Ease of Manufacturing "STEN" Style SMG's

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The best arguement against gun control you can make is to challenge the smallest female in the room to a fist fight in lieu of a debate. Anyone in the room with half a brain will get the idea pretty quickly.
Manufacturing the weapon would not be hard at all. The hard part would be procuring ammo, and manufacturing your own ammo absent empty cases, primers, and powder would be nearly impossible.
High powered pneumatic guns would likely be the most simplistic. No complex ammo, just a dive tank and air compressor. Make it shoot darts or buck shot.

A well designed airgun using dive tanks would likely have the power of a 9mm give or take and probably get 300+ rounds between fills.

Most of the valves and parts are readily available, a little lathe work to build the auto valves, probably a production rate of 20 units a day in a two man shop.
I was about to mention airguns too. It's surprising what you can achieve with some well contained air-pressure.
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