Does Ron Paul have a chance?

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Feb 1, 2007
Arlington, Republic of Texas
I'll admit, a year ago, I had no idea who Ron Paul was. A year ago, I also had never fired a gun before, and wasn't all that political generally either. Recently, I have been reading more about him, and the more I read, the more I like. I don't agree with him on a number of issues. But I agree with his motivations. He seems to be a genuine small government politician. I haven't heard of him flip-flopping on anything really. And he even stands up to the Republican behemoth on the Congress floor by voting no when others vote yes, because he stands by what he believes in: small government, states rights, individual rights. I can't say I support all of this man's stances on the issues, by I think I can support the man himself. And that's more than I can say for the rest of the non-Democrats running in 08.

So my question is, does Ron Paul actually have a chance?

Not with that attitude. What if everyone who believed in Paul said to hell with the chances, sacked up and voted for the man?
Oops, nevermind - that would require principles.

Well, there is no chance in hell I would vote for the top three Republican candidates.

So that leaves only Paul and Tancredo. I like both of them OK, but would prefer Paul.

If the general election boils down to either McCain,Giuliani,or Romney -versus- Hillary, I will vote for whatever third party candidate runs.
I think both Paul and Tancredo would do well where our RKBA is concerned, but I'd have to give the tip to Tancredo because of Paul's anti war vote(he voted for that "non-binding resolution" thingie).


God gave us guns for a reason. It wasn't so we could lament the lack of them when we need them. B.E. Wood
I'm not incredibly optimistic, but it's too early to really say who has a chance. McCain is in the process of self destructing, and who knows if people will get over Guiliani's ability to give a good speech and realize what a RINO he is. I'm very tempted to register as a Republican so that I can vote for him in the primary.
Sure, he's got the same chance as Mitt Romney, which is that of a snowball in hell.
Well, either Paul or Tancredo will be gettin' my vote. As far as that meaning anything, God, I hope so.
You know, with comments like many that I have seen both in this thread and other Ron Paul threads, as well as in various threads about getting rid of gun control laws, I can't help but be reminded of one line in the trailer for the movie "Astronaut Farmer" that line being.

"Somewhere along the line, We stooped believing that we can do Anything"

That applies so well to so many things today that it is completely ridiculous.

When you realize this and think about it, it seems as if something has figuratively Ripped the heart out of the USA.
where is the Paul Tancredo ticket..............or the Tancredo Paul Ticket

In my humble opinion both of them would make a good choice, they both seem to be men who will stick to their beliefs. Since leaving the GOP and making the move to a Independent i swore off party primaries but i now may have to vote in the GOP one to try to give one of my guys a chance
Honest guy who does what he says, states his principles and stands by them....In Washington, at the White House level? Who the heck is going to support that? You and me, sure, but none of the fellow politicians will play fair, that is a well known fact.

Regardless of how "good" they are, unless there is a huge wave of support for this candidate, he's doomed. And unfortunately, any votes outside of the Republican front runners is a vote for Hillary. I don't think any of us want that considering her name is on many AWB proposals already.

Much like voting for Nader was a vote for Bush in the previous elections. He really may have been the best "honest man" candidate (I don't want to argue semantics, this is an example only) we had to choose from, but the 800lb gorillas play the game too well and have too much financial support.

It saddens me to think this way, but again, I don't want Hillary in office either.
I will vote for Ron Paul.

If you were in 1939 Poland, would you vote for Hitler or Stalin...or "throw away your vote" for Rydz-Śmigły? To me, acquiescence to evil seems ill-advised. Even if the third party is too small, making is bigger than it was previously requires other parties to consider it as an ally in their battle for supremacy with the other evil. That's how US became independent, but backing a "no chance" movement while the two Leviathans (UK and France) bled each other white.
The only reason I know who Ron Paul is, is because I'm a memebr here. That alone should tell you folks something. I firmly believe in voting one's conscience. That said I'm also a believer in smart voting.

One of the reasons why we now have to contend with the possibility of a renewed AWB is because too many people didn't consider the repurcussions of their vote.

Find a pro gun candidate, or wheever your issue or issues may be. But don't do so at the cost of common sense. After all, we all compromise. If we truly wanted the perfect candidate we would each write in our own name.
Oleg Volk: If you were in 1939 Poland, would you vote for Hitler or Stalin...or "throw away your vote" for Rydz-Śmigły? To me, acquiescence to evil seems ill-advised. Even if the third party is too small, making is bigger than it was previously requires other parties to consider it as an ally in their battle for supremacy with the other evil. That's how US became independent, but backing a "no chance" movement while the two Leviathans (UK and France) bled each other white.

Stage 2 makes a good point. Sadly, I think it's lost here, as in about 2 seconds you're going to be bombarded by the libertarians who will tell you that they're going to win a position in some election, some point in the next thousand years. I have libertarian ideals, but I'm still throwing my vote to the Republican. I won't get exactly what I want, but it'll be closer to what I want than the Democrat. A vote for a third party is a waste... unless you're a Democrat voting for Nader, in which case, your vote is very important :)
Common sense lead Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia to surrender to the USSR. A third or more of their citizens were promptly murdered. Uncommon sense - valor -- led Finland to resist and, against all odds, preserve their independence. Sometime fighting a losing battle makes more sense because the enemy's strength is less than we think it to be. Other times, it is worth fighting because it is the right thing to do.
Keep telling yourselves that voting third party works. Well, scratch that, it will work... to get Hillary elected. Folks, we're a two party system, like it or not. You may not LIKE the Republican option, but they'll still have to bow to the party base, which is pro-gun. Even if it IS Giuliani, he will have to grit his teeth and tow party line. Record Schmeckord, he'll have to change his opinions if he wants to play ball. I really don't care if he has to bend his principles and support legal AWs, as long as he SUPPORTS legal AWs. He supported the ban before, well, that was crappy. If he doesn't support it now, well, he changed his opinion. If he DOES support it, then his base will give him hell. Look 2008 is going to stink, but don't make it worse by throwing your vote away (which is what the third party vote is). Politics is a game folks. Learn the rules.
One of the reasons why we now have to contend with the possibility of a renewed AWB is because too many people didn't consider the repercussions of their vote.

That's a good point. How many people voted against incumbent GOP congresspeople in the 06 election in order to "send a message" to them about being dissatisfied? I heard it a lot on this board. And what do we have now? A whole slew of new gun control laws sponsored by them Dems who filled the void we created.

I'm gonna vote for Ron Paul in the primaries. But when it comes down to the actual presidential election, I'm gonna vote for the candidate who has the best chance of defeating the Democratic runner...and it won't be an Independent.

I'd really like Ron Paul as president. But I have to be clear, if he doesn't get past the primaries, my main goal is going to be keeping the Dems out of the White House, even if it means voting for Rudy or McCain.
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