EDITED - Alabama, North Dakota, Arkansas, North Carolina Law Changes!

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Gary Slider

Apr 6, 2006
West Virginia
EDIT - I stated that AL would issue a Vehicle Carry Permit Only to those who wished to carry in a vehicle. That item was stripped from the bill before it was sent to the governor. I looked at the previous version. I have removed that wording from the below post. Gary Slider

Starting August 1, 2013 Alabama will honor all other states permit/licenses and Alabama becomes a “Shall Issue” state. Alabama issued like a Shall Issue state but some Sheriffs were putting additional restrictions on the permit/licenses they issued. I was mainly hearing they restricted carry on the permit/license they issued in places that serve alcohol. They can no longer do that. Also their yearly permit/license can now be issued at the applicants request for 1 to 5 years.

On Aug 16 Arkansas will join the group of states that honor all other states permit/licenses.
North Dakota now allows Restaurant Carry. This law becomes effect August 1, 2013. As I write this North Carolina has sent a bill to the Governor to allow Restaurant Carry and removes some places that are off limits plus other revisions to t heir Firearm Laws. If the Governor signs this the bill the new law will take effect October 1, 2013.
2013 has been a very busy year for Handgunlaw.us. Many states have been changing their firearm laws. Illinois joined the ranks of states allowing Concealed Carry. Kansas made major changes in their law. We added an “Open Carry Section” to each states page. Questions via email have gone up tremendously and I have answered every one of them. Many times I have to tell people to contact an Attorney or talk to the agency that issues permit/licenses. This is the first time in the 18+ years that I have been doing this that I felt a little overwhelmed. The plus side to feeling overwhelmed is that the vast majority of changes have been positive for us who carry firearms for Self Defense!

In late July Handgunlaw.us was responding sometimes with an “Over Bandwidth” page when people were trying to access the site. I am not a computer geek (Wish I were!) and this is the way I understand it as explained to me by Steve.

This was not caused by being over our allotted bandwidth. This was caused by a “denial of service” attack from two Servers. One in California and the other in Pennsylvania. This went on for a week before the issue could be tracked down and the IP addresses blocked. It was a sophisticated attack not just someone messing around. We hope this solves the problem. We doubled our bandwidth a few months back and we have plenty of bandwidth to serve all the legitimate visitors to the site. We do not know who was behind the attack we just know where it was coming from. The attackers were not in California or Pennsylvania. They were just using those servers. Steve and our ISP put in many hours working together tracking down and blocking the attack.

I can’t say, “Thank You” enough to those who have assisted me with the law changes. I could never do this by myself. Thank you!

www.handgunlaw.us has been updated to show the changes that have gone into effect as of today. Other changes will be added to the respective state pages on the date their new laws become effective.
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Arkansas Act 746 will also go into effect on August 15th. This act has defined "journey" in the state of Arkansas. If someone is outside of their home county they are considered to be on a journey and allowed to carry a weapon.

There is a second part of the Act that will probably end up before a judge before there is agreement on what it means. Many, including myself, think the act turns AR into a constitutional carry state. Below is the language of the Act.

"A person commits the offense of carrying a weapon if he or she possesses a handgun, knife, or club on or about his or her person, in a vehicle occupied by him or her, or otherwise readily available for use with a purpose to attempt to unlawfully employ the handgun, knife, or club as a weapon against a person."

In other words you are allowed to carry a weapon, unless you plan on breaking the law with it. There is much disagreement in the state on this and I would not advise anyone to carry concealed or open without a license unless they have the time and money for a court battle.
armedaccountant, I believe you are correct in your reading and I believe you are correct on it will take the courts to sort it all out. This will be interesting to watch. I also agree with you that I would not carry without a permit/license in Arkansas until they get it ironed out. I just wonder how long it will take them?
I stated that AL would issue a Vehicle Carry Permit Only to those who wished to carry in a vehicle. That item was stripped from the bill before it was sent to the governor.
Actually, the original bill did not provide for a Vehicle Carry Permit, but a Vehicle Transport Permit. Under the new law handguns can be transported in a vehicle without a state pistol permit (CCW). This is actually a change, as under the "old" laws it was techically illegal to transport a handgun without a state pistol permit, except from the dealer to your house or from your house to a gunsmith for service. I never heard of anyone actually being arrested or prosecuted for taking their handgun to the range, but the possibility was there.

Originally, they were going to issue a special lifetime "vehicle transport" permit so people could transport their handgun to places like the range or hunting location, but they ended up just striking the old state restrictions on transporting all together. AFAIK, state law is now more in line with federal transport law.
Well the change in transport is good for me since I am not eligible to get my CCW until the end of October since I am a new resident.
Starting August 1, 2013 Alabama will honor all other states permit/licenses and Alabama becomes a “Shall Issue” state. Alabama issued like a Shall Issue state but some Sheriffs were putting additional restrictions on the permit/licenses they issued. I was mainly hearing they restricted carry on the permit/license they issued in places that serve alcohol. They can no longer do that. Also their yearly permit/license can now be issued at the applicants request for 1 to 5 years.

Got my new permit today and on the back it says, "Your pistol license does not allow you to carry a pistol in any place that serves alcohol or while you are drinking or using any illegal drugs."

To the best of my knowledge there is no law that restricts carrying in a place that serves alcohol. I was also told the permit would be $10 a year but it was the normal for our county $20 a year, at least I don't have to worry with it again for 5 years even it did cost me a $100.
DeepSouth, Before the law change AL was May Issue. Sheriffs could put any additional restrictions on a permit/license they issued. Some put on them that the permit/license was not valid in a place that served alcohol. Now that AL is Shall Issue by law they can't do that anymore. There is no law in AL stating you can't carry in a place that serves alcohol.
DeepSouth, Is your Permit valid for more than one year? If so they can't put that on there. If it is only valid for one year they are going to tell you that your application came in before the new law. If the permit was issued 8/1/13 or later they can not legally put that restriction on it.

New Alabama Law that went into effect 8/1/13
13A-11-75 11 (c) States:
c. Except as otherwise provided by the laws of this
state, a permit issued under this subdivision is valid
throughout the state, and a sheriff may not place conditions
or requirements on the issuance of the permit or limit its
scope or applicability.
Yes valid for 5 years, expires 8/13/2018

I don't think it would matter but this is a renewal, my old permit expired last month, I just waited until after 8/1 to get it renewed.

I have not read the complete law and do not know for sure that they didn't slip in a state wide restriction on places that serve alcohol but if they did I have not heard about it.
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If the permit was issued 8/1/13 or later they can not legally put that restriction on it.
They also shouldn't be able to charge more than $10/year for the permit either, but it looks like they charged DeepSouth $20/year.
I was also told the permit would be $10 a year but it was the normal for our county $20 a year, at least I don't have to worry with it again for 5 years even it did cost me a $100.

Something I've found is that what AL law says and what AL Sheriff's do are not always the same. This is Alabama and the "good 'ol boy" network is always in effect. I fully expect a few sheriff's to have the attitude of "this is the way I'm gonna do it. If you don't like it, sue me."

I've got a few more months before my permit expires, so I'm going to try to wait and see if some of these things get fixed before I renew mine.
sheriff may charge a fee as provided by local law for the issuance of the permit under subdivision (1) of subsection (a). The amount of the fee for a period of one year up to five years shall be the amount of the fee as prescribed by local law multiplied by the number of years of the permit requested by the applicant.

The Bill that came out of the Senate did state $10 a year but it was stricken from the bill in Conference ad the above was put in. There is no set fee in AL Law for a permit.
Telekinesis, No Problem. I did the same thing. Every link put out by the RKBA's orgs I saw linked to the Senate Bill and not the bill that came out of the committee conference and was sent to the Governor. There were more changes in the conference committee than just the costs.
All these updates, esp. the OC changes, just highlights how far we have yet to go in Illinois! :eek: :banghead:

Thanks for the info!
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