Does anyone think...

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May 11, 2003
Home in MA, My Gunshop in CT
Does anyone think that with all this stuff in the news that .50 bmg's are so evil and that they should be ban, that instead of an outright ban on them that there will be a great compromise :scrutiny: and they will be classified as a destructive device? This way it will seem to the public that something got done about the evil plane killing guns. :banghead: Or does the public think that they are so evil that they should be ban from the earth and there is no great compromise because they are so bad for you that if you even looked at one you could die from it, that how powerful they are. Just thinking about the blast from it your head could exploed.
It'll probably be the media that all but determines an outcome IMO. Then of course, media comments are pretty much spoken for anti's anyways - same deal.

So long as .50's get painted with the same broad brush, as long range sniper rifles, with capability to bring down aircraft etc ... I doubt very much there will ever be a balanced input.

If Forest Gump was an anti he might simply say - ''evil is - as evil does''. Seems that is about all the media and anti's ever want to promote.
I'm hoping that the anti's try to make as rediculous and unreasonable demands as possible to more quickly bring these issues before the SCotUS and to increase the chances of them being shot down completely. The vast majority of poeple in the US are unaware, ignorant, and happy. If things get bad enough maybe people will start seeing how rediculous these demands are.

The whole concept is completely contemptable. Making more laws to stop crimes that are already illegal is like making a house safer by adding more doors so that it will have more locks. It makes no sense except to the completely ignorant.
Heck the only reason I'd GET a .50 is to hack those pathetic losers off! While I don't shoot poodles, I don't shot T Rexes either.
When it comes to gun laws, there can be no compromise because eventually we will have nothing. If you didn't already know .50s can take out satelites. TV told me so. :)
Didn't somebody accidently take out one of Jupiter's moons with a .50? Thought I heard that on the news as well.


Compromise is a very slippery slope and we will end up on the bottom on our collective <ahems>.
the idea of "compromise" is a complete load of crap. Compromise is just a way of taking one class of guns, whether they're real or imaginary, at a time. If the antis have their way, eventually we'll be told to "just compromise" by not opposing a law that would force us to store our registered single shot .22 rifles at a government-run range and pay a tax/registration fee for every $5 round we buy to shoot at little circles. Targets of any shape other than a circle will, of course, be illegal because they promote gun violence. :barf:

I just hope it doesn't happen in my lifetime.
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