Drivel from an anti-rights co-worker

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Jan 11, 2007
I mentioned one stance that was taken by a co-worker on the topic of guns (rape) in another thread. It received a lot of attention, so I thought I would put that comment into a list, along with some other priceless statements he has made. Of all the anti-gun, anti-rights talk I have heard and read, this has been some of the most extreme I have experienced.

Outside of work, we have talked about guns. He thinks it is a valid reason to own guns for fun, shooting at the range. However, he says that people should only be allowed to own guns if they have a demonstrated need. General self-defense does not count. When I asked him about a "demonstrated need", he said that the following reasons do not count: living very far from police assistance or other help, being a woman who has to walk through a bad part of town at 'bad' hours, having a house that is easily broken into, having already had your house broke into, being raped (once*), or living in a bad part of town.

I have been shocked at some of the answers he had provided for the questions I have asked...

If you have children reading along, please cover their eyes for some of these!

-If you are attacked, telling someone that you will call the police is a good defense that works.
-*Nobody should have a gun unless they can prove a need to have one. If a woman is raped in her home once, that is not enough to warrant having a gun. However, after she is raped, if the rapist threatens to rape her again or to kill her, then she has the need for a gun.
-If your neighbor's house is broken into and robbed 10 or 20 times, that might warrant the need for you to get a gun.
-For home defense, you can put out bear traps (the ones with claws, that grab and hold the bear's leg) on the floor, inside the home under the windows. Of course, this would need to be done every night. I never got into the discussion about the safety issue with children, but I'd guess he thinks bear traps on the floor are safer than guns in the hands of the adults.

The following statements by him were upsetting. Not only do I have many important women in my life, but I hold women in the category of those whom I would risk my safety to protect.
-If a woman is being raped and has the time to retrieve a gun, she has enough time to get a phone and call the police.
-If a woman can use a gun to stop a rapist, why wouldn't she use the same gun to shoot a guy she is with just because she wants to.
-Rape is not violent :what: I asked him REPEATEDLY to confirm that he really meant that!
-Rape is subjective. Sometimes 'no' means 'yes'. -when I then asked "does it mean 'no' when she points a gun at the attacker and says 'I said NO MOTHERF***ER!'?" -he said "no, it's still subjective".

These are not direct quotes, however I have not changed the meaning of the statements he has said to me. For ALL of these statements, we had lengthy discussions (basically because I was in such shock that he would make these claims). After questioning him quite a bit on each point, I am certain that I have not mistaken the meaning of his words or his points. Just reading through this list of comments, I'm basically speechless.
Ask him what he would do if HE was raped? This is become more of an issue with released inmates sometimes raping thier victims. Seriously.
Other than that, this guy is in la la land...
Why are you wasting your time ?
I was continuing to ask questions out of pure shock and awe. It's kinda like a train wreck - you don't want to see it but you can't look away. I stopped talking to him for a while when he stopped answering questions that I asked. He actually does want me to take him shooting. Recently, he struck up a conversation with me and had some gun questions. It seems that I am getting him to come around SLOWLY on the guns issue. He now thinks guns are fine, but nobody should be allowed to have lethal ammo. I am afraid to ask him any more about his viewpoints on rape, etc.
Rape may be the ultimate crime of violence. It is dehumanization in its purest form. People are turned into objects and used for someone else's purposes. Rape more so than any other act, including murder, is the ultimate expression of one person's power over someone who is powerless. No human being should have to endure it.

Your co-worker is an idiot of the greatest magnitude. He is on the Mount Rushmore of Idiots.
but nobody should be allowed to have lethal ammo.

I don't even want to ask but does this assume there is non-lethal ammo? (rubber bullets will still kill you)
This subject is a sociopath, with little regard for human victimization. Even if he has no criminal tendencies, he needs serious counselling with regards to his feelings (or lack of feelings) towards victims, and other people in general. It sounds as if he has no compassion towards anyone else, and possibly none for himself. Very dangerous, as you have discovered. And to think he probably votes..............
Are you sure this guy isn't a rapist?

Or at least have some sort of contempt for women?

Anti's agendas always stem from some category directly associated with the need to control.

This subject is a sociopath, with little regard for human victimization. Even if he has no criminal tendencies, he needs serious counselling with regards to his feelings (or lack of feelings) towards victims, and other people in general. It sounds as if he has no compassion towards anyone else, and possibly none for himself. Very dangerous, as you have discovered. And to think he probably votes..............

Ah. Sharpedressedman posted what I was leading to.
He is on the Mount Rushmore of Idiots.

Couldn't agree more. Don't waste any more of your time talking to someone who is obviously a complete loon... it'll just make your brain hurt.

The scary thing is that these people vote. Kinda makes you want to reconsider the concept of Democracy... and I know, the U.S. is not a Democracy, it's a Constitutional republic, but these are the folks who elect our senators and representatives... and our presidents.
Your friend is a loon. Plain and simple.

I can no longer tolerate anti's. I'll leave the convincing to you more patient young fellows. I just can't argue with them anymore. I've had enough if you get what I mean.

One thing I'd be interested in hearing is if your lunatic friend feels he has the right to prohibit anyone from owning a firearm and where that right comes from?
This subject is a sociopath, with little regard for human victimization. Even if he has no criminal tendencies, he needs serious counselling with regards to his feelings (or lack of feelings) towards victims, and other people in general. It sounds as if he has no compassion towards anyone else, and possibly none for himself. Very dangerous, as you have discovered. And to think he probably votes..............

I've seen many of the sort in usenet talk.politics.guns.

There was once a Brit who declared that women shouldn't have guns because they might "mistake him for a rapist and shoot him". I replied:

"How is it that you act around women that you could be 'mistaken' for a rapist? Put down that butcher knife, pull up your pants, and you'll be just fine."

I contributed a section to the usenet pro-gun FAQ that listed all of the career paths which should be denied to women if they're REALLY as flighty and unstable as misogynistic anti-gunners make them out to be. Their fear and hatred of women is so palpable that some of these jackasses sound like they've just walked out of a Taliban run maddrassa.
I'll leave the convincing to you more patient young fellows.
I couldn't care less about convincing THEM. I like to bait them into expressing their loathesomely repugnant true feelings for OTHERS to see. I could never shoot them down in flames the way they can shoot themselves down. They're always good for a few choice racist, anti-Semitic or misogynistic statements.

Of course the nice thing about usenet and message boards is that you can save handy quotes for when you need to embarrass somebody in the future... sometimes YEARS later! :D
"does it mean 'no' when she points a gun at the attacker and says 'I said NO MOTHERF***ER!'?"

I know that's about the time I'd call MY date a cab!

You're co-worker can press his luck if he wants to.
he needs a good friend to take him hunting this fall.

make sure he wares the new hunter lucky antler hat.:evil:

if he insists on the range , get him the new shooter bulls eye shirt.:p
Some of the legal eagles need to comment on this, but I believe this is illegal. A true "bear trap" has the capability to maim and or kill an adult male. A child would stand no chance of survival if they we caught on one of these traps.

-For home defense, you can put out bear traps (the ones with claws, that grab and hold the bear's leg) on the floor, inside the home under the windows. Of course, this would need to be done every night. I never got into the discussion about the safety issue with children, but I'd guess he thinks bear traps on the floor are safer than guns in the hands of the adults.

You are wasting your time talking or associating with this individual.
If those are accurate statements then you need to find something he thinks is ok, then bust his chops. Put him back on his heels.

About the bear trap (with claws) send that comment to PETA, I`m sure they`ll hound his dumb azz into submission.
I disagree with those of you who claim it is a waste of time to deal with him. Imagine if all antigunners came out and said what they really feel: We would have no problem with gun control ever again.

Instead, they couch their desires for a total ban by using terms like "common sense gun laws," or "I am not after your guns, I support the Second Amendment, after all I am a life long hunter," as if hunting had anything to do with the Second Amendment.

I actually WANT nutballs like this to spout off. It is difficult for antis to call me a gun nut racist redneck right wing terrorist when nut jobs like that are on their side.
Is your buddy a freaking rapist?

I work at a college and even I haven't come across someone so stupid before and there is quite the pickens here.
This is the one of the most disturbing things I've heard of in a long time. This weirdo has some serious sexual issues regarding women. I wouldn't be surprised if he has committed violence against a woman at some point in his life.

I'm not a shrink, but I bet one could do a dissertation on this guy. Ugh, what a low-life :fire:
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