Drinking while carrying?

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^ (who is that poster above - Dean Martin in disguise?)

Drinking, driving and shooting? Hell, if it's good enough for John Wayne it's good enough for me...

(In the old West)

cheers, ab
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The thing I’m really most interested in is if any of you think that you can “know your target and what’s behind it,†after even a few drinks? So I’m thinking about a home defense situation. If you’ve been drinking do you still have the option to use your guns? Will it be a lot harder to defend your actions to a jury?

I've had a few drinks while carrying--so has my wife!

That's a few drinks over the last 10 years! ;)

The extent of my drinking while carrying is sharing a margarita with the wife over dinner. We do that regularly--about once every two or three years. :)

I carry for a reason, and impairing myself, even slightly, is totally contrary to that reason.

Therefore it makes no sense for me to carry and drink any significant amount at the same time.
There is no law against carring while drinking in my state and I see no problem with it.

It is one thing to be drunk and carrying but a "legal" BAC is 100% acceptable in my book (as well as the law books of my state). When I used to drink more I accomplished many complex and involved tasks while certainly more impaired than .08. I also submit that driving a vehicle is much more dangerous while intoxicated than simply carring a weapon. Unless I was seriously impaired (3x legal limt) I would not heistate to carry. As far as shooting in self defense in such a state, yes it would be bad but not as bad as being dead and that is the only time you should use a weapon in self defense.

And for those who lock their guns in a safe when drinking, give me a break! Is your assumption that you will be getting too drunk to open the safe?

The real question is how YOU respond to alcohol. If you know you become irresponsible then certainly do not drink and carry. If, however, you are able to be responsible then there is no reason to restrict your conduct (unless state law requires otherwise).
I'm a booze hound.

There are many reasons for it - all of them i'm sure would round out any survey on "How many Rationalizations do YOU make to drink"

I've seen people get crap faced on one drink (one beer, one etc) I've seen other put down more than any one human should put down and remain cognizant enough to drive and do other things. People are different. I would hope the laws were made in order to find a more average range (.08.. 1.0 wherever) in order to protect the vast majority of people who's rights are being infringed when a drunk careens across a highway divider and plows into them head on. (when usually the victim dies - and the drunk since he's VERY elastic at the moment doesn't tense up and create more injuries and usually survives)

That being said - i've shot "while under the influence" - with only one other person who was way more than i was. (and i'd to this day and any after trust my life to that man....) There is a limit for any person.

THAT all being said - Texas law says i can't drink and carry. And to me thats fine. Ever since my first (and only) DWI i WON'T drink and drive again. If i go out - its a timed one beer an hour max - or just drink coke. (if i'm driving) If i've been drinking i won't get back into a car and drive. When is say shooting - i mean in the middle of nowhere where i live. Not around a bunch of other people that i don't know. If i was carrying under CHL rules - it would be coca-cola only and nothing else. Carry is different from my house tho....

All this doesn't get back to the point however, while i applaud you guys who quit drinking and am proud of you - just as i would be to those who no longer smoke or anything else that was taking over yer lives, the fact is that if i'm totally falling down drunk - i'm STILL going to attempt to defend myself. I may not win - i may get shot cause of my stupid booze-induced actions - but i'm gonna try. Its MY house. Not the crooks. I'm not by far usually tottally falling down drunk - so given opportunity he had better have planned to shoot me long before he looked at my house for possible crime.... i'll take jail over death anyday, all the while looking at the jury and saying "this was my house where i was enjoying a drink and doing completely lawful things, where someone who didn't belong there, who intended to rob me and for all i know planned to kill me in my sleep and you can look at ME and say *I* did something wrong?!?"


I offer this to aid in making your choice.

Depending on how much you have to drink all or some of these things will occur to varying degrees.

.01~ divided attention, increased reaction time, decreased visual acuity.

.02/.03~ decreased eye movement control, steadiness, response to emergencies.

.04/.06~ decreased information processing, judgment, coordination.

.07/.08~ decreased ability to concentrate ( focus) attention.

I think that impacts just about every tool you will need to bring to bear. If need be.

It makes situational awareness and the use of the "Color Code" problematic at best.

Good luck in your choice.

Amish_Bill wrote:
One of my criteria for a serious inner group of friends is if I trust them enough to be around them while drinking (and armed).

(do not read meanings into this that are not stated explicitly above)

That works for me, too.

If a person drinks and doesn't have the sense NOT to do something foolish with any of their potentially dangerous equipment (firearm, auto, soldering iron, whatever), they are no buddy of mine.

I've seen too many poo-faced (defined as sucking down enough alcohol to stagger around and-if lucky-vomiting up all the booze they consumed) LEOs I knew were armed to get all riled up over a buddy I trust who has a beer while packing.

The fact that neither myself nor any of my buddies is a hard drinker probably helps. (I had a "Beer & Bratwurst" party one year...it took me two years to finish off all the unopened beer...after giving away half of it to other friends)

WRT .08 BAC, I am less & less convinced that this is a realistic standard. Pretty soon they'll say if you look sideways at a bottle of whisky, you'll be legally intoxicated.

--Geek Alert & "Cool Hand Luke" Moment--
In college I determined the amount of alcohol in your average slice of white bread (think: yeast eats carbs and poots alcohol & CO2) and did the math. I realized that I could eat enough Wonder Bread in a short enough time to be above .08 BAC. I then did eat that much & some more, just to be sure I got enough alcohol in my system. Unfortunately, I did not have access to blood test or breath analysis equpment. Anyway, no ill effects, no buzz, & no good reason NOT to operate heavy machinery.
--Geek Alert End--

Moral of the story: set reasonable standards or have your standards regarded with the contempt they deserve.
Was at a swank party a while back with an older friend who was a known (to the group) "gun nut". Anyway, an off duty cop was at the party and got blitzed and started talking out loud about his sidearm ands started showing his J frame off to people. The hostess of the party asked my friend to please ask the cop for his pistol for the duration of the party. The cop obliged and the party continued. At the end of the night as I was helping clean up, the hostess approached my friend and said he late husband had many guns and, as he was obviously knowledgeable, would he like them. He walked out with an 03 Springfield, over 500 rounds of 30-06, a 1911, and a S&W M19.

Nothing like that EVER happens to me! :fire:

I drink rarely these days and have never had the opportunity to while carrying (being behind the iron curtain). However, I don't think I would, if legal, deny a beer over a dinner. I don't like not being in control.
Drinking and carrying don't mix any more than drinking and driving do.

Not carrying is a risk that you, as a responsible gun owner and permit holder, should be WILLING to take if you decide to drink. If you are not willing to assume that risk, then don't drink.

I only drink occasionally; and then only at home and with a snack or meal. If I have to leave the house unexpectedly within the two or three hours it takes me to metabolize the drink, I will leave without my CCW. If I think, before I drink, that I might suddenly have to leave, then I won't drink at all. Period.

Pretty simple, huh? :cool:
I don't see a problem with having a beer while carrying, but I've never done it myself.

I usually have a couple beers several times a week. I even hang out at a local bar and have a few tall drafts on a pretty regular basis.

I don't go through strong personality changes when drinking. I don't do stupid things while drunk. I don't drive drunk. I don't handle guns while drunk. My brain doesn't shut down when I consume a little alcohol.

If someone does something stupid while drunk, they should be held accountable for their actions. If you exercise poor judgement when you've been drinking, then you should either not drink, or make sure you place yourself in a situation where you can't do anything stupid while drinking.

I wouldn't personally carry a gun while drunk, but I don't lock up the guns in my house when I open a beer.

When I stop at a bar for a drink and I'm carrying I unload the gun and lock it up before entering the bar. The law here prohibits carrying in a plase that serves alchohol for consumption on the premisis.

If I were carrying over at a friends house, and he offers me a beer, I don't feel the need to lock up my gun or refuse the drink. If I'm going to have a few beers, I'm likely to excuse myself to lock my gun up in my car.

I'm not really worried about myself doing something stupid with my gun while I have a slight buz, but I am worried about the legal consequences that have been put in place to handle the lowest common denominator. There are people who become complete idiots when consuming alcohol, and the laws are designed to address the danger that they might possibly present if they were drunk and armed.

Now if I were going to get drunk, not just have a few beers, but actually drunk, I'd definately not be carrying. At that point a gun would just be a heavy object that would be of no good use to me. It would be negligent for me to handle the gun in that state, so there's absolutely no point in carrying it around.

However, while my opinions are definately more lax than many people on this thread, my actions so far aren't.

I'm new to having a CCW permit, and to this point have never carried while I've had even a single beer. Being overcautious never hurts, especially where guns are concerned.
Realistically, if you know your limits, I see no danger in drinking in moderation while carrying.

In this world, though, you are taking on enormous legal liabilities if you drink (even a small non-impairing amount) and are then involved in a deadly force situation.

Also, in Texas, having any amount of alcohol in your blood while carrying voids your license to carry.

So, consequently, I'll be "not drinking" when carrying. Which isn't much of a change anyway, as I rarely drink at all.
I drink very little (both quantity and frquency) nowadays, but I see no problem in having one (1, uno solamente) drink while carrying. I have done it a couple of times while at a restaurant.

I will not carry if I intend to have more than one drink (of course I can't even remember the last time I had two drinks in a day since my kids were born.)
I don't carry or shoot when drinking alcoholic beverages nor do I allow it on my range at home, but I don't lock up the guns either.
It depends. To me, the mere act of drinking does not hold the same significance it does to others. I will often have an IPA or porter with lunch and the thought of disarming myself in such circumstances is completely absurd. OTOH, if I'm dropping shots of Magadanskya I don't keep the iron around. But it's still nearby in case I need it.
I also fall in the category of rarely drinking anymore, even less since I began carrying. Geez, a 6-pack will last me for months.
When I do drink it is usually limited to 1 beer or a glass of wine and my disposition doesn't change.

Funny, just cleaned out the storage building and pulled out some homebrew gear I had bought second hand awhile back when I had planned on brewing beer, Anyone want to buy some basics w/ about 100+ Grolsch bottles?:rolleyes:

THAT all being said - Texas law says i can't drink and carry.
Also, in Texas, having any amount of alcohol in your blood while carrying voids your license to carry.

Can someone please cite where the Texas CHL states that you cannot drink and carry?
I'm not condoning or condemning, just wanting to know specific law.
I understand the 51% rule here in TX, but I was under the impression that if you wanted to have I drink w/ dinner @ a restaurant you would be legal under the letter of the law.
Steve, I was taught the same thing in my CHL class but I can't find a specific law on it. In the FAQ's in the back of the CHL manual it does have the question
Q: Can I carry a handgun when I am drinking?
A: Under the concealed handgun law, it is illegal to carary a handgun if you are intoxicated.

My instructor said that the law considered having any alcohol in you system while carrying was considered intoxicated, but I can't find anything to clarify.
I agree with what I think Amish Bill said. I also agree with Sue Rovr, who said, in part, "The real question is how YOU respond to alcohol. If you know you become irresponsible then certainly do not drink and carry. If, however, you are able to be responsible then there is no reason to restrict your conduct (unless state law requires otherwise)."

In my opinion, a sane person knows enough about how he reacts to alcohol to make a sensible decision for himself on whether to carry when drinking or drink when carrying. Of course, there are legal ramifications, beyond state statutes, to drinking and shooting, which many have pointed out.

If a person can be trusted with a gun at all, he can be trusted to make rational decisions on what to do with the gun when he's drinking. What that actually means varies from one person to the next.
I'll have a max of 1 at a restaruant while carrying and if at home the max I ever drink is 2 ...maybe 3 over the course of an entire evening. (the 3's are very rare) I'm not gonna take guns off my hip or lock them up over that. If something bad happens after I've had two at home, I'd rather be alive than meet St. Peter as a very well disciplined gun owner. Actually, I'm still well disciplined becuase I don't drink in excess wether I'm carrying or not.

I never have a drop of alcohol when I plan on shooting though...and certainly not during!;)
If I read the original post correctly you are talking about being at home and drinking in moderation.
I see no need to lock up you home defense weapon under those circumstances. Having a couple drinks at home should not mean you have to become a victim to anyone who may break in to do you or your family harm.

Edit : FYI my state regulates blood alcohol to .04 while carrying with a permit in public.
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Alcohol and gunpowder do not mix well together.

A drink or two with a meal probably isn't going to make much of a difference in your decision making abilities. However if you are involved in a SD shooting, the mere fact you had alcohol on board may make things a little more difficult for you either in the investigation or the court room.
So the alternative is to be unarmed and die when a threat presents itself or to never drink alcohol again? Congratulations to those who had issues with booze and quit, but some of us enjoy social drinking from time to time and keep it under control. I don’t get staggering drunk so I carry all the time. New Hampshire as far as I know don’t regulate carry while drinking. As you’ve all heard before, better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

I’ve been to the Outback Steakhouse many times and have seen a lot of people drinking. They never lock up all the steak knives and I’ve yet to see anyone go berserk with one after drinking. So why lock up the guns?
So long as there isn't a law against it i'm sure yer ok - altho i'd sure hate to be the one who had to defend you after ya had a couple....

Point is that alchohol does slow your reactions and makes your judgement off. Its been proven that poeple who drink are perfectly capable (most of the time) of negotiating thier way home ... provided "NOTHING OUT OF THE ORDINARY HAPPENS". Ie - same streets - no one cutting you off - no new construction that wasnt' there the night before... no cops w/ someone pulled over mesmerizing you w/ thier red/blue lights... etc etc. WHY? beacuse your judgement is changed, yer not running of full auto matic cruise control any more...

Now add that to a CARRY situation. And situations follow NO known doctrine that you are used to carrying out. Nothing "usuall" is presented. (other than maybe the USE of your gun - but certainly not the situation) The booze is now in control.

I won't put my guns up in my house, thats MY castle. - but completely agree w/ Texas laws stance on if yer carrying CHL in public - and packing - no drinking for joo!

As a police officer, in California, yes, I drink and carry my gun. I carry a handgun, usually two, on my person whenever out in public. I also have an AR15 in the back of my car, whenever out in public. Call me paranoid, however, paranoia has saved my butt on several occasions...
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