Does anyone else consider themselves strictly a meat hunter?

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AKElroy, congrats on the epiphany. :D Wild pork is my favorite off the smoker. The ribs are awesome. I make up sausage, too, do all my own. Shoulders, neck, all that get ground, mixed, and stuffed. Awesome stuff. :D I smoke most everything pork. The hams can be a bit fatty to crock pot, but they ARE good that way. I just prefer 'em smoked with mesquite.
It's very difficult for me to pass up a legal deer or other animal. Although I've taken some big heads, these were mostly lucky situations for me.

A doe which weighs about 65 lbs after field dressing makes for a truly magnificent trophy on the dinner table!

At this point, I would happily forfeit the opportunity to ever shoot a buck if I could get my hands on a doe tag every year.

If I drew a moose tag for Maine, Vermont, or New Hampshire, I would likely pass on a huge bull and instead take a small cow or even a yearling. In all three of these states, moose are required to be checked in whole. No quartering in the field is allowed. I can't imagine how much of a nightmare it would be to try and get a fully grown bull out of a cedar swamp or tangle of logging debris.
I become a meat-only hunter the last week in December, when the deer I really want are either shot at and missed, or taken by other hunters. Last-call deer are always the tastiest. Pigs are shot as pests first, but cleanly shot middle weight sows will certainly be coming home.
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