Domestic Enemies: Excerpts on the Web

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I think that just in the process of writing a novel like EFAD or DE, one can't help but incorporate a lot of tactics, tricks, gear tips etc. There's no way to avoid it, and I wouldn't want to! I just let the story lead though, I don't want to bog down the story with a long shopping list of specific gear tips, for example.
I am looking forward to reading Domestic Enemies. Enemies Foreign and Domestic is one the best novels I've ever read.
Thanks Dave! Positive comments about EFAD really motivate me to keep going on Domestic Enemies. For me, it's very tough, producing those new pages.
Less surfing and more writing Matt :neener: I just started EFAD for the second time and I'm definately looking forward to Domestic Enemies. :D
I still owe that guy 20 bucks!

Thanks a lot Mad Man!

Mr. Mcgee... will you take Visa? I have more than enough momney to pay ya back now...


I enjoyed EFaD very much and look forward to starting DE. Don't forget there's another water choke point in the south, at Elephant Butte, near Truth or Consequences.

Southern NM is a whole different world from the north, with a huge patch of Fed. land in White Sands Missle Range and Holloman AFB in Alamogordo (home of the Stealth Fighter). I lived in Las Cruces for 10 years. Pat Garrett was murdered not far from where I lived. Off to the west is Columbus, where Pancho Villa led a raid. A little further north of Elephant Butte is one of two Civil War battlefields in NM. I still miss the very strikingly beautiful Organ Mountains, just east of Las Cruces, but not the spring winds and sandstorms.

A few years ago, I heard from a faculty member who did field work in that area that the "boot heel" of NM was a hellhole, with immigrants and smugglers in huge numbers. One research group watched in horror as some people went through their vehicle in the middle of the night, then had to lay low as the looters went searching for the owners of the vehicle. I've seen suspicious vehicles out in the middle of nowhere near the border, when I was heading out with a friend to do some hiking. We just drove by and minded our own business (but kept our guns close) and hoped they'd mind their business.

It's a wonderful, fascinating state, with tough, resourceful people. You couldn't have picked a better setting, IMHO. Your readers and fans here will do our best to help out!

Looking forward to it,
Dirty Bob

It's hard staying motivated sometimes, isn't it? :p

I have found the gentle, and sometimes not-so-gentle, encouragement of the readers to be a great motivator for me. It is my pleasure to be on the other side for a change.

DE is starting off great and I think it is going to be a better book than EFAD. Please keep working on it.


PS - I don't think it makes any difference what they were growing at the prison. I know some things grow more efficiently than others in places, but when have bureaucrats ever worried about being efficient?
Hispanics with ill intent who impose Spanish as some sort of official language and their democratic allies fighting a virtual civil war against noble white farmers and defenders of liberty and something or other.

And I always wondered where the anti's got their stereotypes from.
Ummm, davec... the main protaganist of these two books is a lady of middle-eastern decent and many of the people fighting on the side of right in the second book (as far as I've read in the excerpts so far) are of varied racial/cultural decent including mexican. This isna't about race so much as it is about a foreign power backing a takeover of New Mexico while the rest of the US is dealing with other major issues.

So any racism involved is purely in your head. Maybe you should read the first book and the excerpts from the second before writing them off as "racist," nothing wrong with having an opinion but a well informed opinion tends to be less embarassing in the long run.
Sweet home New Mexico...

This aint gonna happen.
You must also note, there is a railroad, and there are a few holding stations along the line, of chainlink, and facilities to house 400K people.

Ten years isnt that far away.
kinda like Y2K...
Dangit, Kit absconded with my copy of EFAD. You'll pardon me if I don't read any excerpts from the new one, as then I'll just want to read it and it isn't in existence yet. I'm looking forward to it though, so...

Domestic excerpts have already got me hooked. Keep writing! Just as with the first book, I'll be ordering as soon as its available for order.

That way I get one of the cool first editions with spelling errors! :D ;) :p :neener:
Just kidding.

Great work, keep it up! and don't be afraid to slide the gun details balance slightly towards us gunnies. Clancy certainly gets away with tossing in tons of details on military and other topics.

I'll be impatiently waiting for the third book as well!! :)
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