Does Breakfree CLP freeze?

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30-06 lover

Mar 2, 2006
I use it on all my guns, but now that I will be hunting in below freezing, I am wondering if my gun's trigger, firing pin, bolt, or any other part will freeze shut. Thanks!!!
Try some in your home freezer yourself

My experience is that a normal coating is not a problem but I seldom cold soak below -20 Fahrenheit and I use other products for serious winter use. Any Breakfree CLP was leftover use on plinking guns. That is I might wipe off CLP but I wouldn't ultrasonic clean or otherwise worry about it. Just the same I used to use Anderol borrowed from aircraft cannon supplies and now I use things like FP-10 but sparingly for coldsoak.
I believe Breakfree CLP is rated to remain viscous at temperatures to -40 below 0 farenheit.
Cool...Thanks for the replies. I will be hunting in CO this November, and the last time I hunted there, it got -9F so I wanted to make sure it wouldn't freeze my pin.
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Old School

I quess I am just old school. When hunting in extremely cold enviroments, I always degreased/de-oiled the action and any other moving parts. Never had a malfunction. BTW, acetone or equivilent will work on the degreasing.

If it is good enough for the Army and the Marine Corps then it's good enough for you. They tested it and passed their scruitiny, it should pass yours. The stuff works in Alaska. A little bit goes a long way in terms of lubrication and I doubt it if you are going to Alaska anytime soon.
We had a special second lube at 10th MTN that we used in the winter. The CLP was a concern. However, I don't recall at what temp it became a concern and can't say I ever saw any issues with it.

I wouldn't worry about it at 10 below. As was posted, might be best to stip the oil off if it's that cold.

Also, it's a good idea to leave the rifle outside as much as possible to avoid the temp changes of taking it inside and the condensation that will form on it when you take something that cold into a warm building.
There is a product called EEZOX that is very good for sub-zero use. Do a search on EEZOX. They have a website with all the info. I've used it for years and really like it.
Don't use graphite on guns with aluminum parts. It will corrode them like crazy.
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