Double Star AR-15

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Feb 28, 2007
Well, I was looking around, and I want to know what Double Star's reputation is. I figured I could convert my Saiga later... and I want something that my girlfriend (who is 5' tall) can fire. Her shoulder was blown out by her last firearms experience (as well as her uncle's truck tire), and I want a firearm that could be powerful but light to fire for her. I figured that an AR-15 would fit the bill perfectly. Unfortunately, I don't think I can afford anything above a DPMS. The Double Star option sounds good on price, but how is the quality?

DoubleStar and J&T Distributing are the same people...

They have an excellent reputation.

As a matter of fact, I've built a couple of J&T kits and have a couple of DoubleStar rifles...

And I'm very happy (and I'm not even drinking...:))

DoubleStar / J&T Distributing are as good as any other AR on the market.

The thing about AR's is there are only so many companies who actually build parts. J&T / DSC provide parts to some of the bigger names in the business, and buy other parts from some of the other big names. (They use uppers built by AAC, and sell parts to places such as Colt.)
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