Email your Senators about Illegal Immigration

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Feb 14, 2006
I found this website that makes it easy to find and send a message to the politicians that represent you. I have used it before for pro-RKBA issues such as right to carry laws, but it is good for a host of other topics.

I encourage you to write you’re Senators when important bills come forth and let your voice be heard. This web site makes it easy as 1-2-3.

Go to take action alerts. Pick a topic. You can then use a preformated letter or write your own to support or oppose a bill.
I told them that we get stronger every time an immigrant crossees the border, and that policies that make it easier to immigrate are what we need.
Thanks for the link, shooter. Here's what I just sent to my Senate-critters:

I oppose the proposed Senate immigration bill because it will do absolutely nothing to stop the flow of illegals into this country.
Think about it. Those employers who employ illegals do so because of the higher profit margin allowed by underpaying and not having to pay FICA. If we suddenly legalize all of those (illegal) folks, bringing them above board, do you think the employers will suddenly see the light of day and give up their excess profits? I sure don't. They will simply wait for the next wave of illegals to exploit.
So now we have 12-20 million folks who now can't find work because the (new) illegals are undercutting them. What then, unemployment and welfare for those 12-20 million folks? Who is going to pay for that? Not me, I'll see the entire Congress turned out on the street before that happens.
Closing the border, cutting off welfare (in all forms) to illegals, and deportation are the things this country needs right now, not pandering to a hoped-for new group of voters.
Good Jammer! I'm so proud of ya! This brew's for you...oops, I just dropped it.
I got both of my Senators, Arlen Specter, Cornyn, and Frist (twice).

I still have to get all three Nebraska Congressmen yet.
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