Does anyone else do this?


Jun 2, 2005
North Chesterfield, Virginia
You ever buy a gun, then realize you had one just like a few years back that you don't remember at all? I put a Taurus Tracker, 5 shot, 44 Magnum on layaway a few days ago, then doing some checking around on the forums about them, I find out that I had one almost exactly like it about four years ago. :oops: I would have bet good money I'd never even handled one. :) Even seeing the pictures I posted didn't ring a bell, but apparently I liked the gun. Man...I'm not getting old and senile. I have arrived. At least I'm getting the "new" one for about the same price I paid for the last one apparently. Either I paid too much then, or I'm getting a pretty good deal now.

Oh well...I've got bullets, brass, primers, dies, even some loaded ammo that will work.

I have had that same affliction at times with both revolvers and semi-autos; sort of a strange, gun owners version of Deja Vous!
Have done that with holsters.

Couldn't fine the Bianchi field holster for the Ruger Mk. II Target, so bought a used Hunter on ebay.

Went to put it away, and found that had bought the exact same used holster on ebay a few years before, after not finding the Bianche the first time.

Then found the Bianchi.
I have never forgotten a gun I have sold and never bought another like it except for 2 Glock 34s I bought trying to make up for one I sold. Except for the G34 and a Colt Combat Govt .45, I have not desired to replace the ones I have sold.
I haven’t bought a gun again after forgetting I had one previously (yet, give me time!). But I have bought a few duplicates of guns I already had over the years, for no other reason than just to have two of them o_O

Stay safe.
Similar to Riomouse911, I haven't completely forgot and re-bought but rather have had to stop myself from getting (near-)duplicates.

I think it kind of comes with being at a point where you know what you like and aren't as much into "buying just to try" as maybe in younger days.
Shamefully yes. When the dept. turn in Smith 10-5's started to hit. One-month I'd buy one. (169.99) Then pass through again and see 169.99 "FOR A SMITH, DONE" would hit my mind. Such a good deal kept forgetting I had one. I ended up with four,

Kinda hard to have too many Model 10's. Your kids and grandkids may need them.

That doesn’t sound so much like forgetting, as stocking up. 4, 4” Model 10s is a good little stash, especially when one new one will cost more than you paid for the four.
No, I have many guns, and I don't see or understand how anyone could forget what they already have.
I do that with accessories all the time. I'm especially susceptible to overbuying magazines, forgetting that I purchased them already.

I do count myself very lucky that I have never fallen into the worse repeating behavior; marrying the wrong woman type over and over. Married once and holding on.
I haven't done it yet with guns, but I have forgotten that I had already posted a comment in an interesting thread.....then posted the same comment.....perhaps accompanied with a picture.....again in the same thread.....:thumbdown:

I usually catch myself before I post, but I have done that too.

SterlingBullet said:
I do count myself very lucky that I have never fallen into the worse repeating behavior; marrying the wrong woman type over and over. Married once and holding on.

Knew a guy once who married the same woman twice. Last I heard it was working much better the second time around. Good for them. They were both good people.

I used to buy, sell, and trade guns all the time. It was more fun than shooting them really. It was the hunt I enjoyed. Going to gun stores, and gun shows, dickering and trading, meeting new people, and just talking about guns. I've bought and sold guns and never fired them, so it doesn't really surprise me that I don't remember one.
Knew a guy once who married the same woman twice. Last I heard it was working much better the second time around. Good for them. They were both good people.
Funny that you mentioned that. My parents divorced when I was a senior in high school and remarried each other 18 months later. Lasted 31 years until my mom passed away.