Electronic proof of approved forms?


May 21, 2004
"Land of (dis)Enchantment"
I looked to see if this was answered elsewhere, but came up blank.

Background: I am new to the NFA world, having just received my approved Form 4 for a suppressor in a trust, and two approved tax-exempt Form 1's for former braced pistols/SBR's. All of my approvals came as pdf forms via email. I have printed these documents, laminated them, and have them stored in a binder in the safe with these firearms.

Question: Will having an electronic copy of my approvals and trust on my phone be sufficient to show to any curious authorities, or must I have a printed copy on my person while using them?
Question: Will having an electronic copy of my approvals and trust on my phone be sufficient to show to any curious authorities, or must I have a printed copy on my person while using them?
If those curious authorities find your photo or pdf of your NFA forms on your cell phone insufficient, they likely wouldn't be impressed with a paper copy either. (I keep mine on my cell phone)

99.9% of those asking to see your stamp are nitwit range Nazi's. I've been selling NFA firearms for over a decade, thousands of NFA firearms and not a single customer has told me that they've been asked by ATF/FBI or other federal agent to show their stamp. It's range Nazi's asking because they can. Their range, their rules.

No ATF regulation or federal law requires you to have a copy of your tax stamp with you when in possession of your NFA firearm. If you do have a federal agent ask for your form, you and yoou dont have it, he takes your NFA firearm......guess what? You can show him the form tomorrow and get it back. But that wont happen. Federal agents can verify the legality of your silencer or SBR with one quick phone call.

You have a better chance of being struck by lightening.

However, some states have laws requiring you to show proof of registration to local or state LE when asked. Texas used to but finally got rid of that silly requirement a few years ago.
However, some states have laws requiring you to show proof of registration to local or state LE when asked.
Indeed. Virginia and 6 other states (Maryland, Connecticut, Wisconsin, Arkansas, Montana, and South Dakota) have an atrocity known as the "Uniform Machine Gun Act." In Virginia, besides requiring state registration of machine guns, this law creates a presumption that when a machine gun is found off-premises, it's being possessed "for an offensive or aggressive purpose" (which is a Class 4 felony). This presumption can be rebutted, but nevertheless it's a trap for the unwary. If you have a machine gun in Virginia, you better keep the federal and state registration papers with it at all times.
Armed Attorneys on YouTube discussed whether you had to have your approved tax stamps on you. For example, if you go to a range and have a suppressor and an ATF agent requests your tax stamp, do you need to provide it?

Their answer was that you need to have your tax stamp on you and you do need to provide it if asked by law enforcement. They advised having a hard copy versus a photocopy to mitigate the possibility that a law enforcement officer might look at other stuff in your phone or say that because you showed your phone that they have probable cause to search your phone, possibly coming upon incriminating evidence.

While I suspect that the chance of law enforcement (especially the ATF) asking for your tax stamps is rare (most local police are unfamiliar with NFA laws and wouldn’t know an SBR from an AR pistol in my experience) and the possibility that law enforcement would attempt to look through your phone or that a court would agree that an officer had the authority to search and/or confiscate your phone is also low, I think that the Armed Attorneys’ advice is sound. Just keep a hard copy of your tax stamp, show it if asked, and go about your business.