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Driving From Cuba To Florida

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Dec 22, 2002
Between black coffee, and shiftn' gears
I guess gun control and the gov't controlling everything is not all it's cracked up to be-huh?

Cubans Found at Sea on Pickup Truck Converted to Motor Raft
The Associated Press
Published: Jul 23, 2003

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MIAMI (AP) - Cuban migrants fashioned a boat out of a 1951 Chevy pickup truck and drove it to within 40 miles of the United States before they were spotted, taken off and returned to the island, the U.S. Coast Guard said Wednesday.
The truck was sunk by the Coast Guard.

The dozen migrants, some sheltered in the truck cab or under a yellow tarp covering the bed, were first found by a U.S. Customs aircraft on July 16 south of Key West, Coast Guard Petty Officer Ryan Doss said.

A propeller attached to the drive shaft of the green vintage pickup was pushing it along at about 8 mph, Doss said. The truck-raft was kept afloat by empty 55-gallon drums attached to the bottom as pontoons.

"It was actually being powered by the truck engine," Doss said.

Doss said the truck was sunk as a hazard to ocean navigation.

Migrants have been founds on rafts or small boats made out of refrigerators, bathtubs, surfboards and inner tubes, but the truck was unique.

"We haven't come across any vehicles like that before," Doss said.

The Cubans were returned to Bahia de Cabanas, Cuba on Sunday, Doss said. Under U.S. law, Cubans who reach U.S. shores are allowed to stay while those caught at sea are usually returned.

AP-ES-07-23-03 2050EDT
Can't find it right now, but in the story I saw late last night, looked like an early '50's Chevy pickup.

Hmmm wonder if my '94 Chevy p/u will last that long? ? ?
Yeah, I saw pictures on the news this AM. Those poor people just can't do enough to leave that country :rolleyes:
The people in Cuba are watching to much Monster Garage!:D
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We ought t let them in based upon initiative and effort, too bad we cant throw out a few americans to cuba in a trade, I can think of several in Washington DC who I would be willing to trade for these enterprising Cubans.
Great picture.

But I thought that Cuba was a liberal bastion of success? So why do so many Cubans risk their lives trying to migrate to the US? According to liberals it's an oasis and veritable cornucopia for all so this just doesn't make any sense. These migrants obviously put a great deal of effort into creating this vessel to assure their safe arrival to the US, which is evil according to liberals, while Cuba is paradise. Personally I wouldn't leave a paradise for the evil USA unless I was completely insane. Oh the confusion.



This is all said tongue-in-cheek so do not for a moment think that what is being said in anyway reflects my views on the issue or the views of others...except for a few...maybe...they shall remain nameless...for a price :)

Take care.
We ought t let them in based upon initiative and effort, too bad we cant throw out a few americans to cuba in a trade, I can think of several in Washington DC who I would be willing to trade for these enterprising Cubans.

Agreed, we need more folks willing and able to put forth such an effort. Too bad they sunk it.
For the older listeners, that old jingle keeps going thru my head:

See the U.S.A. In your Chev-ro-let.......................:D
Granted many Cubans have been creative, sacrificed and lost in attempt to be free. This particular scene just hit me as being the most creative and tenacious example I've heard off in a while--Using the family '51 Chevy and adapting a prop and designing floatation.

<tacky mode on>

I wonder if some Hollyweird Liberals, Anti-Gun, "Lets re-interpret the Constitution", folks would [should] have their Limo Driver's Drop them off In China?

<tacky mode off>
but still thinking they should leave the US

btw, I bet that was a 230 straight line 6 cyl...and they sunk it !
I predict that Cuba will...

1) Be open to US trade...

2) Have a signficantly altered economic state, trending toward a capitalistic free market...

...starting about 15 minutes after Fidel smokes his last stogie...
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