Elderly Ala. man kills robber in his home

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Jul 13, 2009
Elderly Ala. man kills robber in his home
Associated Press

BREWTON, Ala. (AP) - Police say an elderly man shot and killed a
masked robber who broke into his Escambia County home.
Escambia County Sheriff Grover Smith says the man and his wife
were in bed early Tuesday morning when the suspect kicked in the
door of their home. Smith says the 81-year-old man got his pistol
from the bedside table and shot 35-year-old Jeremy Paul McCall in
the head.
Smith says McCall had been released from a Nebraska jail two
days before he was killed. It was not immediately clear why he was
in jail.
Smith says he doesn’t believe charges will be brought against
the elderly man, who he declined to identify. The sheriff says the
man “acted in self-defense.“
Please edit your post with a legal point you'd like to discuss. THR isn't a clearinghouse for stories in the media about firearms.
enough apparently.

its a deal like that that i wonder about how quickly you go from snooze to combat mode and there are no do overs. balance that with making sure you are safe to shoot and it could be a handful
He used a shotgun and it was a mess. I know someone that was there after it happened. One a side note, Grover is not perfectly pro-gun. Things like this are instructive as to how you will be treated if something like this were to happen to you. The sheriff has unbelievable power in Alabama.
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