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Embarrassment - at the range ...

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Moderator Emeritus
Jan 3, 2003
South PA, and a bit West of center!
Had a long chat with a real old buddy tonight .. used to shoot together a lot. Of course, we reminisced ... severely!

Got on to the subject of funny things at the old club range .. and thus embarrassing moments. He related how on a compo day he chose to bring a whole box of homeloads ... with no powder in!!! (I well remember) He scored real bad initially until he had cleared stoppages and ''begged'' some ammo (useable stuff) from someone else.!:D

He then reminded me of my two (main) ''faux pas'' incidents. One was arriving for a full blown compo shoot ... with many, many visitors .... only to find as we set up for the shoot proper that I had not a single mag for any of my semi's ... and as the other guys needed theirs I was in a tight spot. Believe it or not .... one of the ''opposition'' guys loaned me some of his and so I got to compete. RED face time!! More so cos ... with borrowed mags, I whopped his a$$!:D :D

The other of mine was ..... hardly uncommon in fact, as others had done it .... shooting my whole course of fire on the wrong target! DUH!! Did not do a lot for the home team score!!!

What ''bloopers'' have you had ... where you'd have rather crawled into an empty shell case and hidden away for rest of the day!:p
I was trying to get the maximum out of my time for an event. The RO hesitated a bit in his cadence and I got a shot off just before he gave the fire command.

Pretty tough to cover something like that up...
Besides the no/wrong ammo...ahem...

Fresh paint on the steel poppers, very windy day, I'm first shooter up, man I'm shooting and scootin' and targets are falling...oops, no bullet marks on them two. Looked good for a bit -anyway...thanks to the wind.

[Preface, I can/have shot rabbits with handgun for sport. Never a problem with a rifle, shotgun, easy...however]

5 stand, I never miss the flying teal.Wabbits and I don't get along-at all. So on this stage its a double, consisting of bouncing wabbit + flying teal. I always go for the wabbit first, then the teal. Wabbit always bounces at the wrong time sooo, by golly gonna shoot it quicker before the bounce...oh I shot quick...so quick I shot the trap house...the wabbit hadn't quite cleared the house...oops...broke is broke tho'...right gang? :p
oh I shot quick...so quick I shot the trap house...the wabbit hadn't quit cleared the house...oops...broke is broke tho'...right gang?

LOL, high AND low 8 on the skeet field from low gun, pasted the trap houses and broke a half dozen targets still on the rack. Broke both called targets or I would have had painting detail for sure.
pulled a five on a slow fire target,,,

that was headed into the mid 90's,

quietly (i swear) said to myself, "well, there goes that target"

seems it disturbed one of the best shooters around even though he was 4 ports away and had his ears on, he made a bit of a public fuss about it...

i still can't believe he heard me,,,

needless to say, i was looking for the nearest empty shell casing to crawl into

actually, i think i was just his scapegoat reason for shooting a 289 instead of his usual 296,,,sheesh

now i gotta figure out how to stop talking to myself when i shoot,,,

Shooting winter trap this past year...

I'd been having fit problems with my O/U, and had tried swapping back to an auto my wife had been using. On a particularly cold night, with a gun I hadn't shot in a while, with frozen fingers in heavy gloves...

I raised the gun to my shoulder, aimed about a foot below the top edge of the trap house, eased my finger into the trigger guard...



I'd just managed to dump a full load of #7.5 shot into the corner of the house about a 1/2 second before calling for the bird.

The trapper graciously offered to let me reload and shoot the target. I declined, as I wanted that miss properly reflected. The next 24 broke just fine, but it was easily the most humiliating round I've ever shot.

that reminds me of bootcamp, during my nighttime extra training with .45 pistols,

i had finally shot a clean slowfire target (2 hands 50 ft) and for my timed fire the master chief handed me this stainless steel, pearl handled .45

i loaded it for timed fire, put it at bench rest and began to take up the "slack" in the trigger, standard procedure thus far.

no sooner do i touch the trigger and "BLAM" the thing goes off and ricochets one off the floor and into the ceiling...

can you say "hair trigger" ?

master chief says, "did you dry fire that gun before loading it?"

answer, "no, sir."


he did pretty much let me slide on it though, still, it was embarrassing...
Once I showed up at the range completely naked except for a Viking helmet and no one noticed...........

Then I woke up. Whew!! :D
Was going to shot the local IDPA match one Friday night. Running late grabbed the 226 and the mags and scooted out the door. Got to the range and found I had a 226 and 225 mags. That was a very bad match.
I hesitate to admit it.

At a self-serve range, I was sighting in my mossberg 590 with slugs on a bench at 0 degrees F. First 5 or 6 went ok, but then...boom, I slide off the stool and me and the mossy drop onto the ground (kept the muzzle downrange though).

The other 4 or 5 guys on the line just stopped and stared.....kinda hard to regain your dignity after that.
Another senior moment...

...showed up at range requesting night site installation.

...while you wait installation accomplished in about 5 minutes.

...I got checked in at the counter, opened bag, placed box of ammo' on shelf, withdrew gun from holster, racked slide, positioned piece on bench muzzle facing downrange, grip facing me, and prepared to load................................................................................................................no mag'!! :what:, :eek:, :banghead: , :(

...I always do an "I'm sure it's REALLY empty check" before loading into range bag...forgot to put the mag back in.

...the kind installer behind the counter let me borrow a mag from him, I put twenty down range in two strings with satisfactory results vis-a-vis the sight installation, and meekly returned the mag' to the gentleman with my thanks.

Thankfully I brought TWO that day,and was able to get in some good practice...extra practice with gun #2.

Shooting at an outdoor range. A few guys with a bunch of kids learning to shoot. I was the only girl. Requirements of the club is we must shoot at 50 ft. outdoors and in. Took my shot and hit the rope holding up all the targets -- everything fell and one of the guys had to get the targets set back up again -- thankfully he had rope and a hammer. Probably happened before but didn't ease my embarrassement -- the boys had a good chuckle at my expense...:eek: Needless to say I went through one box but not quite two. I was just too embarrassed and worried I'd hit the damn rope again...
Well, it wasn't a range, but I once shot my parents above ground pool. Excited at a varmint in the backyard, accidentally grabbed buckshot instead of #8's. One pellet flew wide. D'oh.
Uh, I was at the range practicing with my first pistol, a CZ 75 compact. My buddy also let me use his Browning High-Power so I could compare the two. After fifty or sixty rounds thru the CZ, I decide to let it cool a bit and pick up the High-Power. I load the mag and rack the slide. First shoot fires, then I get a FTF. So I reload the mag and fire off another round and get another FTF. I drop the mag again and ask my buddy, "Have you ever had FTF problems with your Browning?" He's all, "Huh? Let me see that. . . " I give him the Browning and as he grabs his mag, I say "Oh, here you go" and give him the partly loaded mag I was using. He stops, looks at the mag, looks at me, and says "That's the CZ mag!" Ooops! :eek: Well, at least now I know a CZ compact mag fits into a Browning High-Power mag well! :rolleyes:
Got Bambi with my first shot

In a Running Deer Match... Course of fire was 100yds offhand , any rifle, any caliber at a fullsized silhouette of a 6 point buck mounted on a 30yd rail on cams so it would 'bounce' along the track. The trick was to hit a "kill switch" wired to a baloon stapled over the heart/lung area of the target = pop the baloon, stop the target, you WIN!
Misses all over the place, my turn, I lead Bambi, track the bounce, fired on the downroll... And popped the baloon with a hit on the _berm_ that sprayed the target with a shower of gravel and enough red dust to call embarrasing attention to exactly _Where_ the bullet had hit! All the guys who had missed were laughing loud & long even more so when the powers that were running the match ruled that it was a legitimate hit.
I'd rather have missed and ben forgotten:eek:
That was a couple of years ago, and some clowns are still laughing every shoot I attend.:banghead: :rolleyes:
hope he doesn't read this board, but a friend of mine was with me at an indoor range, he hadn't got much sleep the night before. He loads a 3" magnum slug into his 870, puts the shillouette 35 yards downrange, takes the headshot and blows the entire freaking automatic target carrier off. Thank god the owner is a cool guy. Every time we go to the range i point out the f-ed up carrier in lane 14 :D
Many years ago, in a marraige far, far away....

My wife and I were getting ready for a cowboy shoot. I wanted to make sure the guns were sighted in and so forth. I had put together the ammo for her and my guns (.357 Magnum and .44-40) and needed to do a little practise and check the sights.

Arrived at range with all firearms... and no ammo.
I shot the ground (not just a zero) during the slowfire stage of standard pistol at the Collegiate National Championships. Everyone around me just kinda stopped and looked at me funny. In my defense, it was a whole 30 degrees in Atlanta that day and my finger was so numb from the cold that I couldn't feel how much pressure I had on the trigger.
Like others, I got off my shot before the RO said "fire." In this case, though, the RO was Massad Ayoob, and thirty-five of his students will probably never let me live that down.
I was shooting a combo chicken and running deer match open to all semi's but only AR's qualified to win.

It was 30 yards, 5 chicken plates on a sawhorse, and a running deer with a paper plate for the chest vitals and a paper dessert plate for the brain, timed for two crosses of the range of the deer.

The highest score was 12 at the time, and I had earned some cred with a score of 10, dropping the five chickens and placing five more into the deer's chest pie plate.

Then the next round when I was on deck, I went to the ready rack. My sling was caught in some other AR's and my buddy's M1 carbine he was going to shoot a string with, and I wound up pulling down about half the rifles on the rack. Doooh. :what:

Then when it was my turn, I was so embarrassed and rattled, I was having a horrid time dropping the chicken plates that I got tunnel vision and spent my entire mag trying to hit the fith chicken.

I finally dropped it and looked for the running deer, and when it didn't come by, even on it's second run, I realized it had allready crossed twice, and I had probably expended 10 rounds after my time was up. Double-Doooh...
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