr.
Depends. Loading a cold gun with slide not locked back, I insert magazine and cycle (slingshot) the slide. Reloading a gun with the slide locked back I insert a fresh mag and hit the slide release with the off hand thumb after the mag clicks in.

My poor reptilian brain likes to remember things one way, and one way only. Given this - when the pistol fails to go BANG!, then it's time for a stoppage drill.

Cycle the slide to the rear if it's not already there and tilt the muzzle up. Drop the mag. Make a quick visual scan if you like to make sure the chamber is clear (altho I usually omit this step). Insert new mag. Slingshot the slide. Acquire target and pull trigger. BANG!

This works every time. It works on every form of semiauto pistol no matter where the controls are placed or shaped. Most importantly, it doesn't require that I remember multiple ways of doing things based upon any form of decision-making. (Hmm - am I out of ammo, or is a round stovepiped, or did a round inadventently trip the slide stop, is this a Glock or a 1911 or a BHP or Sig or...)

Running out of ammo is a stoppage. Treat it as such, teach yourself one way of dealing with a stoppage, and from then on any stoppage will get the same autonomic response without needin' to play lookie-feelie-twenty-questions with the weapon.
I manually release (some form of slingshot) the slide on everything except P7s where the squeeze cocker releases the slide.

Hand strength isn't an issue for me having used hand tools as a mechanic my whole adult life, so I see no need to use the overhand.

Slingshot is a more natural motion to me. Being a more natural motion is good for when the adrenalin dump destroys your fine motor skills.
I use the slide release. It's one of the reasons I favor sigs, cause it's *right there*.
On everything but the P7, I slingshot. On the P7 I just squeeze, which I guess is using the 'slide release." I wasn't sure how to vote, so I didn't.
Depends on the gun.

USP Tactical 45: Slingshot, I can't reach the release levers
P99c: Slide stop
PPK: Slingshot for obvious release
P22: Slide stop
AR-15: Slide stop
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